U.S Government & Election 2016

Unit Four: US Government & Election 2016

Theme: Civics, Engagement and Participation

Focus Questions: What are the political platforms of major candidates? What are the major issues and how do they affect the American public?

Concept Questions: Where do we find the balance between individual and common good?

Film: TBD

Assessments: Formal Debate and/or Audience, GOVERNMENT 2016 TEST

Link to Balance the Budget simulation

Link to Political Ideology Assignment, link to Government Vocabulary flashcardsSept 26: Current Events Presentations Today we started our new unit and focused on the millennial generation's low voter turnout and civic engagement. We also discussed the long-term effects of decreasing civic education across our nation. New Seats, new packets

Read Rampell’s article and then answer the following questions:

1.Do you think Rampell gives a fair representation of the millennial generation in the article’s introduction? Why or why not?

2.Discuss why you trust or don’t trust the authority figures listed in the article (Congress, the president, Supreme Court, the media, Wall Street, etc)

3. Do you think the democratic process has been rejecting the millennial generation? Why or Why not?


Why do you think civic education is disappearing across our nation? How could this impact our nation as time goes on?

Homework: page 17 in new packet, read “Millennial Makeover” article, do you think your generation is in fact “united across gender and race in their desire to find ‘win win’ solutions to America’s problems? Explain your reasoning.

What kind of changes do you think your generation will demand of American institutions to accommodate its beliefs and values?

Sept 27: We watched the Presidential Debate today. Homework: Read 7 Things to Know about Political Polarization Packet page 18-19, and Read “Inspiring a Next Generation of Voters” and identify the explanation you think best accounts for young people not voting. Packet page 16.

Sept 28 & 29:

In class we explored political polarization and discussed some of the possible effects of polarization in our nation and class. Begin lesson with this video which gives a recap of the reading (2 min):


Political Ideology: Democrat or Republican? Liberal or Conservative? Where do you stand?

Complete the survey Unique Link: http://www.people-press.org/quiz/political-typology/group/c0c75138

Unique Results: http://www.people-press.org/quiz/political-typology/results/group/c0c75138

Your Organization: Sehome

Answer the following on today’s exit slip:

Where do you stand? What is your group’s typology? How well did your typology match your expectations? Read the descriptions of the groups profiles and compare them on the issues. http://www.people-press.org/2014/06/26/the-political-typology-beyond-red-vs-blue/ What did you find?

Now, want to know where the candidates stand and how closely you compare to them?


Be sure to rank your level of importance, as well as see “other stances” on the question choices. Also drop down for “answer more….questions”

en espanol



Interview your parents on where they stand on any three issues. Write it down. Compare your beliefs; are they similar or different? Why?

Homework is to finish any of the activities and reflection not completed in class, including reading pg 16, 17, and 18 in the packet.

Sept 30: Speaker today, Stephanie Lewis Juvenile Justice

Homework: Online Current Events Posts and Presentations for assigned people.

Oct 3: Current Events Presentations. Lesson 1 Objectives: Students will identify arguments for and against various voter registration laws. Announce Voter registration drive this week. Read Editorial, “Left Turn” pg 1 in packet. Take Kahoot.it survey (6 questions) Watch John Oliver on voting (16 minutes) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHFOwlMCdto

Homework read one of the debate articles PRO or CON Page 10 or 8 in packet

Oct 4: Read the Bill of Rights in Action: The voting Rights Act of 1965 and the US Supreme Court and Complete the Discussion (& writing) Questions then do the 3 person role play re-enacting Shelby County v. Holder

Oct 4 & 5: Block Day: Debate the Pro/Con of voter registration laws, Voter Registration Drive today.

Oct 6: Finished the Voter Registration debate today. Ran out of time for powerpoint lecture on “Who Votes”. Homework is to Read the Editorial, packet, page 12-13. Do your online current events post.

Oct 10: Current events presentations/discussion, We watched the debate today.

Oct 11: Gun Rights/ Gun Control today, read attached article, "Gun Policies". In class, we discussed 1st Amendment and did a Kahoot survey on gun policies. If you were absent, please turn in your 3 top choices to debate.

