Entry from Castle Exterior - Portico of Persephone and Garden Entrance

Entrance to Portico of Persephone, lower right.

Portico Entrance, note the antique tile above the entry way.

Entering the Portico of Persephone

Statue of Persephone

Close up of statue with moss and lichen.

Persephone and her new garden.

An ancient tile

Detail of the ancient tile pictured above

Another ancient tile, this one depicts Aquarius

Detail, ancient tile set above outside door to the Chapel of Lakshmi

Door leading from the Portico of Persephone

into the Chapel of Fire with the antique tile

featured in the photo above.

Entrance out into the garden seen from an interior window in the

Temple of Isis.

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(Photos supplied by Dennis Murphy of Logic Reality, Caroline Wise, Minette Quick, M. Byrnes, Renee Lundy, Olivia Robertson. All photos used by permission. Please do not reproduce.)