Crikey is a middle-of-the-road news commentary website that provides an alternative source of analysis and commentary to that published by the oligopoly Australian mainstream media that have an appalling record of censorship, lying by omission and lying by commission.

After finding that several people I knew read Crikey, I finally succumbed, subscribed to Crikey in 2014 and posted numerous comments on Crikey articles that were finally published after "awaiting moderation".


On 9 November 2015 I sent the following letter to Crikey (which as far as I can ascertain they did not publish).

2015-11-9 Open Letter to Crikey re Crikey censorship

Dear Crikey,

I am a dedicated, much-published, 5-decade-career scientist who is appalled by Humanity’s remorseless march to the abyss (for alphabetically organized compendia of expert, science-informed opinions about this see “Are we doomed?”: https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/are-we-doomed ; “Nuclear weapons ban , end poverty & reverse climate change”: https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/nuclear-weapons-ban and "Too late to avoid global warming catastrophe": https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/too-late-to-avoid-global-warming ). I am also appalled by the mendacity and resolute malreportage of Mainstream media, including Australian Mainstream media, most notably the Murdoch media (who possibly don’t know any better) and the cowardly ABC (who very likely mostly do know better).

I waste a lot of my time attempting to get through the Mainstream media Wall of Silence and publish extensively overseas, but am largely excluded from publishing my science-informed opinions within Australia except as reader comments on Mainstream and Alternative media articles. To that end I subscribe to various Alternative media in Australia, including Crikey. Unfortunately Crikey, like Australian Mainstream media, has taken to massive censoring of my comments – even when such comments are buried in extensive reader comment threads - presumably because they contain things that Crikey or its agents think that Crikey readers should not be able to read, know about or think about (for details see Censorship by Crikey (Australia) http://www.crikey.com.au/2015/11/05/should-we-lower-the-voting-age-to-16/ ).

Of course Crikey is not alone in censoring informed and expert reader opinion. For some documented details of censorship by the global Murdoch media empire, Australian Fairfax media, the Australian ABC, the UK BBC, and the Australian universities-backed web magazine The Conversation in Neocon American- and Zionist Imperialist (NAZI)-perverted and subverted Plutocracy, Murdochracy, Lobbyocracy, Corporatocracy and Dollarocracy Australia and elsewhere in the West see “Boycott Murdoch media”: https://sites.google.com/site/boycottmurdochmedia/ ; “Censorship by the BBC”: https://sites.google.com/site/censorshipbythebbc/ ; “Censorship by The Conversation”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/censorship-by ; “Mainstream media censorship”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/home ; “Mainstream media lying”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammedialying/ ; “Censorship by The Age”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/censorship-by-the-age ; “Censorship by ABC Late Night Live”: https://sites.google.com/site/censorshipbyabclatenightlive/ , "Censorship by ABC Saturday Extra": https://sites.google.com/site/censorshipbyabclatenightlive/censorship-by-abc-sat and “ABC fact-checking unit & incorrect reportage by the ABC (Australia’s BBC)”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/abc-fact-checking-unit , "Censorship by The Guardian UK": https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/censorship-by-the-guardian-uk , "Censorship by The Guardian Australia": https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/home/censorship-by-the-guardian-a , “Censorship by Crikey (Australia)”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/censorship-by-crikey and “Censorship by SBS (Australia)”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/censorship-by-sbs-australia .

Mainstream media lying by omission or commission is a major threat to the World. Accurate reportage is crucial for Rational Risk Management that is crucial for societal safety and successively involves (a) accurate data, (b) scientific analysis (involving the critical testing of potentially falsifiable hypotheses) and (c) informed implementation of systemic change to minimize harm when adverse events inevitably occur.

Unfortunately Rational Risk Management (that, for example, has made passenger aviation so safe) is typically perverted locally, nationally and internationally by (a) lying by omission and commission, censorship, self-censorship, intimidation, whistle-blower punishment, commodification of truth, criminalizing of truth-telling, (b) anti-science spin that involves the selective use of asserted facts to support a partisan position, and (c) reaction by blame and shame (with war the most egregious example of this), noting that blame and shame has the counterproductive effect of inhibiting the primary reportage that is vital for Rational Risk Management (see “Gideon Polya”: https://sites.google.com/site/drgideonpolya/home and “Gideon Polya Writing”: https://sites.google.com/site/gideonpolyawriting/ ).

A good example of comprehensive Mainstream media censorship in look-the-other-way Australia relates to Australia's new Coalition PM Malcolm Turnbull who is charming, intelligent, well-mannered and articulate and is the darling of the lying, US-dominated Mainstream media but is “lipstick on a pig” in being bound to the same US lackey, pro-Zionist, pro-war, war criminal, pro-coal, pro-gas, pro-fossil fuels, climate criminal, human rights–abusing and child-abusing policies of his politically assassinated predecessor, popularly elected but personally unpopular former Coalition PM Tony Abbott. I have alphabetically catalogued over 200 reasons why Australia must dump PM Turnbull but most of these realities are actually or effectively ignored by Australian Mainstream journalist, politician and academic presstitutes (see Gideon Polya, “Coalition Climate Crimes & 200 Reasons Why Australia Must Dump Pro-coal, Pro-war Coalition PM Malcolm Turnbull”, Countercurrents, 1 November, 2015: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya011115.htm ).

I am writing to you as a present subscriber to Crikey (I particularly like the articles of Bernard Keane and Shakira Hussein) in the faint hope that Crikey will change its censoring ways that are presently an insult not just to me but to all its subscribers and to Australians and Humanity in general.

I am also writing to you because peace is the only way but silence kills and silence is complicity. Thus, for example, 7 million people die from air pollution each year (WHO), this including 10,000 Australians and 75,000 people dying annually world-wide from the pollutants from the burning of exported Australian coal, whereas by way of comparison, zero (0) Australians have ever been killed in Australia by a Muslim–origin terrorist organization and the equally barbarous ISIS non-state terrorists and US Alliance state terrorists are together presently killing about 12,000 Iraqis each year (see ““Stop air pollution deaths”: https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/stop-air-pollution-deaths ). Please feel free to publish this on Crikey.

Yours sincerely, Dr Gideon Polya (300.org;[ contact details]).

Now CENSORSHIP is antithetical to democracy and to rational risk management that is crucial for societal safety.

Accordingly in the public interest and indeed in the interests of Crikey I have set up this website to report what Crikey CENSORS.

Mainstream media lying by omission or commission is a major threat to the World.

Accurate reportage is crucial for Rational Risk Management (RRM) that successively involves (a) accurate data, (b) scientific analysis (which involves the critical testing of potentially falsifiable hypotheses) and (c) informed implementation of systemic change to minimize harm when adverse events inevitably occur.

Unfortunately Rational Risk Management (that, for example, has made passenger aviation so safe) is typically perverted locally, nationally and internationally by (a) lying by omission and commission, censorship, self-censorship, intimidation, whistle-blower punishment, commodification of truth, (b) anti-science spin that involves the selective use of asserted facts to support a partisan position, and (c) reaction by blame and shame (with war the most egregious example of this), noting that blame and shame has the counterproductive effect of inhibiting the reportage that is vital for Rational Risk Management.

Humanity is faced with major life-threatening problems that must be addressed by Rational Risk Management. According to Professor John Holdren, former President of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS, the biggest general scientific organization in the World and publisher of the top scientific journal Science) , 3 major problems facing humanity are Nuclear Weapons, Poverty and man-made Global Warming (of which all have the potential to kill billions of people).

Mainstream media lying endangers Humanity by blocking acquisition of accurate data that is crucial for Rational Risk Management.

Of course Crikey is not alone in CENSORING. For details of media-derived CENSORSHIP by the global Murdoch media empire, Australian Fairfax media, the Australian ABC, the UK BBC, and the Australian universities-backed web magazine The Conversation in Neocon American- and Zionist Imperialist-perverted and subverted Murdochracy, Lobbyocracy and Corporatocracy Australia and elsewhere in the West see “Boycott Murdoch media”: https://sites.google.com/site/boycottmurdochmedia/ ; “Censorship by the BBC”: https://sites.google.com/site/censorshipbythebbc/ ; “Censorship by The Conversation”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/censorship-by ; “Mainstream media censorship”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/home ; “Mainstream media lying”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammedialying/ ; “Censorship by The Age”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/censorship-by-the-age ; “Censorship by ABC Late Night Live”: https://sites.google.com/site/censorshipbyabclatenightlive/ , "Censorship by ABC Saturday Extra": https://sites.google.com/site/censorshipbyabclatenightlive/censorship-by-abc-sat and “ABC fact-checking unit & incorrect reportage by the ABC (Australia’s BBC)”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/abc-fact-checking-unit , "Censorship by The Guardian UK": https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/censorship-by-the-guardian-uk , "Censorship by The Guardian Australia": https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/home/censorship-by-the-guardian-a , “Censorship by Crikey (Australia)”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/censorship-by-crikey and “Censorship by SBS (Australia)”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/censorship-by-sbs-australia .

I should note that I am a much-published, 5-decade-career scientist who is attempting to make a hole in the Mainstream Media Wall of Silence and trying to provide science-based and documented information to the public on matters of critical importance, notably free speech, human rights, avoidable mortality, war, genocide, non-state terrorism, state terrorism, nuclear weapons, poverty and the worsening climate emergency. While I have published numerous carefully researched and documented analyses around the world, my effective free speech in look-the-other-way Plutocracy, Murdochracy, Lobbyocracy and Corporatocracy Australia is largely confined to making blogging comments to articles in Mainstream and Alternative – and in attempting to do so I am frequently CENSORED.

Dr Gideon Polya has been teaching science students at a major Australian university for 4 decades. He published some 130 works in a 5 decade scientific career, most recently a huge pharmacological reference text "Biochemical Targets of Plant Bioactive Compounds" (CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, New York & London , 2003). He has published “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950” (G.M. Polya, Melbourne, 2007: http://globalbodycount.blogspot.com/ ); see also his contributions “Australian complicity in Iraq mass mortality” in “Lies, Deep Fries & Statistics” (edited by Robyn Williams, ABC Books, Sydney, 2007: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/ockhamsrazor/australian-complicity-in-iraq-mass-mortality/3369002#transcript

) and “Ongoing Palestinian Genocide” in “The Plight of the Palestinians (edited by William Cook, Palgrave Macmillan, London, 2010: http://mwcnews.net/focus/analysis/4047-the-plight-of-the-palestinians.html ). He has published a revised and updated 2008 version of his 1998 book “Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History” (see: http://janeaustenand.blogspot.com/ ) as biofuel-, globalization- and climate-driven global food price increases threaten a greater famine catastrophe than the man-made famine in British-ruled India that killed 6-7 million Indians in the “forgotten” World War 2 Bengal Famine (see recent BBC broadcast involving Dr Polya, Economics Nobel Laureate Professor Amartya Sen and others: http://www.open.edu/openlearn/history-the-arts/history/social-economic-history/listen-the-bengal-famine ). When words fail one can say it in pictures - for images of Gideon Polya's huge paintings for the Planet, Peace, Mother and Child see: http://sites.google.com/site/artforpeaceplanetmotherchild/ and http://www.flickr.com/photos/gideonpolya/ .

Below in chronological order are (A) comments I attempted to post on Crikey but which were CENSORED by Crikey, presumably for containing facts or opinions that Crikey does not want it readers to read, know about or think about.

I have also listed in chronological order (B) some comments of mine that were somehow permitted to be published by Crikey.


2016-06-24 Crikey re Razer & Greens; https://www.crikey.com.au/2016/06/23/why-i-still-wont-vote-green/ . CENSORED.

The fundamental reason for voting Green is the need for urgent climate change action. It is already too late to avoid a catastrophic plus 2C temperature rise (“Are we doomed?”: https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/are-we-doomed ; “Methane Bomb Threat”: https://sites.google.com/site/methanebombthreat/ ; "Too late to avoid global warming catastrophe": https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/too-late-to-avoid-global-warming ). Our grandchildren will ask us: what did you do in the War on Terra? In addition, the Greens voters can have their cake and eat it to – they can vote 1 for the environment, human rights, children, peace and a decent society by voting 1 for the Greens, but their second preference for Labor and their lowest preference for the pro-coal COALition means that they can help dump the grossly anti-environment, human rights-abusing, child-abusing, pro-war, neoliberal and pro-One Percenter Coalition. If Labor wins in this election it will be through Greens preferences. Indeed it is pleasant to see that formerly neoliberal Lib-like Labor seems to have re-discovered its traditional social humanist values in this election campaign, values that have been whole heartedly adopted by the Greens. Those voting (voting 1 or via second preference) for the economically incompetent, climate criminal, child-abusing, pro-One Percenter Coalition are on a continuum from egregious stupidity and ignorance to homicidal and terracidal greed – the pro-coal KOALition are Sellers of Casuistry and Unconscionable Mendacity (SCUM) but their ignorant and neo-fascist supporters don’t even know what these words other than Sellers actually mean (see Gideon Polya, “Climate Criminal Coalition Government Lying Endangers Australia & Planet – Australians Must Vote 1 Green And Put The Coalition Last”, Countercurrents, 17 June, 2016: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya170616.htm ).

2016-06-19 Crikey re top-down rhetoric , Jo Cox murder: https://www.crikey.com.au/2016/06/17/murder-of-jo-cox-shows-political-labels-has-real-consequences/ . CENSORED.

The UK Brexit rhetoric is connected to the awful murder of the British MP Jo Cox. Post-9-11 terror hysteria (from 3,000 killed in what many believe was a US Government false flag atrocity; see “Experts: US did 9-11”: https://sites.google.com/site/expertsusdid911/ ) led to the US War on Terror (US War on Muslims) in which Muslim avoidable deaths from deprivation in countries subject to Western military intervention in 2001-2015 now total about 27 million, with a further 5 million Muslims being killed violently by the US Alliance (see Gideon Polya, “Paris Atrocity Context: 27 Million Muslim Avoidable Deaths From Imposed Deprivation In 20 Countries Violated By US Alliance Since 9-11”, Countercurrents, 22 November, 2015: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya221115.htm ). Zero (0) Australians have ever been killed in Australia by a Muslim-origin terrorist organization yet terror hysteria means an annual addition of about $10 billion to long-term accrual cost of the War on Terror in Australia. In stark contrast, the Coalition proposes to give $50 billion in tax breaks to the rich while stripping $50 billion from health in an Australia in which 85,000 people die preventably each year, the breakdown including (1) 26,000 annual Australian deaths from adverse hospital events, (2) 17,000 obesity-related Australian deaths, (3) 15,500 smoking-related Australian deaths, (4) 10,000 carbon burning pollution-derived Australian deaths, (5) 4,000 avoidable Indigenous Australian deaths, (6) 5,600 Australians die alcohol-related deaths, (7) 2,100 Australian suicides, (8) 1,400 Australian road deaths, (9) 630 Australian opiate drug-related deaths with 570 linked to US restoration of the Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry, and (10) 300 Australian homicides (80 being of women killed domestically) (see Gideon Polya, “Coalition Climate Crimes & 200 Reasons Why Australia Must Dump Pro-coal, Pro-war Coalition PM Malcolm Turnbull”, Countercurrents, 1 November, 2015: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya011115.htm ). Democracy requires a properly informed electorate and zero tolerance for lying as in science )(see Gideon Polya, “Climate Criminal Coalition Government Lying Endangers Australia & Planet – Australians Must Vote 1 Green And Put The Coalition Last”, Countercurrents, 17 June, 2016: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya170616.htm ).

2016-04-06 Crikey re Turnbull & tax: http://www.crikey.com.au/2016/04/04/tax-reform-sinks-into-the-swamp-of-health-and-education/?wpmp_switcher=mobile. CENSORED.

Turnbull’s disingenuous state income tax proposal starkly reveals the far right, anti-equity, anti-child, anti-Australian, pro-One Percenter neoliberalism of all-smiles but Abbott-like, Abbott-in-sheep’s clothing, lipstick-on-a-pig Malcolm Turnbull. The oh-so-charming Malcolm Turncoat’s “agile”, “ nimble” and “innovative” solution to Abbott’s appalling $80 billion defunding of Education and Health is to hand significant taxation to the states without any increase in revenue, and make the states responsible for the KOALition’s massive de-funding of these key public services.

Of course massive de-funding education and promotion of Educational Apartheid (the Federal Government under Turnbull’s scheme would solely fund private schools) has the potential to ruin lives, specifically (a) the majority of children attending state schools will be more disadvantaged and (b) children attending religious private schools will continue to be subject to Federal Government-subsidized intellectual child abuse involving the foisting of egregious falsehood on children e.g. gender discrimination, sexism, homophobia, misogyny, sexual guilt, racism, jingoism, creationism, intelligent design, other religious clap-trap (virgin birth etc) and the right to invade, devastate and ethnically cleanse other countries (see Gideon Polya, “37 Ways Of Tackling Australian Educational Apartheid And Social Inequity”, Countercurrents, 22 May, 2013: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya220513.htm

Turnbull’s dishonest ploy to keep Abbott’s $57 billion decrease in health funding will actually kill Australians, of whom 85,000 presently die preventably each year, the breakdown (involving some overlaps) including (1) 26,000 annual Australian deaths from adverse hospital events, (2) 17,000 obesity-related Australian deaths, (3) 15,500 smoking-related Australian deaths, (4) 10,000 carbon burning pollution-derived Australian deaths, (5). 4,000 avoidable Indigenous Australian deaths, (6). 5,600 Australians die alcohol-related deaths, (7) 2,100 Australian suicides, (8) 1,400 Australian road deaths, (9) 630 Australian opiate drug-related deaths with 570 linked to US restoration of the Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry, and (10) 300 Australian homicides (80 being of women killed domestically) (see Gideon Polya, “Australian State Terrorism - Zero Australian Terrorism Deaths, 1 Million Preventable Australian Deaths & 10 Million Muslims Killed By US Alliance Since 9-11”, Countercurrents, 23 September, 2014: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya230914.htm ; Gideon Polya, “Coalition Climate Crimes & 200 Reasons Why Australia Must Dump Pro-coal,

Pro-war Coalition PM Malcolm Turnbull”, Countercurrents, 1 November, 2015: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya011115.htm ).

Decent Australians who care for children and the lives their fellow Australians will utterly reject the pro-One Percenter, pro-war, war criminal, pro-coal, climate criminal, child-abusing, Australian-killing KOALition, vote 1 Green and put the KOALition last.

2016-04-06 Crikey re dump religious tax exemption: http://www.crikey.com.au/2016/04/05/essential-voters-want-to-dump-religious-tax-exemption/?wpmp_switcher=mobile . CENSORED.

