World Religions

Welcome Back!

Aug : Please have your parents/guardians read and sign the class syllabus by next Friday and finish your list of 15 major events in your life. Finish the periodization of your life. Divide your life into 3 periods or stages, use ideas such as time, changes, place or themes to create your periods. For example, birth to age 5 "Freedom & Play" stage. Or birth to 7th grade as "the Age of Ignorance" and 8th grade to now as "the Age of Enlightenment". See document, "personal Timeline & Web Activity" linked at bottom for directions.We will do an activity with this list tomorrow. Also, you can add yourself to our class REMIND for text message reminders.

Aug & Sept: Finish the human spider web reflection in class (linked at bottom). For homework, please read the introduction in the Religions packet, page 31 and take notes.

Sep: In class today, we had a short reading quiz and for an activity we matched some images to world religions. If you were absent today, I handed out: World Religions Vocabulary list: You will need this! Read the packet pages Hinduism 40-42 for homework and take notes.

IF ABSENT: View Powerpoint from lesson. Ignore instructions for essay at end.


Sept We began our study of Hinduism today. Complete the vocabulary: polytheism, reincarnation, moksha, and caste. Homework: Read pages 43-44 (Buddhism) and Read pages 45-46 (Confucianism)

Sept : We covered Buddhism today. Please add the vocabulary terms Nirvana and 4 Noble Truths. We covered Confucianism today! Please add vocabulary terms ideology and Confucianism. Homework is to read your Judaism section in packet (pages 32-34) and Read pages 45-46 (Confucianism)

Sept :Overview of Confucianism and brief Introduction to Monotheistic Religions. Homework: Read Islam section in packet and take notes. (Pages 38-39) .

Sept : Today we began our Islam Inquiry Document activity. Please add the terms: Islam, Muslim, Muhammad, Koran, and 5 Pillars to vocab list. Homework: Read Judaism section in packet, if you haven't already and take notes. (Pages 32-34) .

Homework: Please read about Christianity section in packet (pages 35-37)

Sept Today we began our Christianity Historical Document activity. “How did Christianity survive and spread? For homework, Read the conclusion of the packet, "Impact of World Religions" pgs 47-49.

Vocabulary Quiz is next class; here are Vocabulary flash cards for our vocabulary test tomorrow. Thank Moriah (student) for making them and sharing them with us!

Sept : Vocabulary Quiz today. Paragraph with evidence today (Islam or Christianity) in class. Homework Finish any readings or DBQ from packet that you have not turned in.