Teens, Quarantined: A Day in the Life

Post date: May 9, 2020 4:06:54 AM

Hey amazing artists! YOU have the opportunity to create art which will be featured in Metro Nashville Public Schools' VIRTUAL ART EXHIBITION!


1.Go through photos you have taken during your time quarantined at home. Look through these photos and choose some that, you feel, best represent your time and mood during this time.

2.Think over the time you’ve spent at home. What did your schedule typically look like? What sorts of things have filled up your day?

3.What things do you most miss about your normal schedule? What do you look forward to once restrictions are ended?

4.Using these questions to brainstorm, gather supplies and create a collage of images and thoughts that show a day in your life.

5.ANY SUPPLIES can be used! Art supplies or items in your home!

MAKE YOUR ASSIGNMENT! Create a COLLAGE with any types of materials which represents a typical day in your life as a teen sheltered at home for safety during this COVID-19 event.

SUBMIT your thought questions and a picture of your collage to the SCHOOLOGY account: MNPS.schoology.com by TUESDAY, MAY 12

CHECK THE MNPS WEBSITE AND SOCIAL MEDIA! Beginning on FRIDAY, May 15th, MNPS will be featuring your works in a virtual art exhibit!