Why on earth should Australians have to subsidize sexual abuse of children by religious personnel – it is estimated that up to 40,000 children have been sexually abused in the last half century or so by Catholic Church personnel alone (see Gideon Polya, “Horrendous child abuse by pro-war, pro-Zionist, climate criminal Australian Coalition Governments”, Countercurrents, 4 December 2013 : http://www.countercurrents.org/polya041213. h t m and Gideon Polya, “Horrendous Australian child sexual abuse”, MWC News: http://mwcnews.net/focus/analysis/22859-gideonpolya-sexual-abuse.html ).

Of course Australian children are also subject to other abuse by religious personnel. – thus children attending taxpayer-funded private schools are subject to religious brainwashing (intellectual child abuse) that variously teaches them to accept sexism, misogyny, homophobia, sexual guilt, unsafe sex, creationism, intelligent design, anti-science miracles and the right to invade, occupy, devastate and ethnically cleanse other countries (Gideon Polya, “Australian Coalition Government Sacrifices Key Industries While Committing Hundreds Of Billions Of Dollars To Carbon Pollution & War”, Countercurrents, 10 February, 2014: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya100214.htm .

According to the Secular Party of Australia, “Funding for religion in Australia is costing taxpayers over 2000 dollars each per year … total funding for religious institutions including tax exemptions and grants for religious schools is currently worth 31 billion dollars… According to the 2011 census, 41% of Melbournians identify as non-believers” (Secular Party of Australia , “Funding for religion costing taxpayers”, Media release, 26 August 2013: http://www.secular.org.au/media-releases/ and Gideon Polya, “Australian Coalition Government Sacrifices Key Industries While Committing Hundreds Of Billions Of Dollars To Carbon Pollution & War”, Countercurrents, 10 February, 2014: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya100214.htm ).

And now all-smiles and oh-so-charming but Abbott-like, Abbott-in-sheep’s clothing, lipstick-on-a-pig Malcolm Turnbull wants to discard Federal funding of state schools and confine Federal education funding to these same religious schools involved in egregious child intellectual abuse and other child abuse.

Decent Australians who abhor child abuse will utterly reject the child-abusing KOALition Government, vote 1 Green and put the KOALition last.

2016-04-06 Crikey re Newscorp: http://www.crikey.com.au/2016/04/04/mayne-great-days-for-aussie-investigative-journalism-no-thanks-to-news-corp/?wpmp_switcher=mobile . CENSORED

Our Western democracies have become Lobbyocracies in which Democracy under extreme neoliberalism has transitioned to Neocon American-perverted and subverted Plutocracy, Murdochracy, Lobbyocracy, Corporatocracy , Kleptocracy, and Dollarocracy in which Big Money purchases people, politicians, parties, policies, public perception of reality, and political power. The Murdoch media including Newscorpse are the worst of the lot and should be boycotted (see “Boycott Murdoch Media”: https://sites.google.com/site/boycottmurdochmedia/ , “Mainstream media censorship”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/home and “Mainstream media lying”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammedialying/ ).

Mainstream media lying by omission and lying by commission represent a major reality throughout the World and the Yellow Press (like the Murdoch media) are happy to do both. However the so-called “quality press” (e.g. the Fairfax media, the Guardian, SBS and the ABC) while being very careful about lying by commission have the entrenched Mainstream culture of lying by omission. Lying by omission is far, far worse than lying by commission because the latter at least admits the possibility of public debate (e.g. the evil Murdoch media line that climate change is not happening and/or does not have to be seriously tackled ).

Leon Trotsky (Bolshevik revolutionary leader) stated: “Zola wrote of the French financial press that it could be divided into two groups: the venal, and the so-called “incorruptible” that sells itself only in exceptional cases and at a very high price. Something of the sort may be said of the mendacity of newspapers in general. The yellow press lies as a matter of course, without hesitating or looking back. Newspapers like The Times or Le Temps speak the truth on all unimportant and inconsequential occasions, so that they can deceive the public with all the requisite authority when necessary” (Leon Trotsky, “My Life’, Chapter 45, “The planet without a visa”: https://www.marxists.org/archive/trotsky/1930/mylife/ch45.htm ).

2016-03-20 Crikey re safe schools: http://www.crikey.com.au/2016/03/18/government-guts-safe-schools-program/?wpmp_switcher=mobile&wpmp_tp=1 . My comments were completely CENSORED by Crikey .

School bullying is rotten but again Turnbull has been forced to adopt the regressive agenda of his primitive, religious right predecessor Tony Abbott and his all-smiles charm and casuistry is now wearing thin – he can be properly seen as an Abbott-lite, Abbott-in-sheep’s clothing, Tony Turnbull, Malcolm Abbott , Malcolm Turncoat and lipstick-on-a-pig Malcolm Turnbull. For a detailed analysis of the regressive, hard-Right policies of Malcolm Turnbull see Gideon Polya, “Coalition Climate Crimes & 200 Reasons Why Australia Must Dump Pro-coal, Pro-war Coalition PM Malcolm Turnbull”, Countercurrents, 1 November, 2015: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya011115.htm ).

Of course schoolyard bullying by children is just one side of school bullying. The worst bullying imposition on children is enforced religious instruction that Professor Paul Ehrlich recently described on Q&A as “child abuse”. There must be urgent cessation of any state funding for any religion-based private schools committing child intellectual abuse by foisting egregious falsehood on children e.g. gender discrimination, sexism, homophobia, misogyny, sexual guilt, racism, jingoism, creationism, intelligent design, other religious clap-trap (virgin birth etc) and the right to invade, devastate and ethnically cleanse other countries (see Gideon Polya, “37 Ways Of Tackling Australian Educational Apartheid And Social Inequity”, Countercurrents, 22 May, 2013: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya220513.htm ).

Rigorously secure and confidential mechanisms are needed for child reportage of bullying, psychological abuse, physical abuse and sexual abuse whether inside or inside of school, noting that 34% of Australian women and 16% of Australian men have been sexually abused as children (see Gideon Polya, “Horrendous Australian child sexual abuse. Mainstream media ignore 4.4 million victims”, MWC News, 15 November 2012: http://mwcnews.net/focus/analysis/22859-gideonpolya-sexual-abuse.html ).

Decent Australians who care for their children, grandchildren, and future generations will utterly reject the Abbott-agenda, pro-coal, pro-gas, anti-science, climate criminal, religious right-beholden, child-abusing KOALition, vote 1 Green and put the KOALition last.

2015-11-25 re Libs & disclosure (Keane) to Crikey: http://www.crikey.com.au/2015/11/24/big-liberal-donors-a-protected-species-on-disclosure/?wpmp_switcher=mobile . My following comment was


This is testament to the entrenched corruption of neoliberal Australia which has become a Plutocracy, Murdochracy, Lobbyocracy, Corporatocracy and Dollarocracy in which Big Money buys people, politicians, parties, public perception of reality and political power.

Of course this financial non-disclosure protection for the super rich is just the tip of a neoliberal iceberg – corruption and the associated huge fiscal perversion is horrendously deadly. Thus 85,000 Australians die preventably each year in Australia (population 24 million) from all kinds of causes, the breakdown (involving some overlaps) including (1) 26,000 annual Australian deaths from adverse hospital events, (2) 17,000 obesity-related Australian deaths, (3) 15,500 smoking-related Australian deaths, (4) 10,000 carbon burning pollution-derived Australian deaths, (5). 4,000 avoidable Indigenous Australian deaths, (6). 5,600 Australians die alcohol-related deaths, (7) 2,100 Australian suicides, (8) 1,400 Australian road deaths, (9) 630 Australian opiate drug-related deaths with 570 linked to US restoration of the Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry, and (10) 300 Australian homicides (80 being of women killed domestically) [9]. Successive Australian Liberal Party-National Party Coalition or Labor Governments, including the Turnbull Coalition Government, have failed to take urgent steps to mitigate this carnage. Indeed driven by Neocon American and Zionist Imperialist (NAZI) terror hysteria, successive Australian Governments have slashed human rights and committed to a long-term accrual cost of the War on Terror of $11 billion annually despite zero (0) Australians have ever been killed in Australia by a Muslim-origin terrorist organization (Gideon Polya, “Australian State Terrorism - Zero Australian Terrorism Deaths, 1 Million Preventable Australian Deaths & 10 Million Muslims Killed By US Alliance Since 9-11”, Countercurrents, 23 September, 2014: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya230914.htm ).

Decent Australians who abhor corruption and are revolted by scores of thousand of Australian preventable deaths annually linked by fiscal deficit to Coalition corruption, will vote 1 Green and put the Coalition last.

2015-11-25 re Oz & Syria (Keane) to Crikey: http://www.crikey.com.au/2015/11/24/essential-voters-unconvinced-by-backbench-hawks/?wpmp_switcher=mobile . My following comment was



Completely missing from the continuing hysterical response to the Paris atrocity (130 innocent civilians murdered) from US lackey Western Mainstream journalists, politicians and academics is any public airing of the horrendous reality of 27 million Muslims dying avoidably since 9-11 in 20 substantially or significantly Muslim countries that have been attacked by US Alliance state terrorists in the post-9-11 War on Terror (see Gideon Polya, “Paris Atrocity Context: 27 Million Muslim Avoidable Deaths From Imposed Deprivation In 20 Countries Violated By US Alliance Since 9-11”, Countercurrents, 22 November, 2015: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya221115A.htm and Gideon Polya, "Paris atrocity in context - 27 million Muslim avoidable deaths from imposed deprivation in 20 countries violated by US Alliance in US War on Muslims after US Government's 9-11 false flag atrocity", Gideon Polya Writing, 2011-11-23: https://sites.google.com/site/gideonpolyawriting/2015-11-23 ).

Jihadi non-state terrorists must be condemned (a) for the violent crimes they personally commit against innocent people and (b) for the vastly greater crimes committed by the US Alliance against Muslims in response to jihadi outrages. Indeed jihadi non-state terrorists are among the greatest assets of US imperialism – every jihadi atrocity is another excuse trumpeted by Mainstream media for more atrocities against the Muslim world by US state terrorists and US Alliance state terrorists.

Even the appalling Western Mainstream media can no longer ignore the Elephant in the Room realities that (a) the illegal US Alliance invasion of Iraq generated sectarian warfare and the Sunni rebellion that transmuted into ISIS, and (b) support for anti-Assad rebels by the US Alliance state terrorism - US state terrorism, UK state terrorism, French state terrorism, Australian state terrorism, Apartheid Israeli state terrorism, Turkish state terrorism, Jordanian state terrorism, Qatari state terrorism and Saudi Arabian state terrorism – has led to ISIS (Islamic State, IS, ISIL, Daesh) dominating rebel-held Syria.

The Paris atrocity can be seen as “blowback” for horrendous crimes committed by the US Alliance against the Muslim world from West Africa to South East Asia. The horrible reality is that the US has a long history of false-flag operations(with 9-11 being the most immediately and subsequently deadly) (see “Experts: US did 9-11”: https://sites.google.com/site/expertsusdid911/ ) , supporting terrorism, and exploiting terrorist acts by Indigenous insurgents lacking military industries, navies, airforces and tanks, and essentially only armed with light arms and explosives for bombs.

Decent Australians who utterly abhor both non-state terrorism (e.g. ISIS) and state terrorism (e.g. serial war criminal US state terrorism ) will utterly reject the US lackey, pro-Zionist, war criminal Lib-Lab (Coaltion and Labor Right) state terrorists, vote 1 Green and put the Coalition last.

2015-11-25 re Dismissal (Rundle) to Crikey: http://www.crikey.com.au/2015/11/25/rundle-proving-the-cia-backed-conspiracy-that-brought-down-whitlam/?wpmp_switcher=mobile&wpmp_tp=3 . My following comment was



Excellent article by Guy Rundle. The Murdoch Australian reports: “Chrtisopher Boyce, who spent nearly 25 years in jail for selling CIA secrets to the Russians in the 1970s, has repeated his claim that the US spy agency was involved in the dismissal of Gough Whitlam's government in 1975. He asserts that governor-general Sir John Kerr was a CIA "flunkey" and that he was known within the CIA as "our man Kerr". Mr Boyce says the dismissal was "a coup" executed by the US tantamount to "the velvet glove version of the government overthrow in Chile” (see: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/boyce-still-believes-cia-dismissed-whitlam/story-fn59niix-1226829787106 ; also see Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_John_Boyce ).

The result of the CIA-backed coup was that a craven ALP threw honour and principles out of the window and rapidly adopted a policy of “all the way with the USA”. When Mark Latham sought to bring Australian troops back from Iraq the US ambassador publicly vetoed him in the 2004 election year. PM Kevin Rudd was sacked in a US-approved, Mining Company-backed and pro-Zionist- led Coup in 2010 (see Gideon Polya, “Pro-Zionist-led Coup ousts Australian PM Rudd”, MWC News, 29 June 2010: http://mwcnews.net/focus/politics/3488-pro-zionist-led-coup.html ) and under Gillard up to 2,500 child-killing US Marines were based in Darwin.

With 1,500 million Muslims between Australia and Mother England and the world’s most populous Muslim country being our neighbour, Indonesia, reason would dictate a policy of “be nice to Muslims” - but instead a US lackey Australia has joined serial war criminal America in the post-1990 US War on Muslims; has become the world’s greatest supporter after the US of nuclear terrorist, racist Zionist–run, genocidally racist Apartheid Israel; and has embarked on its Third Syrian War and Seventh Iraq War in a century; and is a craven supporter of the US War on Terror, resolutely ignoring the horrendous reality of 27 million Muslims (half of them children) dying avoidably since 9-11 in 20 substantially or significantly Muslim countries that have been attacked by US Alliance state terrorists in the post-9-11 War on Terror (see Gideon Polya, “Paris Atrocity Context: 27 Million Muslim Avoidable Deaths From Imposed Deprivation In 20 Countries Violated By US Alliance Since 9-11”, Countercurrents, 22 November, 2015: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya221115A.htm and Gideon Polya, "Paris atrocity in context - 27 million Muslim avoidable deaths from imposed deprivation in 20 countries violated by US Alliance in US War on Muslims after US Government's 9-11 false flag atrocity", Gideon Polya Writing, 2011-11-23: https://sites.google.com/site/gideonpolyawriting/2015-11-23 ).

Decent Australians who utterly abhor treason, war, racism, mass murder and genocide will utterly reject the traitorously US lackey, pro-Zionist, war criminal, non-state terrorism-exciting Libs-Labs (Coalition and Labor Right), vote 1 Green and put the Coalition last.

2015-11-6 re 16 year old voters to Crikey: http://www.crikey.com.au/2015/11/05/should-we-lower-the-voting-age-to-16/ . COMPLETELY CENSORED OUT BY CRIKEY PRESUMABLY FOR CONTAINING THINGS THAT CRIKEY DOES NOT WANT ITS READERS TO READ, KNOW ABOUT OR THINK ABOUT.

Missing from this otherwise good analysis is the Elephant in the Room reason why children should be given the vote ASAP – inescapable and gigantic Carbon Debt from Australia’s disproportionately high greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution that will unavoidably have to be paid by young people and future generations.

Assuming a damage-related Carbon Price in USD of $200 per tonne CO2-e as estimated by Dr Chris Hope from 90-Nobel-Laureate Cambridge University, Australia has a Carbon Debt of $7.5 trillion that is increasing at $400 billion per year and at $40,000 per head per year for under-30 year old Australians. No wonder more young people are saying “Climate Revolution Now” (see “Carbon Debt Carbon Credit”: https://sites.google.com/site/carbondebtcarboncredit/ and "Climate Revolution Now": https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/climate-revolution ).

Whichever Murdoch-brainwashed Australian cohort the climate criminal Lib-Labs (Liberal-Laborals, Coalition and Labor Right) think they are representing (e.g. the Ten Percenters, the One Percenters, the US lackeys, the Zionists, the fossil fuel industry) they are certainly not acting in the interests of young people or future generations that they have comprehensively betrayed (for details and documentation see Gideon Polya, “Coalition Climate Crimes & 200 Reasons Why Australia Must Dump Pro-coal, Pro-war Coalition PM Malcolm Turnbull”, Countercurrents, 1 November, 2015: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya011115.htm ).

2015-11-6 re Turnbull, future to Crikey: http://www.crikey.com.au/2015/11/05/rba-governors-canny-advice-for-turnbulls-agile-nation/ . COMPLETELY CENSORED OUT BY CRIKEY PRESUMABLY FOR CONTAINING THINGS THAT CRIKEY DOES NOT WANT ITS READERS TO READ, KNOW ABOUT OR THINK ABOUT.

A key kernel of truth in oh so charming, “lipstick on a pig” and “Abbott in sheep’s clothing” Malcolm Turnbull’s optimistic and agile spin is “If a policy doesn’t work, chuck it out”.

Yet Turnbull is committed to long-term fossil fuel burning and unlimited Australian fossil fuel exports and his Chief Scientist appointee Dr Finkel stated in relation to how quickly to zero emissions: “Very slowly. I think we should be aspiring to do it but it would take a long time… we could see huge changes in the 20- to 30-year timeframe” (see 2015-11-2 Open Letter to the ABC re major corrections required after Emma Alberici interview with Chief Scientist appointee Dr Alan Finkel”: https://sites.google.com/site/gideonpolyawriting/2015-11-2 ).

A “20- to 30-year timeframe” means increasing CO2 above the present disastrous 400 ppm CO2 whereas numerous climate scientists and biologists demand a return 300 ppm CO2 ASAP for a safe planet for all peoples and al species (see 300.org: . https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/300-org and “300.org – return atmosphere CO2 to 300 ppm CO2”: https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/300-org---return-atmosphere-co2-to-300-ppm ), noting that 7 million people de from air pollution each year, this including 10,000 Australians and 75,000 people killed by pollutants from burning exported Australian coal (see “Stop air pollution deaths”: https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/stop-air-pollution-deaths ).

Paul Ehrlich (Bing Professor of Population Studies, President of the Center for Conservation Biology, Department of Biology, 60-Nobel-Laureate Stanford University) says of coal: “ Every scientist in the world knows we should stop burning it [coal] as fast as we possibly can” and in a 2010 Open Letter 255 members of the US National Academy of Sciences, including11 Nobel Laureates stated of decarbonisation: “Delay is not an option”(see 2010 Open Letter by 255 members of the US National Academy of Sciences, “Open Letter: climate change and the integrity of science”, Guardian, 6 May 2010: http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2010/may/06/climate-science-open-letter .

Yet coal burning is but one of the more important of hundreds of Turnbull policy failures (see Gideon Polya, “Coalition Climate Crimes & 200 Reasons Why Australia Must Dump Pro-coal, Pro-war Coalition PM Malcolm Turnbull”, Countercurrents, 1 November, 2015: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya011115.htm ).

Science- and humanity- informed Australians will utterly reject the disastrous, war criminal, climate criminal and human rights-abusing policies of the Turnbull –lead Coalition, advocate “chuck it out”, vote 1 Green and put the COALition last.