Oct 12 & 13: Today was CIVIC ACTION DAY! We made posters or electronic promotions for various civic and community events. Homework: Start researching your topic for the debate. Don't forget to post to Slack!

1. Ted talk video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Knz100ldLM

2. Journal write, choose one: A. What activities in your community or what civic activity could you imagine yourself doing? (volunteering, letter or email writing, attending a meeting, public protesting...) B. What especially can young people do and offer, to make a difference and effect positive change?”

3. Make a publicity campaign/ poster or internet slide: for one of the election propositions, an election forum, debate meeting, a local zoning announcement; OR choose one of the amendments from the Constitution of Bill of Rights

The purpose of the poster is to promote and encourage people to get actively involved in a civic or political issue or event. Think of this as an “ad campaign” selling the idea of civic engagement.

Poster Requirements:

Slogan- 5pts

Image- 5pts

Time/date/location/contact information- 5pts

Concise and interesting description of the event; Creative/Effective “ad”- 10pts

Total: 25 pts

25 pts- All criteria are met, and poster communicates the message well both visually and in writing. It is interesting and attention-grabbing in a positive way.

20 pts- All criteria are met, and poster communicates message well both visually and in writing. It is interesting.

15 pts- Most criteria are met, and poster communicates message well, and either visual or written impact is lacking.

IF you were absent, make up is to create an on-line flyer about one of the ballot measures or elections.

NO School Friday, teacher work day!


10/17 Current events presentations. Monday, we will finish our Civic Action posters and present. Homework, not finished in class is to read "Direct Democracy" hand out and study the vocabulary.

10/18:Our focus today was direct democracy practices within Washington State. We went over initiatives, referenda, and recall and read an excerpt from "Direct Democracy" to explore some pros and cons of these methods. Next, students prioritized issues they care about Study Vocabulary and start research for your debate.

TBD: Today we are focusing on campaign financing in the United States. We will cover the Citizens United court ruling and the implications on our campaign finance system. Video covering Citizen's United court ruling:

Website used in class for viewing current candidates campaign finance statistics:


Homework: Use the websites below to: Compare and contrast two candidate’s campaign financing for the election

Answer: 1) What could be some implications or consequences of their campaign financing?

2) Is your vote influenced by how a candidate finances his/her campaign and why?



10/19 SUPER WEDNESDAY testing. Come watch the debate at Barkley Regal Cinema tonight at 6pm

10/20 & 10/21: In the computer lab to prepare for debates. Research Research Research

Start debates. Everyone should be prepared to go Monday unless you have been absent for all/most of our prep days in the lab. Homework: Online Current Events posts over weekend and any alterations you want to make for debate prep.

OCT 25: Vocabulary Test today. Here are Emma's flashcards, they match our class ones:

Vocabulary Test today. Here are definitions in Quizlet if you want to use as a starting point to study. https://quizlet.com/161077895/government-and-election-2016-vocabulary-flash-cards/

Here are Jack's https://quizlet.com/162672267/u-s-government-and-election-2016-unit-vocabulary-list-flash-cards/

Oct 24-31 we finished Debates. There is no new homework other than being prepared for your debate and posting on SLACK.

You can Ignore all of this.... TBD

: Today we focused on gun control policies and issues. We began to go through Connecticut's legislation regarding gun control/gun violence. This legislation went through after the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary school. Homework is to finish going through the provisions (10) in this legislation. For each provision, state in the marigns whether you would support or not support (yay or nay) and WHY!

Today we studied legalization of marijuana as a case study for federalism. We examined both sides of the federalism debate: states rights/powers vs national powers. If you were absent, see me for articles you need to read.

Homework: Online current events posts: Today we covered how ISIS came to exit and rise in power in Iraq and Syria. If absent, watch the first 16 minutes of http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/rise-of-isis/

and use this interactive map (you need to scroll down) to understand the tensions between Sunni and Shia populations.


Homework: Read the following article: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-26116868

and answer the following questions: How has the civil war in Syria contributed to ISIS’s rise? If you were a Syrian citizen, would you flee the country or stay and why?

We finished watching film on the rise of ISIS and read the following article.


