
Here you will find some pictures of places and people that I had the pleasure to know.

If you are young and are trying to decide if you will follow the academic career, maybe the photos help you take the decision. 


With Alexandre Ribeiro (former Master student), Bárbara Seelig Pogorelsky (UFRGS) (in the computer) and Vitor de Oliveira Ferreira (IME-USP).

Fake gift

Real Gift

Visiting the Universidad Andrés Bello - Santiago - Chile - April - 2014

-,  Ferrán Valdez, - , - , Daniel Coronel and me.


Probability in Dynamics at IM-UFRJ - Rio de Janeiro - May 2014


Jairo Mengue, Marcelo Sobottka, Me and Artur Lopes.

II Brazilian School of Dynamical Systems - São Carlos - November 2012


Me, Jean Pech, Adriana Neumann, Joana Mohr, Jairo Mengue (behind Rafael) and Rafael Rigão.

      UFRGS - Porto Alegre - July 2012


                   Maurício Peixoto, Marilda Sotomayor, Jorge Sotomayor and me on occasion of Jorge Sotomayor's 70 birthday conference at IME USP. (June 2012)


Rome - Italy

                    Dipartimento di Fisica, Roma La Sapienza


Montréal - June - 2012

                                        Slovenien -May - 2012

 ICTP - Trieste - ITALY. May - 2012

Me and Marcio Gouveia - Croatia - May 2012

My Presentation at ICTP in the ESF School and Conference in Dynamical Systems.

In the Photo: Me and the Chairman Jean-Christophe Yoccoz

May  2012  - Trieste - ITALY.

                                                                                        Letter from Abdus Salam to Paul Dirac - ICTP 

May  2012  - Trieste - ITALY.



Rodrigo Bissacot e Roberto Vila Gabriel (UNB), February 2012 IME USP.


Turma do curso de Verão (meio do curso) - Introdução à Teoria das Medidas de Gibbs - dentro do Programa Especial de Sistemas Dinâmicos no IME USP em 2012.

Em pé: Rafael Rodrigues Braz (IME USP), Simone Vasconcelos (UNB/UFG), Davi dos Santos Lima (UFAL), Franciele Sampaio Safra (UFSCAR), Roberto Vila Gabriel (UNB), Belmiro Galo (IME USP), Edgardo Perez Reyes (IME USP), Alexander Fernandes da Fonseca (IME USP/UNIFEI), Marcel Vinhas Bertolini (IME USP), ...., Déborah da Paixão Vasconcellos (UFMG), Diego Mano Otero (IME USP), ...., Tatiane Cardoso Batista (IME USP), ..., .....

Sentados: Leandro Cioletti e Rodrigo Bissacot.



Turma do curso de Verão (fim do curso) - Introdução à Teoria das Medidas de Gibbs - dentro do Programa Especial de Sistemas Dinâmicos no IME USP em 2012.

Roberto Vila Gabriel (UNB), Déborah da Paixão Vasconcellos (UFMG),  Diego Mano Otero (IME USP), Rodrigo Bissacot, Leandro Cioletti,  Davi dos Santos Lima (UFAL), Franciele Sampaio Safra (UFSCAR), Alexander Fernandes da Fonseca (IME USP/UNIFEI), Simone Vasconcelos (UNB/UFG), Belmiro Galo (IME USP), Marcelo Bezerra Barboza (UNB).


                                    Me, Ricardo Freire, Karla Diaz-Ordaz and Oliver Jenkinson                                  Ricardo Freire and Me.

December  2011  - Bordeaux - France.


Me, Philippe Thiellen, Ricardo Freire, Oliver Jenkinson and Eduardo Garibaldi.

Dynamical Optimization in PDE and Geometry 

Applications to Hamilton-Jacobi 

Ergodic Optimization, Weak KAM 

Institut de Mathématiques  - Université Bordeaux 1 - December  2011  - Bordeaux - France.


                           Me, Rafael Rodrigues Braz, Leandro Cioletti and Luccas Campos.      Rafael Rodrigues Braz, Leandro Cioletti, Luccas Campos and Pita          

Rio de Janeiro - July - 2011


 Rodrigo Bissacot, Pavlos Bahia Konstadinidis and Alexandre Gaudillière.

Colóquio do MAP 06.05.2011 - Palestrante:  ALEXANDRE GAUDILLIÈRE - (LATP - Université de Provence (Marseille) / IMPA-Brazil) - São Paulo - Brasil


Odilon Otávio Luciano, Edélcio de Souza, Alexandre Augusto Martins Rodrigues, Jair Minoro Abe, Newton da Costa, Rodrigo Bissacot and Frank Michael Forger.

Colóquio do MAP 03.06.2011 - Palestrante:  Newton da Costa - IME USP - São Paulo - Brasil

Me and Patrícia Leal da Cunha (my wife). Reveillon - Florianópolis - Brasil - 2011.


Me and my wife Pita - Belo Horizonte - 2010

Me and Eduardo Garibaldi - Unicamp - Campinas - 2011


Me and Pita - Brasília - 2010 (Capital of Brazil)


Me and Leandro Cioletti - (Finishing the paper about the Ising Model) - 2010

Sacha Friedli, Rodrigo Bissacot, Domingos Marchetti, Aldo Procacci, Gastão Braga and Ricardo Schor.

My PhD presentation in 2009. UFMG - Belo Horizonte - Minas Gerais - Brasil.


Rouen - France  (by Eduardo Garibaldi)

Omaha Beach (Day D)- Normandy - 2007

Étretat - 2007

                              Palais de justice de Rouen  et  Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Rouen (by Eduardo Garibaldi)                         Sainte-Mère-Église

Sandwich Programme - when I was a PhD Student - Rouen - France - 2007.

Métro de Rouen  - 2007

Ciprian, Me and Giulio Iacobelli - Rouen - 2007


Me, Gilberto Cuzzuol and Danúbia Junca Cuzzuol

Belo Horizonte - 2007.