2015-11-6 re Coalition voters & climate change to Crikey: http://www.crikey.com.au/2015/11/04/meet-the-govt-climate-sceptics-who-have-turnbull-by-the-shortncurlies/ . COMPLETELY CENSORED OUT BY CRIKEY PRESUMABLY FOR CONTAINING THINGS THAT CRIKEY DOES NOT WANT ITS READERS TO READ, KNOW ABOUT OR THINK ABOUT.

CSIRO has revealed an astonishing ignorance of Coalition voters over man-made global warming that is a testament to (a) appalling false reportage and malreportage by Mainstream media presstitutes, and notoriously those of the Murdoch media, (b) wishful thinking by greedy, selfish, neoliberal Coalition voters and (c) the look-the-other-way culture of PC racist White Australia.

However Turnbull’s climate criminal policies of long-term carbon fuel burning and unlimited Australian fossil fuel exports make him an effective climate change denier through egregious climate change inaction and Australia a world leader in per capita GHG pollution and climate change inaction. . Australia under PM Turnbull is a disproportionately high contributor to greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution that acutely threatens Humanity and the Biosphere with global warming that kills about 0.5 million people each year, and to generation of carbon fuel burning pollutants that kill 7 million people every year, including 10,000 Australians and 75,000 people who die from pollutants from the burning of Australia’s world-leading coal exports (see “Muslim Holocaust Muslim Genocide”: https://sites.google.com/site/muslimholocaustmuslimgenocide/ and “Stop air pollution deaths”: https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/stop-air-pollution-deaths ).

Decent, educated Australians who utterly abhor ecocide, speciescide and terracide will utterly reject pro-war, pro-coal, but oh so charming “lipstick on a pig” Malcolm Turnbull (aka Malcolm Turncoat, Malcolm Abbott and Tony Turnbull) and the pro-war, pro-coal, climate criminal, Australian-killing Coalition, vote 1 Green and put the COALition last (see Gideon Polya, “Coalition Climate Crimes & 200 Reasons Why Australia Must Dump Pro-coal, Pro-war Coalition PM Malcolm Turnbull”, Countercurrents, 1 November, 2015: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya011115.htm ).

On 19 September 2015 re Alex Mitchell and Sally Whyte, Hastie retreats from confirming creationist beliefs” , Crikey, 17 September 2015 , : http://www.crikey.com.au/2015/09/17/hastie-retreats-from-confirming-creationist-beliefs/ , I made the following detailed comments but they were CENSORED by Crikey:

Andrew Hastie deserves our respect as an Australian soldier who has done his duty in war - but as a Liberal candidate and a Liberal MP he takes on the baggage of the Coalition war criminals who sent Australians off to fight in impoverished Afghanistan for the mendacious, racist, genocidal and serial war criminal Americans, ostensibly because the lying Bush declared that Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan did 9-11 (5 million Afghan deaths from violence or war-imposed deprivation since 2001; see “Muslim Holocaust Muslim Genocide”: https://sites.google.com/site/muslimholocaustmuslimgenocide/ and “Afghan Holocaust, Afghan Genocide”: http://sites.google.com/site/afghanholocaustafghangenocide/ .

Yet numerous science, engineering, architecture, aviation, intelligence and military experts say that the US did 9-11 (with some asserting that Apartheid Israel was also involved ) (see “Experts: US did 9-11”: https://sites.google.com/site/expertsusdid911/ ) and even in the “official lying Bush version of 9-11” there is no assertion that any Afghans or Iraqis were involved in that atrocity.

Further, our ally in the Afghan War, US-installed Afghan President Karzai has been reported on video saying that Al Qaeda is a myth: : “[Al-Qaeda] is for me a myth […] For us, they don’t exist.” “I don’t know if al-Qaeda existed and I don’t know if they exist,” said Karzai. “I have not seen them and I’ve not had any report about them, any report that would indicate that al-Qaeda is operating in Afghanistan.” Asked whether he believed Osama bin Laden carried out the 9/11 attacks in New York and Washington DC and plotted them from Afghanistan, he responded: “That is what I have heard from our Western friends. That’s what the Western media says. There is no doubt that an operation, a terrorist operation was conducted in New York and in Washington.” Asked again by Hasan if he believed the 9/11 attacks were the responsibility of al-Qaeda in Afghanistan, the former president responded: “I neither believe nor disbelieve something that I don’t know about. I can tell you that Afghanistan was as much a victim of terrorism as was America, as were the people who were killed in the September 11th terrorist attacks” (see “Preview: Hamid Karzai says al-Qaeda is a “myth’”, Al Jazeera, 10 September 2015: http://www.aljazeera.com/programmes/upfront/2015/09/preview-hamid-karzai-al-qaeda-myth-150910101842572.html?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=New%20Campaign&utm_term=*AfPak%20Daily%20Brief ).

Further still, we have The Independent (UK) reporting Brigadier General Ahmad Reza Pourdastan ( commander of ground forces in the Iranian army and Australia’s ally in the fight against ISIS) in a television interview on Iran’s Arabic-language news network, Al-Alam, on April 19, 2015 saying that the US did 9-11 : “These wars in the middle [east] and these threats stem from a comprehensive American strategy. After the fall of the Soviet Union, the Americans felt that a new force was beginning to materialise, namely the union between Sunnis and Shias. The basis of this force was the blessed Islamic Revolution in Iran, this force is Islam, or the Islamic world. The first thing they did was to plan and carry out the events of 9/11, in order to justify their presence in Western Asia, with the goal of ruling it” (see Kashmira Gander, “9-11: Iranian general accuses US of organizing September 11 terror attacks”, The Independent, 27 April 2015: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/911-iranian-general-accuses-us-of-organising-september-11-terror-attacks-10206942.html ).

For Andrew Hastie’s sake I hope he does not get elected.

On 19 September 2015 re John Connor, “What Malcolm needs to do now on climate change”, Crikey, 18 September 2015: http://www.crikey.com.au/2015/09/18/what-malcolm-needs-to-do-now-on-climate-change/ , I posted the following comment but it was CENSORED by Crikey:

PM Malcolm “lipstick on a pig” Turnbull (aka Malcolm Abbott, Tony Turnbull, Malcolm Turncoat) has declared that he will stick with the Abbott Coalition Government’s climate inaction policies and has categorically rejected Bill Shorten’s request for a bipartisan “50% renewable energy by 2050” (Scotland aims for 100% renewable energy by 2020). .

On 2015-9-17 I sent the following informative Open Letter to PM Malcolm Turnbull re GHG pollution

Dear Prime Minister,

The Coalition policies of 26-28% off 2005 greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution by 2030 and unlimited GHG exports mean that Australia’s Domestic plus Exported GHG pollution will increase, not decrease (climate change inaction) [1-4].

Assuming a damage-related Carbon Price of US$200 per tonne CO2-equivalent, the inescapable Carbon Debt for Australia is US$11 trillion and increasing at US$600 billion per year and at US$60,000 per head per year for under-30 year old Australians [5, 6].

83,000 Australians die preventably each year and of these 10,000 die from carbon fuel burning pollutants. Globally, 7 million people die from air pollution each year (WHO) and 75,000 of these die from burning of exported Australian coal [7, 8].

Australia’s unlimited coal, gas and iron ore exports will see Australia exceed by a factor of three (3) the whole world’s Terminal Carbon Budget that must not be exceeded if the world is to have a 75% chance of avoiding a catastrophic 2 degrees Centigrade temperature rise, noting that Australia exceeded its fair share of this budget in 2011 [9, 10].

With 0.3% of world population, Australia is responsible via its huge Domestic and Exported GHG pollution for 3% of global GHG pollution (per capita 89 times bigger than Bangladesh’s) [11, 12].

Yours sincerely,

Dr Gideon Polya (300.org; [contact details]).

[1]. “2011 climate change course”: https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/2011-climate-change-course .

[2]. “Climate Revolution Now”: https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/climate-revolution .

[3]. “Cut carbon emissions 80% by 2020”: https://sites.google.com/site/cutcarbonemissions80by2020/ .

[4]. “100% renewable energy by 2020”: https://sites.google.com/site/100renewableenergyby2020/ .

[5]. Dr Chris Hope, “How high should climate change taxes be?”, Working Paper Series, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge, 9.2011: http://www.jbs.cam.ac.uk/media/assets/wp1109.pdf .

[6]. “Carbon Debt Carbon Credit”: https://sites.google.com/site/carbondebtcarboncredit/ .

[7]. Gideon Polya, “Australian State Terrorism - Zero Australian Terrorism Deaths, 1 Million Preventable Australian Deaths & 10 Million Muslims Killed By US Alliance Since 9-11”, Countercurrents, 23 September, 2014: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya230914.htm .

[8]. “Stop air pollution deaths”: https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/stop-air-pollution-deaths .

[9]. Gideon Polya, “Australia ‘s Huge Coal, Gas & Iron Ore Exports Threaten Planet”, Countercurrents, 15 May 2012: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya150512.htm .

[10]. “Climate Genocide”: https://sites.google.com/site/climategenocide/ .

[11]. Gideon Polya, “25 Ways World-Leading Climate Criminal Australia Threatens Planet And Invites Boycotts, Divestment & Sanctions (BDS)”, Countercurrents, 6 June, 2015: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya060615.htm .

[12]. “Stop climate crime”: https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/stop-climate-crime .

On 21 August 2015 Crikey published a article by Josh Taylor entitled “What did Heydon know and when did ghe know it? Unioins make their case for recusal”: Crikey re RC, Barwick: http://www.crikey.com.au/2015/08/21/what-did-heydon-know-and-when-did-he-know-it-unions-make-their-case-for-recusal/ . I attempted to post the following comment twice and it was CENSORED out twice:

Missing in all the look-the-other-way Australian commentary about the Trade Union Royal Commission affair is the Elephant in the Room reality that whether or not the notorious Speech Event was a substantive Liberal Party fundraiser or not, it was held in praise of Sir Garfield Barwick, a racist, a US lackey, a warmonger, and the person who gave the crucial legal advice to CIA asset Kerr before this wretched traitor betrayed Australia for a foreign country and sacked the Whitlam Labor Government in the 1975 US CIA-backed Coup (for a recent account see Andrew Fowler's book "The War on Journalism").

2 July 2015 Crikey re terrorism reportage: http://www.crikey.com.au/2015/07/02/dead-poets-society-wont-stop-terrorism/?wpmp_switcher=mobile&wpmp_tp=0 . However my comment below was CENSORED by Crikey:

This article sensibly demands accurate reporting to prevent “history ignored yields history” but below is a Herd of Elephant in the Room non-state terrorism- and state terrorism-related realities that are remorselessly ignored by US lackey Australian Mainstream media, politicians and academics:

1. Zaky Mallah’s position on terrorism is actually the same as that of the Coalition in that he (a) strongly opposes ISIS and (b) supports the US-backed Free Syrian Army which, backed by the US, UK, France, Jordan, Turkey, Apartheid Israel, Australia , Qatar and Saudi Arabia state terrorists, wants to overthrow the secular Assad Government of Syria (see Zaky Mullah, “Zaki Mullah: I stand by what I said on Q&A. Australia needs to hear it”, Guardian Australia, 23 June 2015: http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/jun/23/zaky-mallah-i-stand-by-what-i-said-on-qa-the-public-needs-to-hear-it ).

2. Zaky Mallah was rightly condemned by Tony Jones and others for several violent, intemperate and sexist tweets but Q&A routinely has Rightist panellists who variously implicitly and/or explicitly support racism, genocidal racism, war, warmongering, war crimes, mass murder, ecocide, genocide, ethnocide, speciescide, omnicide, terracide, climate criminality, climate change inaction, climate injustice, climate inequity, intergenerational theft, intergenerational injustice, intergenerational inequity, gross human rights abuse, gross child abuse and invasion, occupation and genocidal devastation of distant foreign countries (see Gideon Polya, “As UK lackeys or US lackeys Australians have invaded 85 countries (British 193, French 80, US 70)”, Countercurrents, 9 February, 2015: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya090215.htm ; Gideon Polya, “Australia’s Seventh Iraq War”, MWC News, 28 February 2015: http://mwcnews.net/focus/analysis/50028-australias-seventh-iraq-war.html ; and Gideon Polya, “25 ways World-leading climate criminal Australia threatens Planet and invites Boycotts, Divestment & Sanctions (BDS)”, Countercurrents, 06 June, 2015: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya060615.htm ).

3. Zaky Mallah paid the penalty for crimes to which he pleaded guilty but Q&A routinely has uncharged and unconvicted Rightists complicit in the illegal and war criminal invasion and destruction of Iraq (2.7 million Iraqi deaths from violence or violently-imposed deprivation, 6 million refugees, 0.8 million under-5 infant deaths in gross violation of the Geneva Convention plus 13 million Muslim deaths thus in the post-1990 US War on Muslims; see “Muslim Holocaust Muslim Genocide”: https://sites.google.com/site/muslimholocaustmuslimgenocide/ ; Iraqi Holocaust, Iraqi Genocide”: http://sites.google.com/site/iraqiholocaustiraqigenocide/ ; “Afghan Holocaust, Afghan Genocide”: http://sites.google.com/site/afghanholocaustafghangenocide/ .

4. Zero (0) Australians have ever been killed in Australia by a person belonging to a Muslim non-state terrorist organization, yet 80,000 Australians die preventably each year linked to Lib-Lab (Coalition and Labor Right) commitment to a $125 billion long-term accrual cost to Australia of the US War on Terror, a gross fiscal perversion involved in the killing of 10 million Muslims (half of them children) through Western -imposed violence or deprivation rather than keeping Australians alive at home (see Gideon Polya, “Australian State Terrorism - zero Australian terrorism deaths, 1 million preventable Australian deaths & 10 million Muslims killed by US Alliance since 9-11”, Countercurrents, 23 September, 2014: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya230914.htm ) .

2 July 2015 Crikey re terrorism reportage: http://www.crikey.com.au/2015/07/02/dead-poets-society-wont-stop-terrorism/?wpmp_switcher=mobile&wpmp_tp=0 . However my further comment below was also CENSORED by Crikey:

This article sensibly demands accurate reporting to prevent “history ignored yields history repeated” but below in a compensatory History Lesson are some Elephant in the Room non-state terrorism- and state terrorism-related realities that are remorselessly ignored by US lackey Australian Mainstream media, politicians and academics:

1. In the century after the British invasion in 1788 the Australian Aboriginal population dropped from about 1 million to 0.1 million through dispossession, deprivation, introduced disease and violence. Since 1788 some 2 million Indigenous Australians have died untimely deaths, White Australians have destroyed 600 out of 750 distinct Australian Aboriginal groups (and associated languages and dialects) and of the remaining 150 all but 20 are endangered, this qualitatively representing the worst genocide in human history. As UK lackeys or US lackeys Australians have invaded 85 countries (as compared to the British 193, France, 80, the US 70 and Apartheid Israel 12) with 30 of these invasions associated with genocide, a horrible reality overwhelmingly ignored by Mainstream Australian media, politicians and academics (see Gideon Polya, “As UK lackeys or US lackeys Australians have invaded 85 countries (British 193, French 80, US 70)”, Countercurrents, 9 February, 2015: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya090215.htm ).

2. Zaky Mallah’s position on terrorism is actually the same as that of the Coalition in that he (a) strongly opposes ISIS and (b) supports the US-backed Free Syrian Army which, backed by the US, UK, France, Jordan, Turkey, Apartheid Israel, Australia , Qatar and Saudi Arabia state terrorists, wants to overthrow the secular Assad Government of Syria (see Zaky Mullah, “Zaki Mullah: I stand by what I said on Q&A. Australia needs to hear it”, Guardian Australia, 23 June 2015: http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/jun/23/zaky-mallah-i-stand-by-what-i-said-on-qa-the-public-needs-to-hear-it ).

3. Zaky Mallah was rightly condemned by Tony Jones and others for several violent, intemperate and sexist tweets but Q&A routinely has Rightist panellists who variously implicitly and/or explicitly support racism, genocidal racism, war, warmongering, war crimes, mass murder, ecocide, genocide, ethnocide, speciescide, omnicide, terracide, climate criminality, climate change inaction, climate injustice, climate inequity, intergenerational theft, intergenerational injustice, intergenerational inequity, gross human rights abuse, gross child abuse and invasion, occupation and genocidal devastation of distant foreign countries (see Gideon Polya, “As UK lackeys or US lackeys Australians have invaded 85 countries (British 193, French 80, US 70)”, Countercurrents, 9 February, 2015: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya090215.htm ; Gideon Polya, “Australia’s Seventh Iraq War”, MWC News, 28 February 2015: http://mwcnews.net/focus/analysis/50028-australias-seventh-iraq-war.html ; and Gideon Polya, “25 ways World-leading climate criminal Australia threatens Planet and invites Boycotts, Divestment & Sanctions (BDS)”, Countercurrents, 06 June, 2015: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya060615.htm ).

4. Zaky Mallah paid the penalty for crimes to which he pleaded guilty but Q&A routinely has uncharged and unconvicted Rightists complicit in the illegal and war criminal invasion and destruction of Iraq (2.7 million Iraqi deaths from violence or violently-imposed deprivation, 6 million refugees, 0.8 million under-5 infant deaths in gross violation of the Geneva Convention plus 13 million Muslim deaths thus in the post-1990 US War on Muslims; see “Muslim Holocaust Muslim Genocide”: https://sites.google.com/site/muslimholocaustmuslimgenocide/ ; Iraqi Holocaust, Iraqi Genocide”: http://sites.google.com/site/iraqiholocaustiraqigenocide/ ; “Afghan Holocaust, Afghan Genocide”: http://sites.google.com/site/afghanholocaustafghangenocide/ .

5. Zero (0) Australians have ever been killed in Australia by a person belonging to a Muslim non-state terrorist organization, yet 80,000 Australians die preventably each year linked to Lib-Lab (Coalition and Labor Right) commitment to a $125 billion long-term accrual cost to Australia of the US War on Terror, a gross fiscal perversion involved in the killing of 10 million Muslims (half of them children) through Western -imposed violence or deprivation rather than keeping Australians alive at home (see Gideon Polya, “Australian State Terrorism - zero Australian terrorism deaths, 1 million preventable Australian deaths & 10 million Muslims killed by US Alliance since 9-11”, Countercurrents, 23 September, 2014: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya230914.htm ) .

History censored yields history repeated.

27 April 2015 Crikey re McIntyre & Turnbull: http://www.crikey.com.au/2015/04/27/turnbull-dobbed-in-sacked-sbs-reporter-over-anzac-tweets/?wpmp_switcher=mobile . My following comments on the sacking CENSORSHIP of Scott McIntyre were CENSORED by Crikey:

There was at least one decent, humane, truth-telling journalist at the SBS, namely Scott McIntyre, but the SBS has sacked him, thereby utterly trashing its own reputation.