If absent, you are still responsible for reading the above article, ,watching this 50 min video on the rise of ISIS and answering questions on worksheet that is attached at the bottom on this page. This is worth 10 points.

Film: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/rise-of-isis/

Homework: Online Current Events Post

Today we discussed the concept of a revenue-neutral carbon tax and weighed the pros and cons of such a tax being implemented in Washington State. No homework.

Today we focused on climate change and the COP21 being held currently in Paris. If absent, read this article: http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2015/jun/02/everything-you-need-to-know-about-the-paris-climate-summit-and-un-talks

and complete handout Climate Change Key Issues attached at bottom of this page.

Homework: Calculate your footprint:


What was your footprint?

Were you surprised by your footprint?

What are some ways you could reduce your footprint?

Today we focused on the migrant crisis occurring due to the civil war in Syria. If absent, go through Syria powerpoint , watching videos, reflecting on questions, etc. There are two articles you will need to read- pick up hard copies from class.


and candidate qualifiers. We then completed a Whatcom county ballot using a voter pamphlet.

Homework: Research guest speaker for your period and come up with three questions to ask the speaker. You will turn in these questions at the end of the period Friday.

Today we focused on State Government and Budget. If you were absent, please pick up the packet we read to prepare for our Future's Wheel discussion on Initiative 1351

: Futures Wheel Discussion on Initiative 1351. In small groups, students will generate solutions for the initiative's lack of funding. Groups will predict consequences of their solutions and analyze which solutions/effects are the most probable and desirable.If absent, use your budget packet to think of a solution for the lack of funding for Initiative 1351. Write about your solution and predict the consequences and effects of your solution (positive, negative, desirable, probable, etc). Homework: Read 6-8 of 10 Things to know about Washington.

Voter Fraud?

posted Oct 15, 2012, 8:31 AM by Shannon CareyEubank

"UFO Sightings Are More Common Than Voter Fraud"


(Edit post) | Attachments: Mother Jones UFO Handout.docx

Unit Two: Civic Engagement and Participation

posted Oct 10, 2012, 7:59 AM by Shannon CareyEubank [ updated Oct 10, 2012, 8:01 AM ]

Focus Questions: How does our government work? How can we be conscientious

consumers of media so that we are informed, active participants?

Concept Questions: What are your rights and your responsibilities as a citizen?

Case Study: Election

Assessments: Voter Registration Drive, Formal Debate and/or Audience

WEB Quest: open the document below, WebQuest Questions. Due at the end of period. Homework:

Read the article, "Winning the Vote".

Vocabulary Test is Friday.

(Edit post) | Attachments: Unit 2 Vocab v03 Final with defns.docx WebQuest Questions.doc Winning the Vote Article.docx

We continued the lectures. Write your multiple choice question. debate sign-ups (see linked document)

: Today we acted as members of Congress and voted to approve or deny certain policy measures for the federal budget. http://www.concordcoalition.org/principles-and-prioritiesdebt-busters-downloads Open the 53 page document for descriptons of budget items.and then focusing on the impact of student debt. If absent, watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPcSYrPx3Ao'

and read the following article: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/11/04/college-cost-benefit_n_6057262.html

: Homework is to read and annotate "A Generation Hobbled By The Soaring Cost of College". In preparation for the Socratic Seminar, come up with questions you want to ask in the margins of the article.

Link to article:


Additional resource on loans: http://www.nytimes.com/ref/timestopics/topics_studentloans.html

: Today we studied how student loans/debt are impacting the U.S economy. If absent please read http://www.businessinsider.com/3-charts-explain-the-effect-of-student-loans-on-the-economy-2015-5 and annotate in preparation for the seminar. Also, watch the following videos:



Homework is to finish reading and annotating "A Generation Hobbled By The Soaring Cost of College" in preparation for the socratic seminar. You will need to come up with at least three questions you want to ask during the seminar. Remember, you will be turning in the article as proof that you read and engaged with the text.

Link to article:


: Socratic Seminar on student debt and tuition costs.

Homework: Post online for current events and prepare for current events presentations

: review the lecture and power points on 3 branches. Write a multiple choice question for each. They were too big for me to add to the website for make up, so see me to e-mail them to you or you can copy a back up article.