RECIPE for Hot Fudge PB Cream Cheese Pie

Post date: Apr 14, 2012 8:02:32 PM

At the risk of having to rename my site, "Mrs. Ottinger's Art Classes and Other Stuff, here's the story:

I repinned this recipe from a stranger's Pinterest. I did it 'cause the recipe looked GOOD! WARNING: Do not pin stuff til you've actually clicked on the link! Cause when I went to the link to actually get the ingredients, I saw so many bad words and other garbage that I knew I had to pull the recipe and link to it elsewhere! SO HERE IT IS:


For the pie:

1 chocolate graham cracker crust

1 cup peanut butter

1 package (8 ounces) cream cheese, room temperature

1 tub (12 ounces) Cool Whip, divided

1 jar (11.75 ounces) hot fudge topping, divided

½ cup sugar

For the topping:

2 tablespoons hot fudge

2 tablespoons peanut butter


• In large bowl, beat peanut butter, cream cheese, and sugar until creamy. Fold in 3 cups Cool Whip. Spoon mixture into crust and smooth to edges.

• Remove 2 tablespoons hot fudge from jar and reserve in zip-loc plastic baggie for later. Heat remaining hot fudge according to package directions. Spread on top of peanut butter layer. Refrigerate pie until serving time.

• At serving time, carefully spread remaining Cool Whip on top of pie.

• Knead hot fudge in baggie with hands; cut tiny hole in corner of baggie and pipe over pie. Repeat with 2 tablespoons peanut butter and pipe on pie in opposite direction.

• Serve. If that isn’t making love to your tastebuds, I don’t know what is.