We should honor all those who died serving Australia and the best way of honouring their sacrifice is by telling the truth about the horrible wars I which they participated.

Here are the 5 truth-telling, pro-humanity tweets of Scott McIntyre (see Scott McIntyre @mcintinhos ) about which PM-in-waiting Malcolm Turnbull offensively tweeted: “Difficult to think of more offensive or inappropriate comments than those by @mcintinhos. Despicable remarks which deserve to be condemned” - with the documented historical veracity in parentheses):

1. “Innocent children, on the way to school, murdered. Their shadows seared into the concrete of Hiroshima [with a graphic nuclear human shadow picture]” ( “The everlasting shadow of Hiroshima”: http://www.walltowatch.com/view/32432/The+Everlasting+Shadows+Of+Hiroshima ).

2. “Not forgetting that the largest single-day terrorist attacks in history were committed by this nation & their allies in Hiroshima & Nagasaki” (up to 250,000 mostly civilians killed in a nuclear terrorist nuclear holocaust; “Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki”, Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atomic_bombings_of_Hiroshima_and_Nagasaki ).

3. “Remembering the summary execution, widespread rape and theft committed by these ‘brave’ Anzacs in Egypt, Palestine and Japan” (Australian servicemen were involved in the Surafend Massacre of over 100 Palestinian villagers in 1918; killing 800 pro-democracy Egyptian demonstrators in 1918, violence, arson and very likely rape in WW1 Egypt; shooting Japanese prisoners and raping Japanese women; see Vacy Vazna, “The Sarafand Massacre, and cover up”, The Palestine Chronicle, 7 December 2012: http://www.palestinechronicle.com/the-sarafand-massacre-and-cover-up/ ; David Rowlands,“The ANZAC role in crushing the 1919 Egypt Revolt”, Green left Weekly, 18 April 2015: https://www.greenleft.org.au/node/47364 ; “Allied war crimes during World War II”, Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allied_war_crimes_during_World_War_II ; through withholding food from its huge wartime grain stores Australia was involved in the WW2 Bengali Holocaust in which 6-7 million Indians were deliberately starved to death for strategic reasons and in which hundreds of thousands of starving Bengali women and girls were subject to military and civilian sexual abuse on scale comparable with the “comfort women” abuses of the Japanese military: “Bengali Holocaust WW2”: https://sites.google.com/site/drgideonpolya/bengali-holocaust ).

4. “Wonder if the poorly-read, largely white, nationalist drinkers and gamblers pause today to consider the horror that all mankind suffered” (for the immediate Gallipoli invasion consequence, the Armenian genocide involving 1.5 million killed, and the subsequent genocidal horrors in the Muslim world and elsewhere to this day see Gideon Polya, “Armenian Genocide And Anglo-French & ANZAC Gallipoli Invasion Centenary –

Genocide Ignored Yields Genocide Repeated”, Countercurrents, 23 April, 2015: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya230415.htm

5. “The cultification of an imperialist invasion of a foreign nation that Australia had no quarrel with is against all ideals of modern society” (Australia has invaded 85 countries (as compared to Britain 193, France 80, the US 70 and Apartheid Israel 12) with 30 of these interventions associated with genocidal atrocities that are whitewashed by Mainstream media, politicians and academics (see Gideon Polya, “As UK lackeys or US lackeys Australians have invaded 85 countries (British 193, French 80, US 70)”, Countercurrents, 9 February, 2015: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya090215.htm and Gideon Polya, “Review: “The Cambridge History Of Australia” ignores Australian involvement in 30 genocides”, Countercurrents, 14 October, 2013: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya141013.htm ).

If Turnbull believes that McIntyre’s statements are false he should say so but he won’t because they are truthful. Decent Australians will reject Turnbull and the endlessly warmongering Coalition, vote 1 Green and put the Coalition last.

2015-2-11 Crikey re PM Closing the Gap report: http://www.crikey.com.au/2015/02/11/report-card-tony-fails-as-the-pm-for-aboriginal-affairs/?wpmp_switcher=mobile

Censored comment: Careful analysis of the Closing the Gap Report reveals appalling failure of the Abbott Coalition Government and predecessor governments in relation to avoidable deaths of Indigenous Australians.

The mortality rates are 1.0% pa for Indigenous Australians and 0.6% for non-Indigenous Australians (Figure 1, Overall mortality rates by Indigenous status: NSW, QLD, WA, SA and the NT combined 1998‑2031, page 7, “Closing the Gap Prime Minister’s Report 2015”: http://www.dpmc.gov.au/sites/default/files/publications/Closing_the_Gap_2015_Report.pdf ).

The avoidable death rate (avoidable deaths as a percentage of population per year) is the difference between the observed death rate and the death rate expected for a decently governed and demographically comparable population (for details see Gideon Polya, “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950”, that includes an avoidable mortality-related history of every country from Neolithic times and is now available for free perusal on the web : http://globalbodycount.blogspot.com.au/ ).

For non-Indigenous Australia the observed death rate is 0.6% pa which is about what is expected for a low birth rate, high life expectancy society and hence the avoidable death rate is about 0.0% (crudely put, old people die and the older the population the higher the expected death rate).

However the Indigenous Australian population (population 670,000) has very youthful demographic and a median age of 21.8 years (cf Bangladesh 25.8, India 26.9 and Pakistan 23.2 years ) as compared to the median age for non-Indigenous Australians of 37.6 years (cf Austria 43.3, Belgium 41.9 and the UK 40.5 years, countries for which the avoidable death rate is about 0.0%) (see “Estimates of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians, June 2011”, ABS, 2011: http://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs@.nsf/mf/3238.0.55.001 ; Median age, “World Population Prospects: the 2012 Revision”, UN: http://esa.un.org/wpp/unpp/panel_indicators.htm ).

The observed death rate in decently governed Developing Countries with a demographic similar to that of Indigenous Australia is about 0.4% per year (see Gideon Polya, “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950”: http://globalbodycount.blogspot.com.au/ ). and thus the avoidable Indigenous death rate is 1.0% - 0.4% = 0.6% as compared to 0.4% pa for impoverished South Asia and 1.0% for impoverished sub-Saharan Africa and 0.0% for White Australia but occurring in one of the world’s richest countries (per capita income $83,000 per head per year) i.e. 0.6% of 670,000 = 4,020 or about 4,000 Indigenous Australians die avoidably from deprivation every year.

Successive Lib-Lab governments have committed to a $125 billion long-term accrual cost for the post-9/11 US War on Terror in which 1 Australian was killed by a terrorist within Australia (Sydney, 2015) but 13.3 years x 4,020 Indigenous avoidable deaths per year per year = 53,000 Indigenous Australians have died avoidably and 10 million Muslims have been killed through violence or violently-imposed deprivation (see Gideon Polya, “Horrendous Cost For Australia Of US War On Terror”, Countercurrents, 14 October, 2012: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya141012.htm and “Muslim Holocaust Muslim Genocide”; https://sites.google.com/site/muslimholocaustmuslimgenocide/ ).

2015-2-11 Crikey re Abbott and “holocaust”: http://www.crikey.com.au/2015/02/13/the-new-abbott-much-like-the-old-one-with-added-aggro/?wpmp_switcher=mobile .

Censored comment: An erratic Tony Abbott (a One Term Tony, a Half Term Tony?) has stuck resolutely to his growing list of absurd claims and gaffes but was rapidly and repeatedly cravenly apologetic in fealty to the powerful Zionist Lobby over his hyperbolic use of the term "holocaust" (a huge mass mortality event) when none was needed. The Zionists have falsely entrenched the notion that the circa 5 million victim Shoa or Jewish Genocide of WW2 was the only holocaust of WW2 and indeed the only holocaust ever – it was in horrible reality part of the WW2 European Holocaust in which 30 million Slavs, Jews and Gypsies perished.

Indeed the first WW2 atrocity to have been described as a “holocaust”, by N.G. Jog in his 1944 book “Churchill’s Blind-Spot: India”, was the 1942-1945 Bengali Holocaust in the British with Australia complicity deliberately starved 6-7 million Indians to death for strategic reasons (Australia was complicit through withholding food from its huge wartime grain stocks; see Gideon Polya, “Australia And Britain Killed 6-7 Million Indians In WW2 Bengal Famine”, Countercurrents , 29 September, 2011: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya290911.htm ; Gideon Polya, “Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History. Colonial rapacity, holocaust denial and the crisis in biological sustainability”, G.M. Polya, Melbourne, 1998, 2008: http://janeaustenand.blogspot.com/2008/09/jane-austen-and-black-hole-of-british.html ; Erin M.K. Weir, “”German submarine blockade, overseas imports, and British military production in World War II”, Journal of Military and Strategic Studies, vol. 6, number 1, 2003: http://jmss.org/jmss/index.php/jmss/article/view/236 ; Madhusree Muckerjee, “Churchill's Secret War. The British Empire and the ravaging of Indian during World War II”, Basic Books, New York , 2010; Colin Mason, “A Short History of Asia . Stone Age to 2000AD”, Macmillan, London , 2000; Thomas Keneally, “Three Famines”; Bengal Famine, BBC radio broadcast series “The things we forgot to remember”, 2008: http://www.open2.net/thingsweforgot/bengalfamine_programme.html ).

40 million Chinese died under the Japanese occupation , 1937-1945, that was assisted by Australia iron exports to Japan by “Pig Iron Bob” Menzies and was certainly a WW2 Chinese Holocaust.

2015-1-8, Crikey article by Guy Rundle re Paris atrocity: http://www.crikey.com.au/2015/01/08/rundle-charlie-hebdo-terrorism-and-the-distortion-of-popular-memory/?wpmp_switcher=mobile . My comments below were CENSORED by Crikey presumably for containing things that they do not want their readers to read, know about or think about. However instead of being buried in a long reader comment thread they can now be read as COMMENTS CENSORED BY CRIKEY on the website “Censorship by Crikey (Australia)”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/censorship-by-crikey (and no doubt eventually elsewhere) . Censorship of informed opinion by Crikey is not dictated by crazed, murderous fanatics as in the unsuccessful attempted censorship of Charlie Hebdo but simply by craven acquiescence with the US-beholden Mainstream narrative.

A thoughtful and thought-provoking article by Guy Rundle about the Paris atrocity in contrast to the general hysterical, grossly hypocritical and lying by omission media and political commentary. Some additional thoughts.

1. The beneficiaries of this appalling atrocity (and indeed of other such Muslim-origin non-state terrorism atrocities) are Islamophobes, US Alliance state terrorists and the Zionist -promoted US War on Muslims (12 million Muslim deaths, about half of children, from violence or violently–imposed deprivation; see “Muslim Holocaust Muslim Genocide”: https://sites.google.com/site/muslimholocaustmuslimgenocide/ ). Indeed the US backed Muslim-origin non-state terrorist groups in Afghanistan and has an appalling record of false flag operations from Gladio in Europe, and the bombing of Catholic Churches in Ecuador (so the socialists would be blamed; see Philip Agee’s Inside the Company. CIA Diary”) to the US Government’s 9-11 false flag atrocity (see “Experts; US did 9-11”: https://sites.google.com/site/expertsusdid911/ and 9-11Review.com, “History of American false flag operations”: http://www.911review.com/articles/anon/false_flag_perations.html ).

2. Pepe Escobar (author of “Empire of Chaos”) has observed that “Cui bono, then, with killing Charlie? Only those whose agenda is to demonize Islam. Not even a bunch of brainwashed fanatics would pull off the Charlie carnage to show people who accuse them of being barbarians that they are, in fact, barbarians. French intel at least has concluded that this is no underwear bomber stunt. This is a pro job. That happens to take place just a few days after France recognizes Palestinian statehood. And just a few days after General Hollande demanded the lifting of sanctions against the Russian "threat". The Masters of the Universe who pull the real levers of the Empire of Chaos are freaking out with the systemic chaos in the racket they so far had the illusion of controlling. Make no mistake - the Empire of Chaos will do what it can to exploit the post-Charlie environment - be it blowback or false flag… And yes, I am Charlie. Not only because they made us laugh; but because they were sacrificial lambs in a much nastier, gruesome, never-ending shadowplay” (see Pepe Escobar, “Who profits from killing Charlie?”, Asia Times., 8 January 2015: http://www.atimes.com/atimes/World/WOR-01-080115.html ).

3. The worst crimes of Muslim-origin non-state terrorists are those that are religiously skirted and censored by Western media – the horrendous consequential US Alliance-imposed or complicit deaths from war and war-imposed deprivation in the post-1990 US War on Muslims (12 million), the post-2001 US War on Terror (10 million), the post-1990 Iraqi Genocide (4.6 million), the post-2001 Afghan Genocide (5.5 million), the post-1992 Somalian Genocide (2.2 million), the post-2011 Libyan Genocide (0.2 million), the post-2011 Syrian Genocide (0.2 million), and in Mali, the Central African Republic, the Yemen, Pakistan etc (see “Muslim Holocaust Muslim Genocide”: https://sites.google.com/site/muslimholocaustmuslimgenocide/ ).

4. 1950-2005 avoidable deaths from deprivation in countries occupied by France in the post-1945 era total 142 million (727 million for British-occupied, 82 million for US-occupied, and 24 million for Apartheid Israel-occupied countries) (see Gideon Polya, “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950”that includes an avoidable mortality-related history of every country and is now available for free perusal on the web: http://globalbodycount.blogspot.com.au/2012/01/body-count-global-avoidable-mortality_05.html ). The US, UK, France and Apartheid Israel have invaded 70, 170, 80 and 12 countries, respectively (e.g. see Gideon Polya, “US has invaded 70 nations – make 4 July Independence from America Day”, Countercurrents, 5 July 2013: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya050713.htm ) and are currently variously involved (and variously with Australian assistance) in killing Indigenous inhabitants of Mali, the Central African Republic, Libya, Palestine, the Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan or Pakistan – US state terrorism, UK state terrorism, French state terrorism , Apartheid Israeli state terrorism and Australian state terrorism and indeed a “death cult”.

2014-12-19. Re-posted to Crikey Guy Rundle article re Sydney siege & guns (my original attempted post “disappeared” as did this attempted re-post ):http://www.crikey.com.au/2014/12/19/rundle-sigh-leyonhjelm-a-right-wing-gun-nut-after-all/?wpmp_switcher=mobile

This US-NRA- style hidden-guns-for –all was an absurd and dangerous suggestion by Senator David Leyonhjelm. One hopes that all future senate candidates will put him last on their preference list.

About 1.5 million Americans die preventably each year and 20 million have died thus since the US Government’s 9-11 false flag operation (see Gideon Polya, “One Percenter greed & war means over 1.5 million Americans die preventably each year”, Countercurrents, 19 September, 2014: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya190914.htm ; Gideon Polya, “American Holocaust, millions of untimely American deaths and $40 trillion cost of Israel to Americans”, Countercurrents , 27 August, 2013: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya270813.htm ; and “Experts: US did 9-11”: https://sites.google.com/site/expertsusdid911/ ).

Of the 1.5 million Americans who die preventably each year in the US, 31,000 die due to guns. Each year there are 1.5 million preventable American deaths and 15,000 homicides in the US (population 314 million) as compared to about 80,000 preventable Australian deaths and 300 homicides in Australia (population 24 million) (see Gideon Polya, “One Percenter greed & war means over 1.5 million Americans die preventably each year”, Countercurrents, 19 September, 2014: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya190914.htm and Gideon Polya, “Australian State Terrorism - Zero Australian terrorism deaths, 1 million preventable Australian deaths & 10 million Muslims killed by US Alliance since 9-11”, Countercurrents, 23 September, 2014: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya230914.htm ).

Our legislators should be trying to reduce the appalling carnage of an estimated 80,000 annual preventable deaths in Australia but they are evidently not trying hard enough.

Decent Australians who care for fellow Australians will be horrified when apprised of 80,000 Australian preventable deaths annually (but they won’t be apprised by the Yellow Press of White Australia) , will utterly reject the Lib-Labs (Liberal-Laborals, Coalition and Labor Right) who are complicit in this tragedy through corruption, neoliberal ideology or sheer ignorance and stupidity, and will vote 1 Green and put the Coalition last.

2014-12-19. Re-posted to Crikey’s Bernard Keane re Sydney Siege (my original attempted post “disappeared” as did this attempted re-post ): http://www.crikey.com.au/2014/12/19/pressure-builds-for-independent-inquiry-into-siege/?wpmp_switcher=mobile

Some key questions for an independent and competent inquiry into the Sydney Siege but which will be largely ignored in Neocon American and Zionist Imperialist (NAZI)-perverted ans subverted, look-the-other-way, One Percenter-run, Murdochracy, Lobbyocracy and Corporatocracy Australia:

1. should a person charged with violence towards women (in this instance complicity in murder and scores of sexual assaults) be granted bail?

2. should the same effort directed to politicized spying on all Australians be directed to detecting illegal weapons (magnetometers and X-rays being more objective detectors of threat than paranoid interpretations of private linkages or conversations)?

3. should possession of illegal weapons carry the same draconian punishment as reading forbidden material or expressing forbidden sentiments?

4. with 3 dead and half a dozen wounded, the negotiators evidently failed - what went wrong?

5. what part did oxymoronically named US lackey Australian Intelligence play in the apparent conversion - in terms of public statements - of the perpetrator from a pro-peace , pro-freedom of speech, pro-human rights activist to a dangerous and suicidal gunman?

6. Did the nationally dominant lying, racism, bigotry, xenophobia, anti-Arab anti-Semitism and Islamophobia of mendacious Mainstream media and politicians (notably the Murdoch media and the Lib-Lab Right) help push this deranged gunman over the edge?

7. Should not the huge and warranted public sorrow and indignation over this tragic atrocity be extended to other continuing hostage situations such as hundreds of of thousands of abused Australian women held hostage in highly abusive and violent relationships with 1 being murdered by an intimate partner every week; the 4.3 million Occupied Palestinians (half of them children, half of them female, one quarter odf them women) held hostage by genocidaly racist Apartheid Israel with zero human rights and with an estimated 5,000 being killed by violence (800) or by violently-imposed deprivation (4,200) every year; and the hundreds of millions of Muslims (half of them children, half of them female, one quarter of them women) subject to state terrorism in the Zionist-promoted, US-led War on Muslims associated since 1990 with 12 million Muslim deaths from violence or violently-imposed deprivation in a swathe of countries from Africa to South Asia ((see Muslim Holocaust Muslim Genocide”: https://sites.google.com/site/muslimholocaustmuslimgenocide/ and “Afghan Holocaust Afghan Genocide”: https://sites.google.com/site/afghanholocaustafghangenocide/ ) .

