Gelatin Prints, Linocut, and Drypoint

Post date: Nov 14, 2012 2:24:24 AM

CRHS Printmaking students are learning several new art techniques this year. Monotype was taught first, as a way to teach the importance of reverse-image as well as other important terms and processes.

Gelatin plates were used to create beautiful monotype prints. Students then collaged and used a variety of mixed-media techniques to complete their monotype assignment.

Linoleum cutting was created next. The students had a choice of two topics: "Monster Madness" or "A Simple Pleasure." Students were graded on the successful pulling of a one-color print, two-color reduction, and a chine collie print.

Next, intaglio techniques were learned with the creation of a drypoint etching on plexiglass. Students were tasked with the creation of a piece based on a childhood story. As always, only original artwork is acceptable at CRHS!