For Sept 21, 2018

Post date: Sep 21, 2018 7:43:20 AM


Together with your group, you should iron out any kinks in the current vision and mission. You should be of one mind in terms of the REASON to make a shirt! Then, you should BRAINSTORM INDIVIDUALLY their shirt designs.

MISSION STATEMENT and LOGO will be presented in class Monday and Tuesday

PORTFOLIO CREATION: Next week you will be working on STEP II of the process for your first piece. This is your BRAINSTORM TIME. Going through your journal entry, use two to four pages of your sketchbook to brainstorm how you might VISUALLY represent some of the ideas you presented in your journal entry. This is due Sept 27-28.


Continue with your “Product Rebranding” assignments today. The worksheets are in the cabinet to the LEFT of the door

If you're stuck or confused, we are talking about products whose packaging is out of date, either because of ethical, cultural, race, or gender issues which may be present in the packaging.


They MUST work on their two page journal entries (due Monday) and fill out your EXISTING schedule (how you, at this time, are ACTUALLY spending your day – EVERY SINGLE HOUR!!!)


Students should complete their own MOTIFS and sketchbook #7. Motifs are in the cabinet to the left of the doors.