Unit Three: Why Iraq? HOMEWORK

Theme: Information and Knowledge

Focus Questions: What information led us to war with Iraq? What information were we missing? What are the best ways to acquire knowledge? Knowing what we do now, what are our next steps and what are the implications for future involvements?

Concept Question: What is the function of information and knowledge in a democracy?

Assessment: Iraq Essay Test. See attachments

: Watch Obama’s speech respond to viewing questions and discussion. Link to text of the speech: , link to view the speech:

Link to NYT article on the speech

Homework: interview 3 people (one has to be over age 24) why they think we went to war in Iraq. Be prepared to share- so get it in writing for credit.

: Read article 1-4 on the Lessons Learned in the Iraq war. Answer questions and prepare to disucss. Intro to video “BUSH’s WAR”, begin reading in packet on Iraq background. Work on Study Guide questions. Copy available in Library for make-up viewing.

We will continue film “BUSH’s WAR” and continue movie notes. Homework, continue background Iraq history reading in packet and study guide.

: Rhetoric analysis of speeches, finish selection as homework as needed. Current Issues is due Friday.

Current issues due. 2003 State of the Union Rhetoric Analysis completed today.

: Read in your Iraq packet, part II pages 13-26. Complete the Study Guide.

: : Read in packet, pages 38-41 article: “A Crude Case for War?” by Steven Mufson from the Washington Post 2008 take notes around oil as a reason for the war in Iraq. Don’t forget to bring CIA #8 Friday. MLA Citation Examples

CIA #8 due today. Homework: Half of the class will read “Oil in Iraq: Heart of the Crisis” as a PRO (1) - arguing that the war in Iraq was about oil. The other half of the class will read “The US Did Not Invade Iraq to Control Its Oil Reserves” as the CON (2) or against the idea that we invaded Iraq for oil. Prepare to debate your side in class our next class day. (If you were absent, readboth and take notes). For more research to prepare for your debate check out these links!

MLA Citation Examples

th: Review your notes and your own stand on the rationale of “oil” for the Iraq War. ). For more research to prepare for your debate check out these links!

: If you were absent today, you missed the oil debate from class today. To make it up, you need to 1. List the Pro side and Con side main arguments with supporting evidence, 3. Write your own opinion if the war was about oil, and complete the notes on the article, pages 38-41: “A Crude Case for War?” by Steven Mufson for 20 points.

Date T.B.A Please read the last article in the packet, pg 42-44 “Over One Million Iraqi Deaths Caused by US Occupation”

activity is to write a “Found Poem”. Yo u will need to type & print it. For homework: Complete reading Part II and the Study Guide part II. We will have a seminar discussion, using these questions, in class small groups Thursday on the reading

Assigned Film Critique project

test today. See the attachment for prompt & rubric.

Go to Turn it in. com

period 2: class ID # 4510791

period 3: class ID # 4016341

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