8. What can be done to counteract exploitation of this tragedy by the nationally dominant lying, racist, bigoted, , xenophobic, anti-Arab anti-Semitic, Islamophobic warmongers and war makers of the mendacious Mainstream media and politicians (notably the mendacious Murdoch media and the war criminal Liberal-Laborals (Lib-Labs, Coalition and Labor Right)?

2014-12-18. Re-posted to Crikey’s Guy Rundle re Sydney Siege & Tele (my original attempted post disappeared as did this attempted re-post ) :http://www.crikey.com.au/2014/12/18/rundle-monis-was-a-criminal-the-tele-made-him-a-terrorist/?wpmp_switcher=mobile .

All decent people abhor violence and terrorism, whether non-state terrorism (e.g. of formerly and some presently US-backed Muslim-origin non-state terrorism which has killed about 2,000 Westerners in the last half century) or state terrorism (e.g. US state terrorism, UK state terrorism, French state terrorism. Apartheid Israeli state terrorism and Australian state terrorism which has been involved in killing 10 million Muslims, half of them children, by violence or violently -imposed deprivation in the post 9-11, Zionist -promoted US War on Terror that was launched after the Zionist-dominated US Government’s 9-11 false flag atrocity (see “Experts: US did 9-11”: https://sites.google.com/site/expertsusdid911/ ).

Missing from the terror hysteria Western Yellow Press coverage of Muslim-origin non-state terrorism is the Elephant in the Room reality that the biggest crime of these psychopaths has been their provocation of disproportionate Western state terrorism responses. Indeed the US has a long and dirty record of supporting non-state terrorists and false flag operations to provide excuses for invasions, occupations and horrendous mass murder.

Thus, by way of example, ex-CIA operative Philip Agee’s “Inside the Company. CIA Diary” (1975) describes first-hand how the CIA in Ecuador ran terrorist groups who would bomb Catholic Churches so that the Socialists would be blamed (the author had a hum-drum job of keeping leading political and trade union figure “assets” and their mistresses happy with Cadillacs and other bribes –indeed the book provides any Australian reader a good idea of which leading Australian public figures were US “assets” i.e. degenerate traitors).

The 2 biggest questions arsing from the Sydney Siege are (a) how an extremely loquacious, pro-peace, pro-free speech, pro-human rights activist was turned into a suicidal, criminal, gun-toting hostage-taker and (b) how did the “expert negotiators” fail so disastrously resulting in 3 dead, 5 wounded and dozens seriously traumatized, noting that the outcomes in (a) and (b) were definitely to the advantage of the nationally dominant, lying, racist, bigoted, xenophobic, anti-Arab anti-Semitic, Islamophobic warmongers and war makers of the mendacious Mainstream media (the Yellow Press of White Australia) and politicians (notably the mendacious Murdoch media and the war criminal Liberal-Laborals (Lib-Labs, Coalition and Labor Right).

2014-12-18. Re-posted to Crikey ‘s re Sydney Siege & inquiry independence & focus (an original attempted post disappeared as did this attempted re-post ):http://www.crikey.com.au/2014/12/18/siege-inquiry-needs-greater-independence-and-more-focus/?wpmp_switcher=mobile .

The damaging and deadly consequences of the actions of this deranged criminal and respect for the victims - the dead, the wounded, the traumatized, and hundreds of thousands of Australian Muslims and 1,500 million Muslims worldwide utterly unfairly and dishonestly linked to this atrocity - demand answers to key questions from an independent and competent inquiry (noting that in look-the-other-way, One Percenter-run Australia inquiries are often set up to fail ) :

1. should a person charged with violence towards women (in this instance complicity in murder and scores of sexual assaults) be granted bail?

2. with 3 dead and half a dozen wounded, the negotiators evidently failed - what went wrong?

3. did the nationally dominant lying, racism, bigfotry, xenophobia, anti-Arab anti-Semitism and Islamophobia of mendacious Mainstream media and politicians (notably the Murdoch media and the Lib-Lab Right) help push this deranged gunman over the edge?

4. Should not the huge and warranted public sorrow and indignation over this tragic atrocity be extended to other continuing hostage situations such as those listed below? :

i. hundreds of of thousands of abused Australian women held hostage in highly abusive and violent relationships with 1 being murdered by an intimate partner every week;

ii. 4.3 million Occupied Palestinians (half of them children, half of them female, one quarter odf them women) held hosltage by genocidaly racist Apartheid Israel with zero human rights and with an estimated 5,000 being killed by violence (800) or by violenlty-imposed deprivation (4,200) every year;

iii. hundreds of millions of Muslims (half of them children, half of them female, one quarter of them women) subject to state terrorism in the Zionist-promoted, US-led War on Muslims associated since 1990 with 12 million Muslim deaths from violence or violently-imposed deprivation in a swathe of countries from Africa to South Asia ((see Muslim Holocaust Muslim Genocide”: https://sites.google.com/site/muslimholocaustmuslimgenocide/ and “Afghan Holocaust Afghan Genocide”: https://sites.google.com/site/afghanholocaustafghangenocide/ ) .

5. What can be done to counteract exploitation of this tragedy by the nationally dominant lying, racist, bigoted, , xenophobic, anti-Arab anti-Semitic, Islamophobic warmongers and war makers of the mendacious Mainstream media and politicians (notably the mendacious Murdoch media and the war criminal Liberal -Laboral Right)?

2014-12-17. Re-posted to Crikey’s Guy Rundle re America & democracy (my original attempted post disappeared as did this attempted re-post ):http://www.crikey.com.au/2014/12/17/rundle-bush-v-clinton-mark-ii-and-the-death-of-democracy/?wpmp_switcher=mobile .

What American democracy? America is a Neocon American and Zionist Imperialist (NAZI) One Percenter-run Plutocracy, Murdochracy, Lobbyocracy and Corporatocracy in which Big Money buys people, politicians, parties, policies, public perception of reality , votes and political power of, by and for the Super-rich. Some key points:

Many Black Americans couldn’t vote before the late 1960s but today , for example, in Chicago nearly 80% of adult African American males are excluded from voting under felony laws; millions of African Americans are excluded from voting; and African Americans and Hispanic Americans have about half their “fair share” of representatives in Congress and 5-6 times less Congressional representation than Jewish Americans (see Michelle Alexander, “The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness”, The New Press, 2010; Michelle Alexander, “The war on drugs and the New Jim Crow”, Race, Poverty, Environment, Vol. 17, No. 1 | Spring 2010: http://reimaginerpe.org/20years/alexander ; Gideon Polya, “Truth & Boycotts, Divestment & Sanctions (BDS) Can Overcome Huge Inequities Suffered By African Americans Under American Apartheid”, Countercurrents, 29 September, 2014: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya290914.htm ).

Democracy is fundamentally expression of the will of the people and a fundamental and overwhelming desire of each and every American is for them, their loved ones and fellow citizens to remain alive. However under “American Democracy” abouit 1.5 million Americans die preventably each year and 20 million have died thus since the US Government’s 9-11 false flag operation (see Gideon Polya, “One Percenter greed & war means over 1.5 million Americans die preventably each year”, Countercurrents, 19 September, 2014: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya190914.htm ; Gideon Polya, “American Holocaust, millions of untimely American deaths and $40 trillion cost of Israel to Americans”, Countercurrents , 27 August, 2013: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya270813.htm ; and “Experts: US did 9-11”: https://sites.google.com/site/expertsusdid911/ ).

The Neocon American and Zionist Imperialist (NAZI) American One Percenters also oppose democracy for all other countries, most notably in neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel that prevents 72% of its Indigenous Palestinian subjects from voting . Thus the US has invaded 70 nations, is currently bombing another half dozen countries (with drone targeting assistance from a war criminal, US lackey Australia) (see Gideon Polya, “Make 4 July Independence From America Day”, Countercurrents, 5 July, 2013: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya050713.htm ). Thus American subversion of democracy has occurred in Australia with the CIA-backed Whitlam Dismissal (1975), the US veto on Mark Latham in 2004, the US-approved, Mining Corporations –backed, pro-Zionist –led Coup against PM Kevin Rudd in 2010, the Wikileaks-revealed presence of US “assets” within the Labor Caucus, and 1 million preventable Australian deaths since the US Government’s 9-11 false flag operation and linked to the fiscal perversion of committing $125 billion to the War on Terror and killing 10 million Muslims abroad rather than keeping Australians alive at home (see Gideon Polya, “Australian State Terrorism - Zero Australian terrorism deaths, 1 million preventable Australian deaths & 10 million Muslims killed by US Alliance since 9-11”, Countercurrents, 23 September, 2014: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya230914.htm .).

Decent Australians who believe in democracy will utterly reject the traitorous, war criminal, anti-democracy, Neocon American and Zionist Imperialist (NAZI)-perverted, US lackey, pro-Zionist Lib-Lab (Liberal-Laborals, Coalition and Labor Right),. vote 1 Green and put the Coalition last.

2014-12-17. CENSORED comment to Crikey’s Bernard Keane re PM & intelligence failure of Sydney Siege: http://www.crikey.com.au/2014/12/17/pms-rebuke-focuses-attention-on-siege-intelligence-failure/?wpmp_switcher=mobile

The intelligence failure is systemic because it utterly ignores and indeed is a key participant in state terrorism, This deranged, violent, alleged serial woman abuser, and apparently self-confessed terrorist hostage-taker identified with “Islam” in the same way that deranged, warmongering, war criminal, and mass murdering Western state terrorism leaders such as Bush, Blair and Obama identify with “Christianity”, “The Enlightenment” and “Western Civilization”.

One notes that Lib-Lab (Coalition and Labor Right) Australia is complicit in the Western Iraqi Holocaust and Iraqi Genocide under Sanctions and Occupation associated with post-1990 consequent Iraqi deaths totaling 4.6 million from violence (1.7 million) or from violently -imposed deprivation (2.9 million ) (see “Iraqi Holocaust, Iraqi Genocide”: https://sites.google.com/site/iraqiholocaustiraqigenocide/geneva-convention ), the Zionist backed, Western-imposed, post-1990 US War on Muslims (12 million Muslim deaths from violence or war- imposed deprivation) and the post-2001 US War on Terror (10 million Muslim deaths from violence or war- imposed deprivation; see Muslim Holocaust Muslim Genocide”: https://sites.google.com/site/muslimholocaustmuslimgenocide/ and “Afghan Holocaust Afghan Genocide”: https://sites.google.com/site/afghanholocaustafghangenocide/ ) . Lib-Lab Australia has been involved in 5 Iraq wars, the Iraqi Genocide, and the Afghan Genocide and via Pine Gap plays a vital role in targetting war criminal US drone strikes across the Muslim world.

After several days of Australian Mainstream media reporting non-stop but effectively saying nothing authoritative about the basis of the hostage atrocity, the Guardian Australia on Wednesday 17 December was able to report second-hand that the deranged hostage-taker wanted his position as an ISIS-supporting terrorist and his demands broadcast : “ Guardian Australia has spoken with family members and friends of several of the hostages held by Man Haron Monis inside the Lindt cafe in Martin Place, in Sydney’s CBD. Separately, they have described a terrifying and unpredictable 17-hour ordeal, where Monis forced hostages to film videos outlining his demands... [Monis wanted] a public declaration from the government that his was an act of terror committed on behalf of Islamic State [and wanted videos to this effect to be broadcast]... The videos were sent to media outlets. None put them to air while the siege was under way" (see Ben Doherty, “We’re not getting out of here”, Guardian 17 December 2014: http://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2014/dec/16/hostages-in-the-sydney-siege-were-not-getting-out-of-here ) .

With 3 dead and half a dozen wounded, the authorities and their "expert negotiators" have evidently failed, but xenophobes, racists, anti-Arab anti-Semites, Islamophobes, the Abbott Coalition Government, warmongers, and those wanting further movement toward a Police State Australia will be huge beneficiaries of this failure. and this atrocity (Gideon Polya, “Terror Hysteria - Draconian New Australian Anti-Terrorism Laws Target Journalists, Muslims And Human Rights”, Countercurrents, 8 October, 2014: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya0810114.htm and Matthew Knott and Ben Grubb, “New security laws pave the way for “police state”, says Andrew Wilkie”, Sydney Morning Herald, 1 October 2014: http://www.smh.com.au/federal-politics/political-news/new-national-security-laws-pave-way-for-police-state-says-andrew-wilkie-20141001-10ojxq.html ).

Decent Australians who abhor non-state terrorism and the vastly more dangerous and deadly state terrorism, will utterly reject the Lib-Lab state terrorists, vote 1 Green and put the Coalition last.


2016-06-24 Crikey re gay marriage Plebiscite: https://www.crikey.com.au/2016/06/23/penny-wong-right-same-sex-marriage-plebiscite-will-harm-australia/ .

Denying marriage equality is bigotry. When it comes to bigotry and gender-, ethnicity-, religion- or whatever-based exclusion it is useful and extremely revealing to apply the post-WW2 Jewish Holocaust “Jewish test for bigotry” i.e. current typically extreme right wing proposals and actions involving human rights-restrictions on aborigines, Muslims, refugees, boat-borne refugees, LGBTI people, BDS-supporters (including anti-racist Jewish supporters fo BDS against Apartheid Israel) etc should merit the same repugnance as proposals and actions involving human rights-restrictions on Jews. Thus in the Coalition’s obscenely disingenuous, profligate, anti-science and implicitly homophobic $160 million Plebiscite on marriage equality, those homophobes arguing for “exclusion of gay people from marriage” must be regarded in exactly the same way as those repugnantly arguing for “exclusion of Jewish people from marriage”. Of course the Coalition bigots could respond that they are only arguing for “exclusion of some Jewish people from marriage” – to which Jewish Holocaust survivors and decendants, and indeed all decent folk informed about WW2, would respond “The post-WW2 crie de coeur of “Never again to anyone” includes never again to any Jews whether straight Jews or gay Jews”. Indeed if numbers mean anything, the Coalition bigots are far, far worse than those bottom-feeders only wanting to discriminate against gay Jews because the Coalition bigots want to discriminate against all gay people. Decent Australians who utterly reject racism and bigotry will utterly reject the bigoted, homophobic, anti-Arab anti-Semitic and implicitly anti-Jewish anti-Semitic Coalition , vote 1 Green and put the Coalition last.

2016-06-24 Crikey re climate change missing in election: https://www.crikey.com.au/2016/06/22/silence-carbon-masks-swing-interventionism/ .

The need for urgent climate change action is the fundamental reason why people should vote 1 Green and put the COALition last. I sent the following Open Letter to Australian MPs re climate emergency inaction

“Annual global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions presently total 64Gt CO2-equivalent with methanogenic livestock production and attendant land use contributing about 50%. With (a) annual emissions of CO2 per se from industry at a record high of about 32 Gt CO2, (b) a [2009-2050] Terminal Carbon Pollution Budget of 600 Gt CO2 for a 75% chance of avoiding a catastrophic 2 degree Centigrade temperature rise and the world having a mere 2 years before this is exceeded, (c) atmospheric CO2 and methane (CH4) at 1 million year highs of 405 ppm CO2 and 1,840 ppb CH4, respectively, and increasing at record rates, (d) only 15 years to go before an atmospheric 450 ppm CO2 dooms world coral reefs, and (e) Humanity and the Biosphere existentially threatened by CH4 release from the warming Arctic in coming decades (5,250 Gt CO2-e), ordinary Humanity must urgently adopt a vegetarian diet to help save the Planet.

For a safe and sustainable environment for all people and all species the atmospheric CO2 concentration must be reduced from the current dangerous and damaging 405 ppm CO2 to the pre-Industrial Revolution level of circa 300 ppm CO2 i.e. when (if) we reach zero carbon emissions we will still need negative CO2 emissions (atmospheric CO2 draw-down) to get back to 300 ppm CO2 through removal of about 350 Gt CO2 from the atmosphere. Unfortunately the maximum annual rate of doing this by safely sequestering available agricultural or forestry cellulosic waste per se or as biochar is roughly the same as the current annual rate of industrial CO2 pollution.

Australian Lib-Lab (Coalition and Labor) Business As Usual (BAU) policies of unlimited GHG pollution through coal, gas, iron ore and meat exports constitute terracidal, anti-science climate criminality and depraved indifference. Australia is among the world’s very worst countries for annual per capita GHG pollution and climate change inaction. Labor gets some points for renewable energy uptake but the Turnbull-led Coalition is condemned for effective climate change denialism through climate change inaction compounded by societal security-endangering censorship, lying by commission and lying by omission about man-made climate change. Risk averse, science-informed Australians who care for the young, future generations and the Biosphere, will vote 1 Green and put the Coalition last”.

2016-06-24 Crikey re medicare “scare” campaign: https://www.crikey.com.au/2016/06/22/crikey-campaign-scorecard-june-22/ .

The yellow and dishonest ABC calls Labor’s Medicare campaign a “Mediscare” campaign but the reality is that the Coalition has been steadily eroding the public health system and Medicare over the last 3 years. Turnbull can claim that he is not going to abolish Medicare – he is simply going to continue eroding it. And as for “scaring”, privatizing health kills e.g. 45,000 Americans die each year from lack of medical insurance (see Gideon Polya, “Romney Abolition Of ObamaCare Would Kill 80,000 Americans Over 8 Years”, Countercurrents, 3 October, 2012: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya031012.htm ). 85,000 Australians die preventably each year (including 5,000 from coal burning) under the pro-coal, Australian-killing KOALition (see Gideon Polya, “Coalition Climate Crimes & 200 Reasons Why Australia Must Dump Pro-coal, Pro-war Coalition PM Malcolm Turnbull”, Countercurrents, 1 November, 2015: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya011115.htm ).) The endless lying of the pro-coal, Australian-killing KOALition fundamentally threatens rational risk management crucial for societal safety and the life/death security of all Australians. Properly informed decent people will accordingly vote 1 Green and put the KOALition last (see Gideon Polya, “see Gideon Polya, “Climate Criminal Coalition Government Lying Endangers Australia & Planet – Australians Must Vote 1 Green And Put The Coalition Last”, Countercurrents, 17 June, 2016: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya170616.htm ).

2016-06-24 Crikey re fear & loathing in election campaign: https://www.crikey.com.au/2016/06/23/crikey-campaign-scorecard-medicare-and-asylum-seekers/ .

