Neuroseeds Home

Sowing the Seeds of Neuroscience seeks to increase student interest and understanding of neuroscience through simple, safe lab investigations using plants and herbs. The Sowing the Seeds of Neuroscience project is a partnership between neuroscientists, teachers and students. We have developed hands-on laboratory activities for middle school students about neuroscience and medicinal plants. Learn more about Teaching Neuroscience in Middle School

Lesson Plans Available

Bloomin' Brains Camp

Summer Teacher Workshop

The Neuroseeds Lesson Plans are free and available for download.

Bloomin Brains Camp was held July 10th to the 14th, 2017.

Read about the Camp.

Teachers learn how to teach neuroscience using the Neuroseeds curriculum and kits.

Read about the Workshop.

Contact Info

We would love to hear about what is happening at your school! Send us an email!

The Sowing the Seeds of Neuroscience program was supported by an NIH Blueprint for Neuroscience Research award and administered by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (Grant number R25DA033011)