New Shed Jan/Feb 2013

Well it feels like its been a long time in the making and the site has been pretty quiet over the last couple of months and hopefully those of you who are regulars to the site will now understand why!

The new shed, bespoke built 10 * 8 ft with 7ft high interior walls (to an 8ft 6 Apex pitch) was delivered the second week in January, insulated and lined its been a pretty big project to manage in addition to a very busy time in work. Thankfully my other half Liz (who makes a mean bacon buttie) played a blinder with various sparks and joiners and after more gallons of paint than i care to remember (and some pretty late nights) i'm also indebted to Tommy, who played a blinder throughout and is proper handy with a spirit level and table saw!. The birds were finally moved in to their new home last weekend (16 Feb).

Its the first time in 12 years of keeping Fifes i've had a purpose built room and i have to say its been worth the wait. It has a total of 66 cages in it, 30 16 *10, 36 14 *10. I've invested in a Sun 5 dimmer from superior birdroom, new perches, new portex feeders, new drinkers - in fact its fair to say i've done things exactly as i'd want to. Of course although the birds are in (and coming in to condition nicely) theres one or two bits still to finish off, which i hope to do over the coming weeks.

not sure about the frilly bits!, but proper solid structure with plenty of natural light and 7ft high internal walls to take 6 rows of cages

The guys (who i'd spent a number of months doing drawings with) finishing off the roof prior to lining

The first of what felt like a dozen (3 actually!) coats of paint on the new cage block

My old (well 2 years old) block of 16 *10 cages in situ in the new shed

The new cage block (built in) starting to take shape

All of the internal shelves now in place and the fiddly bits of sorting the fronts

The 30 cage block on the back wall mid painting (i hate painting cages!) trade gloss and a roller but still took an age to finish off

Tommy (who built these cages) has far more patience than i do, he used 6mm dowling to keep the base to the fronts in place

The block of 30 14 *10 cages complete.....well except for the painting!

The final piece in the jigsaw, a block 6 high of 14 inch cages completing the L

All painted and new floor covering down, finally looks like a proper birdroom

Perches in, goldchip down, feeders on, just waiting for the birds!

.....and finally the birds in their new home - roll on the breeding season!