The most serious issue in this election campaign should be Coalition lying. There is zero tolerance for lying in science because it utterly sabotages the search for “truth” (better hypotheses). Similarly there should be zero tolerance for lying in public life which sabotages rational risk management crucial for societal safety. However Big Money ensures that in Kleptocracy, Plutocracy, Murdochracy, Lobbyocracy, Corporatocracy and Dollarocracy Australia the public is held hostage by lying and spin by Mainstream media, politician and academic presstitutes. Thus with 85,000 Australians dying preventably each year (Gideon Polya, “Coalition Climate Crimes & 200 Reasons Why Australia Must Dump Pro-coal, Pro-war Coalition PM Malcolm Turnbull”, Countercurrents, 1 November, 2015: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya011115.htm ), Mainstream lying enables the Australian-killing Coalition to divert $50 billion from health services to tax cuts for the rich. With half the Australian population functionally innumerate and functionally illiterate, Mainstream lying enables the anti-child Coalition to divert $40 billion from schools to subsidies for fossil fuel burning and child-abusing religious claptrap. Those voting for the economically incompetent, climate criminal, child-abusing, pro-One Percenter Coalition are on a continuum from egregious stupidity and ignorance to homicidal and terracidal greed (see Gideon Polya, “Climate Criminal Coalition Government Lying Endangers Australia & Planet – Australians Must Vote 1 Green And Put The Coalition Last”, Countercurrents, 17 June, 2016: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya170616.htm ). Properly informed, decent Australians (e.g. the stereotypical, highly educated inner city intellectuals) will accordingly vote 1 Green and put the KOALition last.

2016-06-19 Crikey re Parakeelia, Lib-Labs, elections: https://www.crikey.com.au/2016/06/16/crikey-campaign-scorecard-june-16/ .

Endless Coalition deceit angers decent people but it is evidently just dandy for the circa 50% of the population who give the Coalition “2 party preferred” support and who are on a continuum between egregious stupidity and ignorance and homicidal and terracidal greed. Rational risk management is crucial for societal safety and successively involves (a) accurate information, (b) scientific analysis, and (c) informed systemic change to minimize risk. However the anti-science, anti-environment, pro-fossil fuels Australian Coalition Government has utterly perverted this process in relation to the worsening climate emergency through spin, lying by commission, lying by omission and censorship. Critically, Coalition Government mendacity endangers society and thus science-informed Australians will put the Coalition last in the 2 July 2016 Federal elections - see Gideon Polya, “Climate Criminal Coalition Government Lying Endangers Australia & Planet – Australians Must Vote 1 Green And Put The Coalition Last”, Countercurrents, 17 June, 2016: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya170616.htm .

2016-06-19 Crikey re Turnbull’s Digital Transformation Office: https://www.crikey.com.au/2016/06/17/turnbulls-digital-transformation-office-has-not-fixed-mygov/ .

Noting that there is zero tolerance for lying and censorship science, the Coalition under Turnbull is profoundly anti-science. Rational risk management is crucial for societal safety and successively involves (a) accurate information, (b) scientific analysis, and (c) informed systemic change to minimize risk. However the anti-science, anti-environment, pro-fossil fuels Australian Coalition Government has utterly perverted this process in relation to the worsening climate emergency through spin, lying by commission, lying by omission and censorship. The Coalition has an appalling record of censorship in its closure of the Climate Commission , its attempted closure of ARENA and the CEFC, its de-funding of CSIRO, universities, CRCs, ARENA, and the CEFC, its successful removal of any mention of Australia in the UN climate and tourism report, and its success in removing the imperilled Great Barrier Reef from the UN in-danger list. The Coalition has an appalling record of lying by omission over numerous key climate change matters. Critically, Coalition Government mendacity endangers society and thus science-informed Australians will put the Coalition last in the 2 July 2016 Federal elections (see Gideon Polya, “Climate Criminal Coalition Government Lying Endangers Australia & Planet – Australians Must Vote 1 Green And Put The Coalition Last”, Countercurrents, 17 June, 2016: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya170616.htm ).

2016-06-19 Crikey re economy and 2016 election: https://www.crikey.com.au/2016/06/17/bill-shorten-is-no-john-howard-turnbull-will-win-election/ .

Unfortunately the Coalition versus Labor economic debate ignores the Mainstream media –ignored Elephant in the Room matter of Carbon Debt in which pro-renewables Labor does better than the anti-renewables Coalition and the anti-coal Greens do vastly better than the pro-coal-exports Lib-Labs (Coalition and Labor). Thus the much-discussed Australian gross national debt was $406 billion in January 2016 and net government debt was expected to be about $278 billion in mid-2016 . Australian Federal budget deficits are presently about $40 billion annually. The Australian net government debt was zero in the 2006/07 year, the first time in three decades. However The Rudd Government introduced substantial government indebtedness in its lauded response to the Global Financial Crisis that enabled Australia to avoid recession. Assuming a damage-related Carbon Price in USD of $200 per tonne CO2-e , the World has a Carbon Debt of US$360 trillion that is increasing at US$13 trillion per year, and Australia has an inescapable Carbon Debt of US$7.5 trillion (A$10 trillion) that is increasing at US$400 billion (A$533 billion) per year and at US $40,000 (A$53,000) per head per year for under-30 year old Australians . Future generations will have to pay this inescapable Carbon Debt or suffer horrendous consequences e.g. cities will have to be drought-proofed at enormous cost; coastal towns and cities will have to be protected by giant sea walls or drown… (see Gideon Polya, “Climate Criminal Coalition Government Lying Endangers Australia & Planet – Australians Must Vote 1 Green And Put The Coalition Last”, Countercurrents, 17 June, 2016: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya170616.htm ).

2016-06-19 Crikey re Greens and Labor: https://www.crikey.com.au/2016/06/16/labor-and-the-greens-should-co-operate/ .

As unambiguously enunciated by Greens leader Dr Richard Di Natale, the Greens can never partner with the refugee-violating and environment-violating Coalition. Labor while having much the same horribly refugee-violating and pro-coal environment-violating policies as the Coalition , differs from the Coalition (a) in at least knowing that locking up kids in concentration camps is wrong and (b) in accepting the reality of man-made climate change and being pro-renewables. I cannot see decent Labor voters giving their second preference to the evil, mendacious, war criminal, climate criminal, child abusing Coalition rather than to the Greens – indecent, rotten Labor voters yes. One supposes that decent Labor voters would give their second preferences to the Greens over the huge issues of (1) refugee men , women and children highly abusively and indefinitely imprisoned in remote concentration camps without charge or trial and simply for being boat-borne refugees and (2) the pro-coal KOALition being effective climate change denialist through utterly irresponsible climate change inaction in the face of an ever-worsening climate emergency (see Gideon Polya, “Climate Criminal Coalition Government Lying Endangers Australia & Planet – Australians Must Vote 1 Green And Put The Coalition Last”, Countercurrents, 17 June, 2016: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya170616.htm ). On the basis of just these 2 issues alone, it is impossible for any decent human beings to give first or second preferences to the evilly neoliberal, speciescidal, ecocidal, terracidal and human rights-abusing KOALition.

2016-06-19 Crikey re Islam & Trump: https://www.crikey.com.au/2016/06/16/orlando-shooting-not-about-islam/ .

Rational, expert commentators from top Republican economists like former Reserve Bank chief Alan Greenspan and the humane Dr Paul Craig Roberts on the right to humane analysts such as Professor Noam Chomsky on the left, say that the US War on Terror (in reality a US War on Muslims) is about geopolitical hegemony and oil. Zionist- and US Government-promoted, post-9-11 terror hysteria (from 3,000 killed in what many believe was a war-enabling US Government false flag atrocity; see “Experts: US did 9-11”: https://sites.google.com/site/expertsusdid911/ ) enabled the US War on Terror (US War on Muslims) in which Muslim avoidable deaths from deprivation in countries subject to Western military intervention in 2001-2015 now total about 27 million, with a further 5 million Muslims being killed violently by the US Alliance (see Gideon Polya, “Paris Atrocity Context: 27 Million Muslim Avoidable Deaths From Imposed Deprivation In 20 Countries Violated By US Alliance Since 9-11”, Countercurrents, 22 November, 2015: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya221115.htm ). At a more subtle level (and who knows what those running the world actually think) , science informs that fossil fuel burning must rapidly cease and the polluters must pay in full by a Carbon Tax (for ongoing GHG pollution) a Wealth Tax (for historical GHG pollution) as advocated by French economist Professor Thomas Piketty. Of course the One Percenters are fervently opposed to this although France has an annual wealth tax of 1.5%. However Muslims for 1400 years have paid an annual wealth tax of 2.5% (zakat) – an immense threat to the greedy One Percenters who own half the wealth of the world (see “1% ON 1%: one percent annual wealth tax on One Percenters”: https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/1-on-1 ).

2016-06-19 Crikey re Senate, Hinch and democracy: https://www.crikey.com.au/2016/06/15/rundle-the-travesty-of-our-democracy/ .

Former PM Paul Keating correctly described the flagrantly undemocratic Senate as “unrepresentative swill”. Australia has a blatantly undemocratic Senate composed of 76 senators, twelve from each of the six States and two from each of the Territories - thus, for example, the island state of Tasmania with a population of only 0.5 million has the same number of Senators as Victoria with a population of 5.8 million. Further, in Murdochracy Australia 70% of newspaper readership is in the hands of the Murdoch media empire headed by the former Australian but presently US citizen Rupert Murdoch. In Australia and in other Western countries, the currently dominant, pro-One Percenter, neoliberal ideology has meant that Democracy has been replaced by Plutocracy, Kleptocracy, Murdochracy, Lobbyocracy, Corporatocracy and Dollarocracy in which Big Money purchases politicians, parties, policies, public perception of reality, more political power and thence even more private profit at the expense of society as a whole. It gets worse – gross Mainstream malreportage in look-the-other-way Australia means that the corrupt, pro-war, war criminal, anti-science, climate criminal, human rights-abusing, child-abusing Coalition may well get re-elected because its dangerous and culpable mendacity over the worsening climate emergency is ignored by Mainstream media, politician and academic presstitutes. Poor fellow my country (see Gideon Polya, “Climate Criminal Coalition Government Lying Endangers Australia & Planet – Australians Must Vote 1 Green And Put The Coalition Last”, Countercurrents, 17 June, 2016: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya170616.htm ).

2016-04-06 Crikey re Adani coal: http://www.crikey.com.au/2016/04/04/adani-coal-mine-still-faces-two-big-legal-hurdles/?wpmp_switcher=mobile .

Missing from Mainstream discussion in pro-coal Murdochracy Australia is the horrendous reality that pollutants from the burning of Adani’s proposed Carmichael coal exports will KILL over 13,000 people each year. Carbon fuel burning pollutants kill 7 million people each year (WHO), this including 75,000 dying from pollutant from the burning of exported Australian coal and 10,000 Australians dying from pollutants from carbon fuel burning . Despite this, the pro-coal Turnbull KOALition Government and the Palaszczuk Queensland Labor Government have approved the Adani Carmichael mine in disgraceful and unforgivable decisions that are made more awful in the ecocidal and speciescidal context of the worst Great Barrier Reef coral bleaching and die-off due to global warming plus El Nino.

The pro-coal, speciescidal, ecocidal, anti-science, terracidal and climate criminal KOALition Government under the oh-so-charming but Abbott-lite, Abbott-in-sheep’s-clothing, lipstick-on-a-pig Malcolm Turnbull (aka Malcolm Turncoat, Tony Turnbull, Malcolm Abbott) ) has approved the Carmichael Project of the Indian Adani Company in Queensland's Galilee Basin that is set to be the world's largest coal mine. This flies in the face of science that says stop new coal mines and rapidly close down existing ones. Pollutants from the burning of predicted Carmichael coal exports will ultimately kill 13,400 people each year and kill over 0.5 million people in the life of the project . Burning of world-leading Australian coal exports ultimately kills 75,000 people each year. About 7 million people worldwide including about 10,000 Australians die each year from carbon fuel burning pollutants – by way of comparison the barbarous ISIS and the even more barbarous, Australia-backed US Alliance have “only” managed to kill 12,000 Iraqis annually in the post-2011 Iraqi civil war (for details of calculations see “Stop air pollution deaths”: https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/stop-air-pollution-deaths ).

The annual income in USD from Carmichael coal of $3.8 billion from $63 /t coal applied to 60 Mt Coal exported annually (most of which may vanish overseas and will be tax minimized) will be hugely exceeded: (a) by a factor of about 10 times by the resultant $34.8 billion Carbon Debt from applying an expertly-determined $200/t CO2 damage-related Carbon Price to the 174 Mt CO2 estimated from 2.9 t CO2/t coal from burning the annually exported 60 Mt thermal coal, and (b) by a factor of about 25 times by the $94 billion hidden mortality-related cost from applying the $7 million per person risk-avoidance–based Valued Of a Statistical Life (VOSL) to the 13,400 annual deaths from pollutants deriving from the burning of the annual export of 60 Mt thermal coal from the Carmichael mine (see Gideon Polya, “Coalition Climate Crimes & 200 Reasons Why Australia Must Dump Pro-coal, Pro-war Coalition PM Malcolm Turnbull”, Countercurrents, 1 November, 2015: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya011115.htm ).

Decent Australians who care for fellow Australians, their children and future generations will utterly reject the pro-coal, Australian-killing KOALition and Labor Right climate criminals, state terrorists, carbon terrorists and climate terrorists and will vote 1 Green and put the KOALition last (there are a few pro-environment Labor Left MPs).

2016-03-20 Crikey re $0.5 billion marriage equality Plebiscite: http://www.crikey.com.au/2016/03/17/the-gay-marriage-plebiscite-is-a-bad-idea-but-pwcs-report-is-still-bad-economics/?wpmp_switcher=mobile . My post was PUBLISHED.

A rather precious, bob-each-way criticism of the useful PwC approach to estimating the real cost of the circa $0.5 billion Abbott Marriage Equality Plebiscite. Missing from public discussion on the Plebiscite is a fundamental scientific consideration that makes Turnbull unfit to be PM and the anti-science, pro-coal KOALition unfit to rule.

In short, the key function of government is to maximize risk community safety by science-based risk management, a process that typically involves expert, science-based sampling and polling. For example, 85,000 Australians die preventably each year including 17,000 dying from obesity-related causes – yet these important estimates derive from science-based sampling and not from $0.5 billion Plebiscites (see Gideon Polya, “Australian State Terrorism - Zero Australian Terrorism Deaths, 1 Million Preventable Australian Deaths & 10 Million Muslims Killed By US Alliance Since 9-11”, Countercurrents, 23 September, 2014: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya230914.htm ).

The $0.5 billion Plebiscite is just one manifestation of ignorant, dishonest, anti-science, neoliberalism by the Turnbull KOALition Government. Thus under Abbott-lite, Abbott-in-sheep’s clothing, Tony Turnbull, Malcolm Abbott , Malcolm Turncoat and lipstick-on-a-pig Malcolm Turnbull Australia ranks 3 in the world for climate criminality as the Great Barrier Reef bleaches and global temperature, atmospheric CO2 and atmospheric CH4 (methane) reach alarming record highs (see Gideon Polya , “Exposing And Thence Punishing Worst Polluter Nations Via Weighted Annual Per Capita Greenhouse Gas Pollution Scores”, Countercurrents, 19 March, 2016: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya190316.htm ).

Decent, science-informed Australians concerned for public safety and public security will utterly reject the Abbott-agenda, pro-coal, anti-science, science-rejecting KOALition, vote 1 Green and put the KOALition last.

2015-2-11 Crikey re refugee children: http://www.crikey.com.au/2015/02/12/who-is-legally-responsible-for-abuse-of-asylum-seeker-children/?wpmp_switcher=mobile . My post was PUBLISHED.

Unlike the Germans re WW2 atrocities, many of whom said “we didn’t know” and would have ended up in concentration camps or worse if they had objected , Australians have known about the abusive imprisonment of refugee children for about 15 years and have been free to voice their objections and to vote out the responsible Coalition and Labor Governments. To Australia's shame they mostly haven't and it has mostly been the Greens who have resolutely protested.

The Human Rights Commission in reporting on horrendous Australian Government abuse of refugee children has called for a Royal Commission that would presumably also investigate the specific matter of child sexual abuse in Australia's refugee concentration camps - but I presume that the Lib-Labs (Liberal-Laboral, Coalition and Labor Right) will not allow it to happen.

There needs to be a Royal Commission into horrendous Australia child abuse in general but I presume that the Lib-Labs will not allow this to happen either.

Australian Coalition and Labor Right Governments have an appalling record of warmongering, war making, inequity, environmental vandalism and of egregious human rights abuse, particularly in relation to children, both at home and abroad in over forty (40) areas of concern as summarized in my detailed and documented analysis, Gideon Polya, “Horrendous Child Abuse By Pro-war, Pro-Zionist, Climate Criminal Australian Coalition Governments”, Countercurrents, 4 December, 2013: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya041213.htm .

Anyone who ignores, obfuscates, denies, supports, advocates or is otherwise complicit in abuse of children has crossed the line separating decent Humanity from barbarism. Decent Australians who utterly abhor child abuse will utterly reject the child-abusing Lib-Labs (Liberal-Laborals, Coalition and Labor Right), vote 1 Green and put the Coalition last.

2015-2-10, Crikey re 5 things Abbott can do: http://www.crikey.com.au/2015/02/10/five-things-abbott-can-do-to-help-the-economy-and-his-government/?wpmp_switcher=mobile

PUBLISHED comment: Abbott and his COALition colleagues makes valid a point about government debt and intergenerational justice but they utterly reject a Carbon Price and thus utterly ignore Carbon Debt that reflects the inescapable future cost in today's dollars of fixing the increasing climate damage due to relentless greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution.

Carbon Debt is the historical contribution of countries to the carbon pollution of the atmosphere and can be variously expressed as Gt CO2-e (gigatonnes or billions of tonnes of CO2-equivalent) or in dollar terms by applying a Carbon Price. Thus leading climate economist Dr Chris Hope from 90-Nobel-Laureate Cambridge University has estimated a damage-related Carbon Price in US dollars of $150 per tonne CO2-e (see Dr Chris Hope, “How high should climate change taxes be?”, Working Paper Series, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge, 9.2011: http://www.jbs.cam.ac.uk/fileadmin/user_upload/research/workingpapers/wp1109.pdf ).

The World has a 1751-2015 Carbon Debt of $270 trillion (about 3 times the annual world GDP of $85 trillion) that is increasing by about 64 Gt CO2-e/year x ($150 /t CO2-e) = $9.6 trillion/year or about $10 trillion each year.

Australia is a world-leading annual per capita greenhouse gas (GHG) polluter with a 1751-2006 Carbon Debt of 5.9 Gt C x (3.67 Gt CO2-e/Gt C) x ($150 /t CO2-e) = $3.2 trillion plus a 2007-2015 Carbon Debt of 2 Gt CO2-e/year x ($150 /t CO2-e) x 8 years = $2.4 trillion i.e. a total 1751-2015 Carbon Debt of $5.6 trillion (A$7.2 trillion) that is increasing at 2 Gt CO2-e /year x ($150 /t CO2-e) = $300 billion (A$385 billion) per year. Thus Australia (population 24 million) with 0.34% of the world's population has 2.1% of the world's Carbon Debt. The Australian Carbon Debt will have to be paid by the young and future generations and for under-30 year old Australians is increasing at about $30,000 (A$38,500) per person per year, noting that the annual Australian per capita income is about $65,000 (A$83,000) (see Gideon Polya, “2015 A-to-Z alphabetical list of actions and advocacies for climate change activists”, Countercurrents, 14 January, 2015: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya140115.htm ).

