February 2014

Tuesday 11 February.

Its been a fair while since the diary pages have been updated. I just don't know where the weeks go anymore! Preparation for the new season is well underway, in fact for the first time I can remember I'm so organised I've even got my rings for this years young!.

The cocks are all now singled off, although the hens will remain in their flights cages for a while longer yet. I've 17 cocks this year and plan to run 9 trios and 8 straight pairs. I've some really nice birds this year having had another good year on the show bench. Couple of acquisitions from Gerald to strengthen a specific line of birds so looking forward to seeing what they produce.

The show season seemed to go with a blur last year, had several enjoyable judging engagements and was pleased with the overall performance of the birds. I've had a few first and Seconds in the same class at big specialist shows this year and once again a fair run of colour specials. particularly pleased with my Self green birds, I carded in every class in every specialist show last year and one the Green colour special on two separate occasions with different birds. Competed again in the variegated classes, winning the buff cock class at the North of England, Midland and North Staff and South Cheshire Specialist shows and really pleased with my allied to white birds, 2nd in the Cock and Hen blue self classes at the north of England, but also taking the best Allied to white special and second best champion in show at my own club the North West. My Clear birds did ok, most notable was a buff cock that was second in a big class at North Wales, but more work to do with them. Although not the greatest videos my special winning blue hen and self green cock are below