
Official webpage of this course at the University of São Paulo. (in Portuguese)

Classes: Tuesday 16:00 - 18:00

Friday 14:00 - 16:00

Room 268 Bloco A

This is an introductory course, we will try cover the following topics:

Evaluation: Homework's + (2 interviews about the classes and homework's) + (presentation of an article or topic).

Survey articles written by graduate students:

Pages of some Mathematical physicists where you can find more material related to this course:

Stefan Adams

Marek Biskup

Thierry Bodineau

Anton Bovier

David Brydges

Leandro Cioletti

Hugo Duminil-Copin

Willian Faris

Roberto Fernández

Sacha Friedli

Giovanni Gallavotti

Hans-Otto Georgii

Alessandro Giuliani

Francesco Guerra

Robert B. Israel

Roman Kotecký

Joel Lebowitz

Tetyana Pasurek

Charles-Edouard Pfister

Errico Presutti

Aldo Procacci

David Ruelle

Barry Simon

Stanislav Smirnov (Fields Medal 2010)

Hugo Touchette

Daniel Ueltschi

Aernout C. D. van Enter

Yvan Velenik