
Badgers are short-legged omnivores in the weasel family. They have short, fat bodies, with short, sturdy legs for digging and elongated weasel-like heads.

Badgers in Literature

Mr. Badger in Kenneth Grahame's children's classic Wind in the Willows (1908) is a gruff, solitary, loyal and wise figure, one of the main characters in the book.

Level: 1

(Campaign Animal)

Cost: 275,000 ZD

XP: 41

Rarity: 4

Popularity: 27,500

Popular with: Men

Enclosure: Grassland, Forest, Rock

Space: 6

Max herd size: 8

Breeding cost: 55,000

Breeding time: 10:50

Base success: 10%

Native to: Europe

Description: Badgers are short-legged omnivores in the weasel family. They have short, fat bodies, with short, sturdy legs for digging and elongated weasel-like heads.