AARONS, Mark ( Australian journalist and author; political adviser to NSW Labor Premier Bob Carr; member of the Communist Party of Australia from 1969 to 1978, and a Young Communist organiser in 1977; active in the anti-Vietnam War movement) (see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Aarons ).

Mark Aarons and J. Loftus on “the holes in history” from non-reportage (lying by omission) (1997): “The hidden parts of history, the covert sides, are far more orderly and rational, but can be seen and understood only if you are told where to look. The holes in history are what makes sense of the thing" (Mark Aarons and J. Loftus “The Secret War Against the Jews”, St. Martin's Griffin, 1997).

BROINOWSKI, Dr Alison (Australian researcher): “Are we being lied to about the origins of the pandemic? Even in the days when people used to read TIME to stay informed, it was always worth applying the home-base test. If the magazine got facts about where you lived wrong, what else in the magazine could you believe? In Pearls & Irritations (27 July) Nury Vittachi provided insights from a Twitter post people in Hong Kong the times responded to a question posted as to when they stopped trusting Western media’s ‘constant lies’. But it’s not just the media that lie, and not only in the West either. Governments lie, IF Stone used pithily to tell his students. On matters of life and death, are governments or the media any more truthful? Not if the pandemic and chemical and biological weapons research are indicators. They are connected by a long history of secretiveness, politics, and vested interests… An American observer wrote recently, ‘While there’s no smoking gun that answers where SARS-CoV-2 originated, there’s a whole lot of evidence showing that some very powerful people have worked quite hard to shape public opinion and suppress information that runs counter to their natural-origin hypothesis’” (Dr Alison Broinowski, “Truth , lies, and pandemics”, Pearls & Irritations, 2 August 2022: https://johnmenadue.com/truth-lies-and-pandemics/ ).

CHOMSKY, Noam. Professor Noam Chomsky (linguistics at 85-Nobel-Laureate MIT) (1988) and Professor Edward Herman (finance, University of Pennsylvania) (1988): “In sum, the mass media of the United States are effective and powerful ideological institutions that carry out a system-supportive propaganda function by reliance on market forces, internalized assumptions, and self-censorship , and without any significant overt coercion. This propaganda system has become even more efficient in recent decades with the rise of the national television networks, greater mass-media concentration, right-wing pressures on public radio and television, and the growth in scope and sophistication of public relations and news management” ( Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky, “Manufacturing Consent. The political economy of the mass media” , page 306, Pantheon, 2002).

HERMAN, Edward. Professor Noam Chomsky (linguistics at 85-Nobel-Laureate MIT) (1988) and Professor Edward Herman (finance, University of Pennsylvania) (1988): “In sum, the mass media of the United States are effective and powerful ideological institutions that carry out a system-supportive propaganda function by reliance on market forces, internalized assumptions, and self-censorship , and without any significant overt coercion. This propaganda system has become even more efficient in recent decades with the rise of the national television networks, greater mass-media concentration, right-wing pressures on public radio and television, and the growth in scope and sophistication of public relations and news management” ( Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky, “Manufacturing Consent. The political economy of the mass media” , page 306, Pantheon, 2002).

PILGER, John (outstanding expatriate Australian journalist) (2006):Censorship by journalism is virulent in Britain and the US - and it means the difference between life and death for people in faraway countries. During the 1970s, I filmed secretly in Czechoslovakia, then a Stalinist dictatorship. The dissident novelist Zdenek Urbánek told me, "In one respect, we are more fortunate than you in the west. We believe nothing of what we read in the newspapers and watch on television, nothing of the official truth. Unlike you, we have learned to read between the lines, because real truth is always subversive" (John Pilger, “The real first casualty of war”, John Pilger.com, 24 April 2006: http://johnpilger.com/articles/the-real-first-casualty-of-war .)

John Pilger: " Australia has the most restrictive media in the western world. Censorship by omission denies Australians their democratic right to make sense of whole stratas of political and foreign policy. That's why Green Left Weekly is a beacon, doing a job of honourable journalism, as an agent of people, not power" (see John Pilger, Green Left Weekly: http://www.greenleft.org.au/node/50457 ) .

STONE, I.F. (December 24, 1907 – June 18, 1989; born Isidor Feinstein, better known as I. F. Stone and Izzy Stone) was an outstanding US journalist, publisher of the newsletter “I. F. Stone's Weekly” and author of numerous books, including “The Hidden History of the Korean War, 1950-1951” (see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I._F._Stone ).

I.F. Stone to journalism students: "Among all the things I'm going to tell you today about being a journalist, all you have to remember is two words: governments lie" ( I.F. Stone, quoted in “Two words – governments lie. Iraqi oil, climate change and Tony Blair”, Media Lens, 22 January 2003: http://www.medialens.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=239:two-words-governments-lie-iraq-oil-climate-change-and-tony-blair&catid=17:alerts-2003&Itemid=42 , and in Gideon Polya, “Iraqi Holocaust”, ConScience, Australasian Science, 2 June 2004: http://www.shiachat.com/forum/index.php?/topic/33427-iraqi-holocaust/ ).