Science-informed Australians – and particularly the young who will be burdened with the ever-mounting Carbon Debt – will utterly reject the climate criminal Lib-Labs (COALition and Labor Right), vote 1 Green and put the COALition last.

2015-2-10, Crikey re Indonesian executions: http://www.crikey.com.au/2015/02/10/a-former-kerobokan-prisoner-pleads-spare-the-lives-of-the-bali-nine/?wpmp_switcher=mobile .

PUBLISHED comment:

What a powerful and humane letter.

Bali Nine ringleaders but opiate drug trade “small fry” Myuran Sukumaran, 33, and Andrew Chan, 31, should be punished but they certainly not be executed for 2 fundamental reasons (1) the death penalty is repugnant state killing that debases the humanity of the society that uses it , and (2) the death penalty for drug smuggling is disproportionate when one considers that there is no censure or even reportage of the Indonesian politicians responsible for 200,000 smoking -related Indonesian deaths annually or for the US Alliance and Australian Lib-Lab politicians deeply complicit in an upper estimate of 18,000 Indonesian opiate drug -related deaths each year (there have been 1.2 million post-2001 global opiate drug-related deaths linked to US Alliance and Australian restoration of the Taliban destroyed Afghan opium industry from 6% of world market share in 2001 to 93% in 2007, the breakdown including 200,000 Americans, 50,000 Iranians, 18,000 British, 10,000 Canadians , 8,000 Germans and 4,000 Australians; see “Afghan Holocaust, Afghan Genocide”: http://sites.google.com/site/afghanholocaustafghangenocide/ ).

The Bali Nine ringleaders but opiate drug trade “small fry” Myuran Sukumaran, 33, and Andrew Chan, 31, should not be executed when tobacco death-dealing Indonesian and Australian politicians and opiate death-dealing US Alliance and Australian Lib-Lab politicians are free from any censure let alone any Mainstream reportage of their horrendous complicity.

Punishment should be proportionate and taking drug-related deaths as a guide, the tobacco pushers should receive 200,000/18,000 = 11 times the punishment handed out to opiate pushers. However while proportionate punishment can be approached when the punishment is imprisonment, fining or corporal punishment, a convicted felon can only be killed once.

2015-1-23, Eugenia Flynn on Crikey re Australia Day: http://dailyreview.crikey.com.au/friend-or-foe-of-indigenous-culture-jessica-mauboy-as-australia-day-poster-girl/17762?wpmp_switcher=mobile .

The British have variously invaded 193 out of 195 UN-recognized nations plus 8 other self-governing countries (as compared to the French having invaded 80, the US 70 and Apartheid Israel 12) but the British invasion of Australia on 26 January 1788 destroyed as many as 200-600 unique Indigenous Australian tribes and a comparable number of languages and dialects, making the Australian Aboriginal Genocide qualitatively the worst genocide in human history (Australia’s quantitatively worst genocide was the WW2 Bengali Holocaust in which the British with Australian complicit deliberately starved 6-7 million Indians to death for strategic reasons; see Gideon Polya, “Australia And Britain Killed 6-7 Million Indians In WW2 Bengal Famine”, Countercurrents, 29 September, 2011: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya290911.htm ; Gideon Polya, “Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History”, now available for free perusal on the web: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya290911.htm ; Stuart Laycock , “All the Countries We’ve Ever Invaded: And the Few We Never Got Round To” (The History Press, 2014); and Jasper Copping, “British have invaded nine out of ten countries – so look out Luxembourg”, The Telegraph, 4 November 2012: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/history/9653497/British-have-invaded-nine-out-of-ten-countries-so-look-out-Luxembourg.html ).

26 January is commemorated as Invasion Day by Indigenous Australians but celebrated as Australia Day by White Australians as the day when White Australia began. In 2015 the British are still invading other countries (currently into its Third Syrian War and its Fifth Iraq War) and the whole British–devastated world should mark 26 January as British Invasion Day or Genocide Day, noting that Article 2 of the UN Genocide Convention states: “In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such: a) Killing members of the group; b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.”

Before the British Invasion of Australia on 26 January 1788, Indigenous Australians had been living in Australia for about 60,000 years. There were 350-750 different tribes and a similar number of languages and dialects, of which only 150 survive today and of these all but about 20 are endangered. After the brutish British Invasion, the Aboriginal population dropped from about 1 million in 1788 to about 0.1 million in the first century through introduced disease, deprivation and genocidal violence. The last massacres of Aborigines occurred in the 1920s but no Treaty has ever been signed. Indigenous Australians were only counted after a referendum in 1967 and were finally given some protection by the 1975 Racial Discrimination Act. In the 20th century up to 1 in 10 Aboriginal children were forcibly removed from their mothers, the so-called Stolen Generations. Forcible removal of Aboriginal children from their mothers is continuing today at a record rate. Indigenous Australians are far worse off than White Australians in relation to housing, health, wealth, social conditions, imprisonment, deaths in custody, forcible removal of children, avoidable death and life expectancy (see Gideon Polya, “ Ongoing Aboriginal Genocide And Aboriginal Ethnocide By Politically Correct Racist Apartheid Australia ”, Countercurrents, 16 February 2014: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya160214.htm and “Aboriginal Genocide” : https://sites.google.com/site/aboriginalgenocide/ ).

In 2000 about 9,000 Aborigines out of an Aboriginal population of 500,000 died avoidably every year (avoidable death rate as a percentage of population of 1.8% pa, the highest in the world and 1.8 times that of non-Arab Africa) but by 2011 this had declined to about 2,000 annual avoidable deaths out of a population about 670,000 (an avoidable death rate of 0.4% pa, the same as for impoverished South Asia but occurring in one of the world’s richest countries). The Australian Aboriginal Genocide and Australian Aboriginal Ethnocide is continuing (see Gideon Polya, “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950”, this including an avoidable mortality-related history of every country since Neolithic times and now available for free perusal on the web: http://globalbodycount.blogspot.com.au/2012/01/body-count-global-avoidable-mortality_05.html ) .

2015-1-23, Bernard Keane on Crikey re political donations: http://www.crikey.com.au/2015/01/22/hundreds-of-donors-hidden-by-newmans-donations-laws/?wpmp_switcher=mobile .

Australia, like other Western democracies has become a Plutocracy, Murdochracy, Lobbyocracy and Corporatocracy in which Big Money purchases people, politicians, parties, policies, public perception of reality, political power and then even more of the same via a socio-political positive feedback loop.

One can suggest (a) lowering donation notification thresholds back to $1,000 or even $10, or (b) abolition of private and corporate donation coupled with state funding of advertisement all candidates, but Big Money oligopoly media will still have a dominant role.

Thus one charitably supposes that most Queenslanders want the preservation of the Great Barrier Reef but Big Money determines pro-coal, pro-gas policies by both the Libs and the Labs (the Coalition and the Labor Right) that mean destruction of most of the Great Barrier Reef within several decades (see “2011 climate change course”: https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/2011-climate-change-course ; “Are we doomed?”: https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/are-we-doomed ; and “300.org – return atmosphere CO2 to 300 ppm”: https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/300-org---return-atmosphere-co2-to-300-ppm).

Queenslanders can do their bit for democracy by utterly rejecting the LNP’s subrversion of democracy – Queenslanders who believe in democracy can vote 1 Green and put the Coalition last.

2015-1-20, Bernard Keane on Crikey re Iraq: http://www.crikey.com.au/2015/01/20/essential-voters-split-on-iraq-abc-most-trusted-institution/?wpmp_switcher=mobile .

Australians are horribly misinformed about Iraq by Mainstream journalist, politician and academic presstitutes, including those of the ABC which ahs a n appalling record of censorship and lying by omission. .

Thus, by way of example, Lesley Stahl (born December 16, 1941, a Jewish American television journalist and long-time reporter for CBS) famously asked Jewish American former Secretary of State (1997-2001) Madeleine Albright on “60 Minutes” in 1996: "We have heard that half a million children have died. I mean, that's more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?" and the disgusting Albright notoriously replied "we think the price is worth it" (see Lesley Stahl and Madeleine Albright quoted in “Madeleine Albright”, Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madeleine_Albright ).

I would love to be informed otherwise, but to my knowledge not one Australian Mainstream journalist, male or female, has asked the same question of Australian public figures in the period 1990 to the present – what a pack of holocaust-ignoring, genocide-ignoring presstitutes, although 2 very honourable exceptions are (1) the ABC Science Unit’s Robin Williams who permitted me to make an ABC Ockham’s Razor broadcast entitled “Australian complicity in Iraq mass mortality"(ABC Radio National, 28 August 2005: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/ockhamsrazor/australian-complicity-in-iraq-mass-mortality/3369002#transcript ) and published my address in a chapter with the same title in a book “Lies, Deep Fries & Statistics” (edited by Robyn Williams, ABC Books, Sydney, 2007) and (2) the late Dr Peter Pockley of “Australasian Science” who published related estimates by me of Iraqi deaths (see Gideon Polya, Australasian Science, June 2004, p43).

Iraqi deaths since 1990 from violence (1.7 million) or from violently-imposed deprivation (2.9 million) total 4.6 million, about half of them CHILDREN. 1990-2011 Iraqi under-5 infant deaths total 2 million, 90% avoidable and due to gross violation of the Geneva Convention by the war criminal US Alliance, including Australia (for details and documentation see “Iraqi Holocaust Iraqi Genocide”: https://sites.google.com/site/iraqiholocaustiraqigenocide/ ).

To my knowledge, Senator Lyn Alison (Australian Democrat, Victoria) and Kelvin Thompson (Labor MP, Victoria, former Labor Shadow Attorney General but put on the backbench by the pro-war, pro-Zionist, US lackey Labor Right) are the only Australian MPs to have asked how many people we had killed in Iraq; Senator John Faulkner (Labor, NSW), another a decent human being, informed me that he had raised the matter in Senate Committee.

Not only won’t the Mainstream media presstitutes publish estimates of how many Asians we, the UK, Apartheid Israel and the US have killed since WW2 (there have been 40 million Asian deaths from violence or violently-imposed deprivation in post -1990 US Asian wars, in all of which war criminal, US lackey Australia has participated) these same presstitutes and those of other Western mainstream media egregiously CENSOR those trying to get through the Mainstream media Wall of Silence e.g. see the following websites: “Boycott Murdoch media”: https://sites.google.com/site/boycottmurdochmedia/ ; “Censorship by the BBC”: https://sites.google.com/site/censorshipbythebbc/ ; “Censorship by The Conversation”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/censorship-by ; “Mainstream media censorship”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/home ; “Mainstream media lying”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammedialying/ ; “Censorship by The Age”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/censorship-by-the-age ; “Censorship by ABC Late Night Live”: https://sites.google.com/site/censorshipbyabclatenightlive/ , "Censorship by ABC Saturday Extra": https://sites.google.com/site/censorshipbyabclatenightlive/censorship-by-abc-sat and “ABC fact-checking unit & incorrect reportage by the ABC (Australia’s BBC)”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/abc-fact-checking-unit , "Censorship by The Guardian UK": https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/censorship-by-the-guardian-uk , and "Censorship by The Guardian Australia": https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/home/censorship-by-the-guardian-a .

2015-2-10, Bernard Keane in Crikey re 5 things Abbott can do: http://www.crikey.com.au/2015/02/10/five-things-abbott-can-do-to-help-the-economy-and-his-government/?wpmp_switcher=mobile

Abbott and his COALition colleagues makes valid a point about government debt and intergenerational justice but they utterly reject a Carbon Price and thus utterly ignore Carbon Debt that reflects the inescapable future cost in today's dollars of fixing the increasing climate damage due to relentless greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution.

Carbon Debt is the historical contribution of countries to the carbon pollution of the atmosphere and can be variously expressed as Gt CO2-e (gigatonnes or billions of tonnes of CO2-equivalent) or in dollar terms by applying a Carbon Price. Thus leading climate economist Dr Chris Hope from 90-Nobel-Laureate Cambridge University has estimated a damage-related Carbon Price in US dollars of $150 per tonne CO2-e (see Dr Chris Hope, “How high should climate change taxes be?”, Working Paper Series, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge, 9.2011: http://www.jbs.cam.ac.uk/fileadmin/user_upload/research/workingpapers/wp1109.pdf ).

The World has a 1751-2015 Carbon Debt of $270 trillion (about 3 times the annual world GDP of $85 trillion) that is increasing by about 64 Gt CO2-e/year x ($150 /t CO2-e) = $9.6 trillion/year or about $10 trillion each year.

Australia is a world-leading annual per capita greenhouse gas (GHG) polluter with a 1751-2006 Carbon Debt of 5.9 Gt C x (3.67 Gt CO2-e/Gt C) x ($150 /t CO2-e) = $3.2 trillion plus a 2007-2015 Carbon Debt of 2 Gt CO2-e/year x ($150 /t CO2-e) x 8 years = $2.4 trillion i.e. a total 1751-2015 Carbon Debt of $5.6 trillion (A$7.2 trillion) that is increasing at 2 Gt CO2-e /year x ($150 /t CO2-e) = $300 billion (A$385 billion) per year. Thus Australia (population 24 million) with 0.34% of the world's population has 2.1% of the world's Carbon Debt. The Australian Carbon Debt will have to be paid by the young and future generations and for under-30 year old Australians is increasing at about $30,000 (A$38,500) per person per year, noting that the annual Australian per capita income is about $65,000 (A$83,000) (see Gideon Polya, “2015 A-to-Z alphabetical list of actions and advocacies for climate change activists”, Countercurrents, 14 January, 2015: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya140115.htm ).

Science-informed Australians – and particularly the young who will be burdened with the ever-mounting Carbon Debt – will utterly reject the climate criminal Lib-Labs (COALition and Labor Right), vote 1 Green and put the COALition last.

2015-2-10, Crikey re Indonesian executions: http://www.crikey.com.au/2015/02/10/a-former-kerobokan-prisoner-pleads-spare-the-lives-of-the-bali-nine/?wpmp_switcher=mobile .

What a powerful and humane letter.

Bali Nine ringleaders but opiate drug trade “small fry” Myuran Sukumaran, 33, and Andrew Chan, 31, should be punished but they certainly not be executed for 2 fundamental reasons (1) the death penalty is repugnant state killing that debases the humanity of the society that uses it , and (2) the death penalty for drug smuggling is disproportionate when one considers that there is no censure or even reportage of the Indonesian politicians responsible for 200,000 smoking -related Indonesian deaths annually or for the US Alliance and Australian Lib-Lab politicians deeply complicit in an upper estimate of 18,000 Indonesian opiate drug -related deaths each year (there have been 1.2 million post-2001 global opiate drug-related deaths linked to US Alliance and Australian restoration of the Taliban destroyed Afghan opium industry from 6% of world market share in 2001 to 93% in 2007, the breakdown including 200,000 Americans, 50,000 Iranians, 18,000 British, 10,000 Canadians , 8,000 Germans and 4,000 Australians; see “Afghan Holocaust, Afghan Genocide”: http://sites.google.com/site/afghanholocaustafghangenocide/ ).

The Bali Nine ringleaders but opiate drug trade “small fry” Myuran Sukumaran, 33, and Andrew Chan, 31, should not be executed when tobacco death-dealing Indonesian and Australian politicians and opiate death-dealing US Alliance and Australian Lib-Lab politicians are free from any censure let alone any Mainstream reportage of their horrendous complicity.

Punishment should be proportionate and taking drug-related deaths as a guide, the tobacco pushers should receive 200,000/18,000 = 11 times the punishment handed out to opiate pushers. However while proportionate punishment can be approached when the punishment is imprisonment, fining or corporal punishment, a convicted felon can only be killed once.

2015-2-11 Crikey re refugee children: http://www.crikey.com.au/2015/02/12/who-is-legally-responsible-for-abuse-of-asylum-seeker-children/?wpmp_switcher=mobile .

Unlike the Germans re WW2 atrocities, many of whom said “we didn’t know” and would have ended up in concentration camps or worse if they had objected , Australians have known about the abusive imprisonment of refugee children for about 15 years and have been free to voice their objections and to vote out the responsible Coalition and Labor Governments. To Australia's shame they mostly haven't and it has mostly been the Greens who have resolutely protested.

The Human Rights Commission in reporting on horrendous Australian Government abuse of refugee children has called for a Royal Commission that would presumably also investigate the specific matter of child sexual abuse in Australia's refugee concentration camps - but I presume that the Lib-Labs (Liberal-Laboral, Coalition and Labor Right) will not allow it to happen.

There needs to be a Royal Commission into horrendous Australia child abuse in general but I presume that the Lib-Labs will not allow this to happen either.

Australian Coalition and Labor Right Governments have an appalling record of warmongering, war making, inequity, environmental vandalism and of egregious human rights abuse, particularly in relation to children, both at home and abroad in over forty (40) areas of concern as summarized in my detailed and documented analysis, Gideon Polya, “Horrendous Child Abuse By Pro-war, Pro-Zionist, Climate Criminal Australian Coalition Governments”, Countercurrents, 4 December, 2013: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya041213.htm .

Anyone who ignores, obfuscates, denies, supports, advocates or is otherwise complicit in abuse of children has crossed the line separating decent Humanity from barbarism. Decent Australians who utterly abhor child abuse will utterly reject the child-abusing Lib-Labs (Liberal-Laborals, Coalition and Labor Right), vote 1 Green and put the Coalition last.

2015-1-23, Crikey re Australia Day: http://dailyreview.crikey.com.au/friend-or-foe-of-indigenous-culture-jessica-mauboy-as-australia-day-poster-girl/17762?wpmp_switcher=mobile .

The British have variously invaded 193 out of 195 UN-recognized nations plus 8 other self-governing countries (as compared to the French having invaded 80, the US 70 and Apartheid Israel 12) but the British invasion of Australia on 26 January 1788 destroyed as many as 200-600 unique Indigenous Australian tribes and a comparable number of languages and dialects, making the Australian Aboriginal Genocide qualitatively the worst genocide in human history (Australia’s quantitatively worst genocide was the WW2 Bengali Holocaust in which the British with Australian complicit deliberately starved 6-7 million Indians to death for strategic reasons; see Gideon Polya, “Australia And Britain Killed 6-7 Million Indians In WW2 Bengal Famine”, Countercurrents, 29 September, 2011: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya290911.htm ; Gideon Polya, “Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History”, now available for free perusal on the web: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya290911.htm ; Stuart Laycock , “All the Countries We’ve Ever Invaded: And the Few We Never Got Round To” (The History Press, 2014); and Jasper Copping, “British have invaded nine out of ten countries – so look out Luxembourg”, The Telegraph, 4 November 2012: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/history/9653497/British-have-invaded-nine-out-of-ten-countries-so-look-out-Luxembourg.html ).

