
Matlab is just as at home with sounds as images. Here is a minimal example. To find out how this works you can read this►


% this is a minimal example of 
% of digital filtering using MATLAB
% ---
% we are going to create a mixture of
% two sounds and filter one of them out
% ---
% first lets state the basics for this
% example

fs = 16000;         % sample rate for sounds
fHz1 = 220;         % 220Hz is a low sound
fHz2 = fHz1*2^3;    % three octaves higher 

% first make a 1 second sound that  
% consists of a mixture of a high note
% and a low note

low_note = cos([1:fs]*2*pi*fHz1/fs);
high_note = cos([1:fs]*2*pi*fHz2/fs);
two_notes = (low_note + high_note);

% design and apply a filter to
% remove the high note

[b a] = butter(1, [0.01 0.1]);
two_notes_filtered = filter(b,a,two_notes);

% join the filtered and unfiltered versions
% together and listen to the result one second
% of un-filtered followed by one second of
% filtered
soundsc([two_notes two_notes_filtered],fs);

% draw the spectrograms
specgram([two_notes two_notes_filtered]);