Art Survey 9th Grade - BALANCE lesson

Post date: Sep 13, 2016 3:23:10 PM

September kicked off by getting in deeper with what creatives have the power to do - influence the public by what we see!

the elements of art and principles of design are a great basic way to understand why we make the purchasing choices we make, watch the shows we watch, and navigate through our daily lives by visual cues (ever followed the colored tiles in a hospital or waited at a red light?)

We are starting with the BASICS of composition, including the RULE OF THIRDS, FOCAL POINT, SPACE, and SYMMETRICAL versus ASYMMETRICAL balance!

Here is a great link that describes balance:

Students are also learning how to use water-based paint and india ink to create a simple composition that uses balance, space, and focal point.

Look for their projects in the Ridge hallways soon!