Fire: Chapel of Lakshmi

The Chapel of Lakshmi is dedicated to the element of fire. It is located in the northeastern area of the Temple of Isis. This chapel is also called the Chapel of Asia or the Hindu Chapel. Here is a beautiful shrine shared by Lakshmi and Kwan Yin. There is an altar to Tara and representations of Ganesh, Shiva and Parvati.

Shrine of Kwan Yin and Lakshmi

A later version of this shrine

Altar of Tara, with a painting of Red Tara on the doorway leading

out from the Chapel of Lakshmi to the Portico of Persephone

and the castle grounds.

Parvati and Shiva, Chapel of Lakshmi

Windows looking into the Chapel of Lakshmi near the Portico of Persephone

Photo taken through a window, the Shrine of Kwan Yin and Laskhmi, left. You can see the

set of wooden doors which lead into the Chapel of Lakshmi, with windows painted by Olivia Robertson.

Another view taken from outside, shot through the window. The doors are visible, left and a hanging which

depicts Lakshmi on the northwest wall of the chapel.

Door leading to Chapel of Lakshmi, with antique tile set in over the doorway.

Painting of Minoan Goddess by Olivia Robertson.

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(Photos supplied by Minette Quick, John Merron and M. Byrne. All photos used by permission. Please do not reproduce.)