About Me

I have kept and exhibited Fife canaries for over 13 years breeding over 1,000 birds in that time. I have shown at numerous specialist shows throughout the UK and in spring 2010 was accepted by the Fife Federation as a panel judge. At the 2012 AGM i was appointed to the position of General Secretary for the North West Fife Fancy Canary Club, my local specialist club where i've been a member for the past 13 years.

Like many bird keepers my interest started as a youngster - unbeknown to me at the time my grandfather and great grandfather kept and exhibited budgerigars (so I guess it's in the blood!) - my first foray into bird keeping consisted of a couple of outdoor flights with a mix of birds. As with many my interest in the feathered variety waned and it was only when I settled down with my own family that my interest was reignited.

Having decided to set up with canaries I scoured the net and took up a subscription to Cage & Aviary Birds . My initial intention was to develop a small stud of exhibition Glosters (and indeed I have owned, bred, exhibited and parted company with them in the last 13years) having remembered them with affection from a Saturday job in a local pet shop.

However following a visit to the North West Fife Canary Club show in the October of 2001 and picking up a copy of Terry Kellys book "The Fife Canary" my first acquisition were Fifes -

Terry Kellys book "The Fife Canary" a great companion when I was starting out

Me in judging action at the 64th Bologna Show in Italy

Since then I haven't looked back exhibiting at the leading Fife shows across the country with a stud of Fifes based almost exclusively on arguably the countries most successful and consistent breeder, Gerald Spencer, of Darfield, Barnsley.

Over the last decade on the show bench i've enjoyed my fair share of success, you can see the main awards won by my stud here