Seed & Feeding


There are a variety of seed mixtures available on the market, generally referred to as plain canary or mixed canary. I use a mixed canary, manufactured by the Manor Farm granaries, which i purchase in 20 kg sacks from a local supplier. I find this mix clean, with a good balance of canary seed hemp and rape and no dried egg. This is available to the birds all year round, although in the show season I will mix 1 part mixed canary to two part plain canary to ensure that the birds don't gain too much excess weight.

In addition to the staple diet of canary seed I offer my birds conditioning seed at various times of the year, inparticular in advance of canary breeding season, I use a mixture of Haiths Kraker tonic and Manor farm conditioning seed. I also feed this mix to the weaned young.

Grit, Charcoal & Cuttlefish

Key to the health and well being of any stud is a constant availability of grit, I also provide granulated charcoal and cuttlefish all year round, and additional supplies of all in the run up and throughout the breeding season to help with egg formation.

Vitamins and Minerals

There has been an influx of vitamins, minerals and general bird health care products on the market in recent years. Knowing what to use is difficult to even the most experienced birdkeeper as the majority of products require consistent use over a period of time, and even then the benefits can be difficult to see. I always ensure I have three supplements in the birdroom, Daily Essentials 1 a product from the birdcare company, which is a multivit and probiotic, Guardian Angel, again from the birdcare company and used for the treatment of sick birds and final Aviforms calcivit, a calcium and vitamin supplement, given in the water once a week and more often in the breeding season.

Egg food, fed to the fifes before and during the breeding season

Cuttlefish and oystershell grit, an essential in the feeding mix

Manor Farm Mixed canary, the staple diet of birds in my shed

Egg Food

There are a number of different egg food mixtures on the market, my own preference is to blend a couple of the well known mixes to make my own mixture. I use Orlux and Quiko with a springling of Versele-laga Nutribird A1 hand rearing powder. This mix is made up with grated carrot and brocoli stalk, a method i got from Terry Kellys books and videos.

I feed this mix to the cocks and hens once or twice a week in the run-up to the breeding season, then twice daily throughout the breeding season when young are in the nest, through to the first week in September.


I offer a vairied mix of greenfood throughout the year, in the winter months broccoli, savoy cabbage and curly kale are offered twice a week. In the run up to the breeding season halved satsumas are devoured by the fifes, with apple also a favourite. Throughout the breeding season baby spinach, broccoli and water cress are readily available, alongside chickweed and dandelion (be sure that you have a clean supply of this and wash thouroughly before offering it to your birds)