Command Economy Car Factory

Command Economy Simulation Lesson: this is for the block day; you will be working on Communist Collectives. Written Reflection is attached. A command economy is one that is centrally planned, or controlled by the government, unlike a capitalist or free-market economy. Communist governments often have a command or communist economy. In China, the five-year plans, and the Great Leap Forward (including the collectives and the communes) are examples of a communist command economy.

If you were absent today you missed our communist Command Economy car factory. Read textbook, pgs 862-865, take notes explaining what the goals of the communists were and what policies they enacted (in particular, pay attention to the communes and collectives in the text). Make up is to listen to the podcast below, and write a one page first person narrative explaining what living in communist China would be like.

Listen to #337: The Secret Document that Transformed China from Planet Money in Podcasts.