26 January is commemorated as Invasion Day by Indigenous Australians but celebrated as Australia Day by White Australians as the day when White Australia began. In 2015 the British are still invading other countries (currently into its Third Syrian War and its Fifth Iraq War) and the whole British–devastated world should mark 26 January as British Invasion Day or Genocide Day, noting that Article 2 of the UN Genocide Convention states: “In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such: a) Killing members of the group; b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.”

Before the British Invasion of Australia on 26 January 1788, Indigenous Australians had been living in Australia for about 60,000 years. There were 350-750 different tribes and a similar number of languages and dialects, of which only 150 survive today and of these all but about 20 are endangered. After the brutish British Invasion, the Aboriginal population dropped from about 1 million in 1788 to about 0.1 million in the first century through introduced disease, deprivation and genocidal violence. The last massacres of Aborigines occurred in the 1920s but no Treaty has ever been signed. Indigenous Australians were only counted after a referendum in 1967 and were finally given some protection by the 1975 Racial Discrimination Act. In the 20th century up to 1 in 10 Aboriginal children were forcibly removed from their mothers, the so-called Stolen Generations. Forcible removal of Aboriginal children from their mothers is continuing today at a record rate. Indigenous Australians are far worse off than White Australians in relation to housing, health, wealth, social conditions, imprisonment, deaths in custody, forcible removal of children, avoidable death and life expectancy (see Gideon Polya, “ Ongoing Aboriginal Genocide And Aboriginal Ethnocide By Politically Correct Racist Apartheid Australia ”, Countercurrents, 16 February 2014: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya160214.htm and “Aboriginal Genocide” : https://sites.google.com/site/aboriginalgenocide/ ).

In 2000 about 9,000 Aborigines out of an Aboriginal population of 500,000 died avoidably every year (avoidable death rate as a percentage of population of 1.8% pa, the highest in the world and 1.8 times that of non-Arab Africa) but by 2011 this had declined to about 2,000 annual avoidable deaths out of a population about 670,000 (an avoidable death rate of 0.4% pa, the same as for impoverished South Asia but occurring in one of the world’s richest countries). The Australian Aboriginal Genocide and Australian Aboriginal Ethnocide is continuing (see Gideon Polya, “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950”, this including an avoidable mortality-related history of every country since Neolithic times and now available for free perusal on the web: http://globalbodycount.blogspot.com.au/2012/01/body-count-global-avoidable-mortality_05.html ) .

15-1-12, 12 January 2015, Guy Rundle on Crikey: http://www.crikey.com.au/2015/01/12/rundle-hebdoiste-world-leaders-laud-satire-but-quash-true-dissent/?wpmp_switcher=mobile . My comments were PUBLISHED.

Neither will Western Mainstream media, including the the Yellow Press of White Australia, report the Elephant in the Room reality that the deranged French non-state terrorists who killed 17 innocent people in Paris were criminal murderers whose actions are horrifically compounded through ASSISTING those of the mass murdering, genocidally racist, anti-Arab anti-Semitic, US Alliance state terrorists Barack Obama, Angela Merkel, Benjamin Netanyahu, Francois Hollande and David Cameron (of whom all except for Obama were present at the Paris march) who are complicit in the mass murder of 12 million Muslims since 1990 though violence or war-imposed deprivation (see Gideon Polya, “Charlie Hebdo, free speech, terrorism & state terrorism”, MWC News, 12 January 2014: http://mwcnews.net/focus/analysis/49043-charlie-hebdo-free-speech.htm l and “Muslim Holocaust Muslim Genocide”: https://sites.google.com/site/muslimholocaustmuslimgenocide/ ).

15-1-12 Guy Rundle on Crikey re Charlie Hebdo: http://www.crikey.com.au/2015/01/08/rundle-charlie-hebdo-terrorism-and-the-distortion-of-popular-memory/?wpmp_switcher=mobile .

The following 17 journalists have been killed by US- and Australia-backed neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel’s IDF while working in Apartheid Israel’s Gaza Concentration Camp (see “These 17 journalists were killed by Israel in Gaza”, Countercurrent News, 29 August 2014: http://linkis.com/countercurrentnews.com/Z0HdQ ) but there have been no mass rallies around the world over “freedom of expression” and no protests from the Neocon American and Zionist Imperialist (NAZI)-perverted, anti-Arab anti-Semitic Western Mainstream media and politician presstitutes:

1. Hamid Abdullah Shehab – “Media 24″company.

2. Najla Mahmoud Haj – media activist.

3 Khalid Hamad – the “Kontnao” Media Production company.

4. Ziad Abdul Rahman Abu Hin – al-Ketab satellite channel.

5. Ezzat Duheir – Prisoners Radio.

6. Bahauddin Gharib – Palestine TV.

7 Ahed Zaqqout – veteran sports journalist.

8 Ryan Rami – Palestinian Media Network.

9 Sameh Al-Arian – Al-Aqsa TV.

10 Mohammed Daher – Editor in al-Resala paper.

11. Abdullah Vhjan – sports journalist.

12 journalist Khaled Hamada Mqat- Director of Saja news website.

13. freelance journalist Shadi Hamdi Ayyad.

14 photojournalist Mohammed Nur al-Din al-Dairi – works in the Palestinian Network.

15. journalist Ali Abu Afesh – Doha Center for Media.

16 Italian journalist Simone Camille – photographer in the Associated Press.

17. Abdullah fadel Murtaja.

2015-1-8 (8 January 2015) re Tasmanian defamation laws: http://www.crikey.com.au/2015/01/08/why-you-could-soon-be-sued-for-defamation-in-a-tassie-court/?wpmp_switcher=mobile . My comment was eventually PUBLISHED:

Former Tasmanian Premier Eric Reece once famously malapropped that "We Tasmanians are a virulent race" - I suppose he actually meant "virile" but this draconian anti-free speech legislation is certainly virulent.

It is one thing for Tasmanian barbarians on the one hand to have wiped out all full-blood Tasmanian aborigines between 1803 and 1876; to have driven the Tasmanian tiger to extinction;

to have savagely persecuted homosexuals until recent decades; to have sold off its very top high school (Hobart High School, "the best school of all") ) to be a funeral parlor; to have put iron ore mines in the middle of the Tarkine, one of the world's last temperate rain forests; to have flooded the irreplaceable Lake Pedder and attempted to flood the Franklin River and indeed a planned TWENTY FIVE PERCENT (25%) of the island; to be destroying the best forest carbon sinks in the world; and indeed to have re-defined a virgin as someone who runs faster than her brother - it is another thing entirely to attack the free speech of all Australians.

When the Neanderthalic, troglodytic and virulent Tasmanian Establishment sacked Professor Sydney Sparkes Orr from the University of Tasmania the whole Law Faculty resigned and academics throughout the English-speaking world put a black ban on re-filling the philosophy chair (see John Polya, and Robert Solomon, "Dreyfus in Australia").

If this draconian, anti-free speech legislation is passed by the anti-science, terracidal, climate criminal Tasmanian Liberals in the interests of corporate thieves, liars, climate criminals and environmental vandals then Tasmania and the Vandiemonians will face comprehensive Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) that will make BDS against South African and Israeli Apartheid look like a Teddy Bear's picnic.

Je suis Charlie. Indeed all decent Australians will tell the climate criminal, climate terrorist Tasmanian Coalition barbarians and their Federal climate criminal, climate terrorist Coalition supporters: "Nous sommes Charlie".

2014-12-16. Crikey ACTUALLY PUBLISHED the following comment to Crikey’s Bernard Keane re the Sydney Siege & media: http://www.crikey.com.au/2014/12/16/keane-the-day-the-australian-media-lost-its-credibility/?wpmp_switcher=mobile .

Australian Mainstream media have an appalling record of lying by omission and censorship. For details of media-derived censorship by the global Murdoch media empire, Australian Fairfax media, the Australian ABC, the UK BBC, and the Australian universities-backed web magazine The Conversation in Neocon American- and Zionist Imperialist-perverted and subverted Murdochracy, Lobbyocracy and Corporatocracy Australia and elsewhere in the West see “Boycott Murdoch media”: https://sites.google.com/site/boycottmurdochmedia/ ; “Censorship by the BBC”: https://sites.google.com/site/censorshipbythebbc/ ; “Censorship by The Conversation”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/censorship-by ; “Mainstream media censorship”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/home ; “Mainstream media lying”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammedialying/ ; “Censorship by The Age”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/censorship-by-the-age ; “Censorship by ABC Late Night Live”: https://sites.google.com/site/censorshipbyabclatenightlive/ , "Censorship by ABC Saturday Extra": https://sites.google.com/site/censorshipbyabclatenightlive/censorship-by-abc-sat and “ABC fact-checking unit & incorrect reportage by the ABC (Australia’s BBC)”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/abc-fact-checking-unit , "Censorship by The Guardian UK": https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/censorship-by-the-guardian-uk and "Censorship by The Guardian Australia": https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/home/censorship-by-the-guardian-a .

My earlier comment having gone astray, allow me to succinctly repeat that after several days of Australian Mainstream media reporting non-stop but effectively saying nothing authoritative about the basis of the hostage atrocity, the Guardian Australia on Wednesday 17 December was able to report second-hand that the deranged hostage-taker wanted his position as an ISIS-supporting terrorist and his demands broadcast : “ Guardian Australia has spoken with family members and friends of several of the hostages held by Man Haron Monis inside the Lindt cafe in Martin Place, in Sydney’s CBD. Separately, they have described a terrifying and unpredictable 17-hour ordeal, where Monis forced hostages to film videos outlining his demands... [Monis wanted] a public declaration from the government that his was an act of terror committed on behalf of Islamic State [and wanted videos to this effect to be broadcast]... The videos were sent to media outlets. None put them to air while the siege was under way" (see Ben Doherty, “We’re not getting out of here”, Guardian 17 December 2014: http://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2014/dec/16/hostages-in-the-sydney-siege-were-not-getting-out-of-here ) .

With 3 dead and half a dozen wounded, the authorities and their "expert negotiators" have evidently failed, but xenophobes, racists, anti-Arab anti-Semites, Islamophobes, the Abbott Coalition Government, warmongers, and those wanting further movement toward a Police State Australia will be huge beneficiaries of this failure. and this atrocity (Gideon Polya, “Terror Hysteria - Draconian New Australian Anti-Terrorism Laws Target Journalists, Muslims And Human Rights”, Countercurrents, 8 October, 2014: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya0810114.htm and Matthew Knott and Ben Grubb, “New security laws pave the way for “police state”, says Andrew Wilkie”, Sydney Morning Herald, 1 October 2014: http://www.smh.com.au/federal-politics/political-news/new-national-security-laws-pave-way-for-police-state-says-andrew-wilkie-20141001-10ojxq.html ).

Rational risk management for any society requires accurate, untrammelled reportage but try telling that to the “look-the-other-way” Yellow Press of White Australia.

War is the penultimate in racism and genocide the ultimate in racism. It is very powerful to quote expert opinion. Thus eminent physicist Stephen Hawking on the key existential threats facing Humanity (2018): “We see great peril if governments and societies do not take action now to render nuclear weapons obsolete and to prevent further climate change” (Stephen Hawking, “Brief Answers to the Big Questions”, John Murray, 2018, Chapter 7). Most of the following websites alphabetically list expert opinions in 4 inter-connected key areas, namely “Reverse climate change”, “Stop lying and censorship”, “End war and genocide”, and “Free Palestine”, Everyone is invited to make use of this substantial resource and to feel free to disseminate this list to everyone they can.


“1% on 1%: one percent annual wealth tax on One Percenters”: https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/1-on-1 .

“2 degrees C”: https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/2-degrees-c .

“100% renewable energy by 2020”: https://sites.google.com/site/100renewableenergyby2020/ .

“300 ppm CO2 ASAP: https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/300-ppm-co2-asap .

“2011 climate change course”: https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/2011-climate-change-course .

“300.org”: . https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/300-org .

“300.org climate crisis glossary”: https://sites.google.com/site/climategenocide/300-org-climate-crisis

“300.org – return atmosphere CO2 to 300 ppm CO2”: https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/300-org---return-atmosphere-co2-to-300-ppm .

“Are we doomed?”: https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/are-we-doomed .

“Banyule Climate Action Now”: https://sites.google.com/site/banyuleclimateactionnow/ .

“Biofuel Genocide”: https://sites.google.com/site/biofuelgenocide/ .

“Carbon Debt Carbon Credit”: https://sites.google.com/site/carbondebtcarboncredit/ .

“Climate crisis articles”: https://sites.google.com/site/climatecrisisarticles/home .

“Climate Genocide”: https://sites.google.com/site/climategenocide/ .

“Climate Justice & Intergenerational Equity”: https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/climate-justice .

"Climate Revolution Now": https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/climate-revolution .

“Cut carbon emissions 80% by 2020”: https://sites.google.com/site/cutcarbonemissions80by2020/ .

“Divest from fossil fuels”: https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/divest-from-fossil-fuels .

“Eco-socialism, green socialism”: https://sites.google.com/site/ecosocialismgreensocialism/

“Gas is not clean energy”: https://sites.google.com/site/gasisnotcleanenergy/ .

“Methane bomb threat”: https://sites.google.com/site/methanebombthreat/ .

“Nuclear weapons ban, end poverty & reverse climate change”: https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/nuclear-weapons-ban .

“Older people and climate change”: https://sites.google.com/site/olderpeopleandclimatechange/home .

“Science and economics experts: carbon tax needed and not carbon trading”, 300.org: https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/sciennce-economics-experts-carbon-tax-needed-not-carbon-trading .

“Stop air pollution deaths”: https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/stop-air-pollution-deaths .

“Stop climate crime”: https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/stop-climate-crime .

"Too late to avoid global warming catastrophe": https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/too-late-to-avoid-global-warming .

“Yarra Valley Climate Action Group”: https://sites.google.com/site/yarravalleyclimateactiongroup/Home .


“ABC censorship”: https://sites.google.com/site/abccensorship/abc-censorship .

“ABC fact-checking unit & incorrect reportage by the ABC (Australia’s BBC)”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/abc-fact-checking-unit .

“Boycott Murdoch media”: https://sites.google.com/site/boycottmurdochmedia/ .

“Censorship by ABC Late Night Live”: https://sites.google.com/site/censorshipbyabclatenightlive/ .

"Censorship by ABC Saturday Extra": https://sites.google.com/site/censorshipbyabclatenightlive/censorship-by-abc-sat .

“Censorship by the ABC”: https://sites.google.com/site/censorshipbytheabc/ .

“Censorship by Crikey (Australia)”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/censorship-by-crikey .

“Censorship by SBS (Australia)”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/censorship-by-sbs-australia .

“Censorship by The Age”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/censorship-by-the-age .

“Censorship by the BBC”: https://sites.google.com/site/censorshipbythebbc/ .

“Censorship by The Conversation”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/censorship-by .

"Censorship by The Guardian Australia": https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/home/censorship-by-the-guardian-a .

"Censorship by The Guardian UK": https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/censorship-by-the-guardian-uk .

“Educational apartheid”: https://sites.google.com/site/educationalapartheid/ .

“Experts: US did 9/11”: https://sites.google.com/site/expertsusdid911/ .

“Expose holocaust denial & ignoring”: https://sites.google.com/site/exposeholocaustdenialignoring/Home .

“Exposing Australia”: https://sites.google.com/site/exposingaustralia/home .

“Free university education” : https://sites.google.com/site/freeuniversityeducation/home

“Lying by omission”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammedialying/lying-by-omission .

“Mainstream media censorship”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/home .

“Mainstream media lying”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammedialying/ .

“Questions Q&A won’t ask”: https://sites.google.com/site/questionsqawontask/home .

“Subversion of Australia”: https://sites.google.com/site/subversionofaustralia/home .


“Aboriginal Genocide”: https://sites.google.com/site/aboriginalgenocide/ .

“Afghan Holocaust, Afghan Genocide”: https://sites.google.com/site/afghanholocaustafghangenocide/ .

“Iraqi Holocaust, Iraqi Genocide”: https://sites.google.com/site/iraqiholocaustiraqigenocide/ .

“Afghanistan Genocide essays”: https://sites.google.com/site/afghanistangenocideessays/ .

“Art for peace, planet, mother & child”: https://sites.google.com/site/artforpeaceplanetmotherchild/ .

“Bengali Holocaust (WW2 Bengal Famine) writings of Gideon Polya”: https://sites.google.com/site/drgideonpolya/bengali-holocaust .

“Gideon Polya”: https://sites.google.com/site/drgideonpolya/home .

“Gideon Polya writing”: https://sites.google.com/site/gideonpolyawriting/ .

“Iraq Genocide essays”: https://sites.google.com/site/iraqgenocideessays/ .

“Muslim Holocaust Muslim Genocide”: http://sites.google.com/site/muslimholocaustmuslimgenocide/ .

“Poetry reviews by Gideon Polya”: https://sites.google.com/site/poetryreviewsbygideonpolya/ .

“Report genocide”: https://sites.google.com/site/reportgenocide/ .

"State crime and non-state terrorism": https://sites.google.com/site/statecrimeandnonstateterrorism/ .

“Stop state terrorism”: https://sites.google.com/site/stopstateterrorism/ .


Apartheid Israeli state terrorism: (A) individuals exposing Apartheid Israeli state terrorism, and (B) countries subject to Apartheid Israeli state terrorism”: https://sites.google.com/site/palestiniangenocide/apartheid-israeli-state-terrorism .

“Boycott Apartheid Israel”: https://sites.google.com/site/boycottapartheidisrael/.

“Gaza Concentration Camp”: https://sites.google.com/site/palestiniangenocide/gaza-concentration .

“Jews Against Racist Zionism”: https://sites.google.com/site/jewsagainstracistzionism/ .

“Non-Jews Against Racist Zionism”: https://sites.google.com/site/nonjewsagainstracistzionism/ .

“One-state solution, unitary state, bi-national state for a democratic, equal rights, post-apartheid Palestine: https://sites.google.com/site/boycottapartheidisrael/one-state-solution .

“Palestinian Genocide”: https://sites.google.com/site/palestiniangenocide/ .

“Palestinian Genocide essays”: https://sites.google.com/site/palestinegenocideessays/ .

"Zionist quotes re racism and Palestinian Genocide": https://sites.google.com/site/palestiniangenocide/zionist-quotes .