Getting Started

Keeping a stud of Fife canaries is an enjoyable and very rewarding hobby - working as I do - I find the time spent in the bird-room (particularly in the breeding season) to be a great release from the day to day office issues. However managing a stud of canaries requires a great deal of commitment and is not to be embarked on lightly.

Before starting out you need to consider that the birds require all year round attention - 7 days a week, 365 days a year - Christmas Day, New Years day, Birthdays, when you're on holidays - and they need you / a family member or friend to give them that attention.

Depending on the size of you stud this may only take an hour or so each day to wash the drinkers, provide fresh water and ensuring the seed hoppers are full with clean fresh seed and that the birds are in good health. And once a week to undertake a thorough cage clean . Remember at different times of the year the time spent will increase, with the breeding season one of the busiest times, I can regularly spend up to 4 hours each day in the bird room during the breeding season from April to July.

Part of the purpose of this site is to encourage more people into the fancy - however keeping a stud of canaries is a big commitment and one not to be entered into lightly.