

We are now going to create a few functions.

To make the first example easy I supply the text for you to copy and paste below. Select

File -> New -> M File 

to create a blank page and paste in this text:

function cost_to_destination = mypetrolcost(distance_to_destination)
% this is the function equivalent of the 
% calculation we explored in matlab_03
cost_per_litre = 1.1;
miles_per_litre = 5;
cost_to_destination  = distance_to_destination  / miles_per_litre * cost_per_litre;

Save the file and give it *exactly the same name as the function*! This file must be called mypetrolcost.m or there will be loads of problems later.

Your function can now be executed from the command line like this:

>> mypetrolcost(100)
ans =

Notice that by creating and saving a function we have extended the language of Matlab - we have used Matlab to write a new capability for Matlab.

Here is another example we have seen from an earlier exercise.

To make this easy I also supply the text for you to copy and paste below. Select

File -> New -> M File 

to create a blank page and paste in this text:

function r = mygraph(x)
y_1 = x.*x;        % this gives us x squared
y_2 = x.*x.*x;     % this gives us x cubed
plot(x,y_1,'r');   % plot the x squared graph
hold on;           % hold the plot for a second line
plot(x,y_2,'g');   % plot x cubed
% some extra things added to the graph
xlabel('x values');
ylabel('y values');
title('my first graph')
legend({'x^2' 'x^3'});
grid on;

Save the file and give it *exactly the same name as the function*! This file must be called mygraph.m

Your function can now be executed from the command line like this:

>> mygraph(100:1:200)