Olivia and Lawrence in Ritual

Historic photo: Olivia and Lawrence at Well of Brigid

Historic photo: Olivia pours water into the Well of Brigid

Lawrence and Olivia during an interview about the Fellowship of Isis

in the dining room of the castle

Close up of Lawrence speaking during the interview

Olivia speaks about the Fellowship of Isis

Close up of Olivia

Lawrence in Dining Room

Lawrence and Olivia seat themselves at dining room table

Historic Photo: Olivia and Lawrence pose by High Altar

Lawrence at High Altar and Altar of Ngame

Lawrence Durdin-Robertson, John Matthews, Caitlin Matthews, and Olivia Robertson

Lawrence strikes the gong near temple entrance

Close up of Lawrence in the Main Sanctuary near High Altar

Olivia with her wand standing in front of High Altar

Lawrence watches as Olivia bestows a blessing

Olivia bestows blessing during an ordination

Lawrence and Olivia performing an ordination, Olivia

holds oil for anointing

Olivia, Lawrence and priestesses assembled for an ordination

Olivia bestowing a staff

Olivia at High Altar holding her wand, partly visible (left)

and her sistrum, right

After the candidates have been anointed and invested with stole,

crown and wand by Olivia, Lawrence announces his acceptance

of them into the priesthood of the Fellowship of Isis

and blesses them "In the Name of the Goddesses of the Pantheon"

First ordination of priestesses into the Fellowship of Isis

Historic Photo: Olivia and Lawrence in Main Sanctuary

Olivia and Lawrence outside the doors leading to the Chapel of Ishtar

from inside the Chapel of the Well

Olivia and Lawrence open doors to Chapel of Ishtar

from inside the Chapel of the Well

Lawrence and Olivia in the Chapel of Ishtar

Olivia and Lawrence in procession along the Avenue of Yew Trees

Olivia leads a procession down into the corridor that leads

to the interior entrance to the Temple of Isis

Olivia and Lawrence in procession from castle interior

to the Temple of Isis

Lawrence Durdin-Robertson in procession, holding his crook

Lawrence in procession to the Temple of Isis through the

interior of the castle

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(Photos supplied by Caroline Wise, John Merron, N. Drury, Loreon Vigne and Olivia Robertson. All photos used by permission. Please do not reproduce.)

* Historic Photos are scanned from newspaper clippings sent by Loreon Vigne