SWANN, , Ben. Award-winning US journalist: "Our culture is truth deficient. The historical centers of truth have broken down"

Ben Swann is a former Fox News anchor and an experienced, award-winning American journalist. According to Christopher McDaniel of Policymic: “One man is attempting to take his award-winning integrity and give us all an outlet. Make no mistake, Ben Swann is the real deal and his Truth in media Project is ambitious, inspiring, and most importantly, just in time. Ben Swann has worked in the mainstream media for 14 years. When you click on his bio you will see that he has won multiple prestigious awards for his work in Texas and Cincinnati. What you won't see is any complaining about how his mainstream media bosses have attempted to silence him over the years. Ben Swann has left the mainstream media in his rear view window as of today. He has taken his YouTube sensation (he has gotten more than 10 million views in more than 140 countries) "Full Disclosure" and is attempting to make it the social media platform for unbiased news, under the title of "Ben Swann's Liberty is Rising Truth in Media Grassroots Project." That's a mouthful, so we'll just call it the Truth in media Project, or TiM.” (Christopher McDaniel, Policymic, “Ben Sazwann: former local Fox News anchor wants to challenge the Mainstream media:, Polymic, 2013: http://www.policymic.com/articles/47453/ben-swann-former-local-fox-news-anchor-wants-to-challenge-the-mainstream-media ). According to Ben Swann’s Kickstarter: “Ben Swann is an Edward R. Murrow award and Emmy award winning journalist. Having worked as a news reporter and anchor in Cincinnati, Ohio and El Paso, Texas, Ben has covered extensively Mexico's drug war, and specializes in covering Liberty oriented issues… Today, Ben Swann has the largest Facebook following of any local journalist in the nation and is larger than many national network anchors. His Reality Check and Full Disclosure series has over 10,000,000 video views on Youtube and local websites and is watched in over 140 countries” (see Kickstarter: http://www.kickstarter.com/profile/439668500 ) .

Ben Swann on US culture, media and truth:

"1. Our culture is truth deficient. The historical centers of truth have broken down.

"2. The average U.S. citizen has lost their voice to the affluent with money and power.

"3. Voters are disenfranchised from the party system. The rise of “'ndependents' has simply defined what people are not, but has struggled to bring clarity to who they are." [1].

[1]. Ben Swann quoted by Christopher McDaniel, Policymic, “Ben Sazwann: former local Fox News anchor wants to challenge the Mainstream media:, Polymic, 2013: http://www.policymic.com/articles/47453/ben-swann-former-local-fox-news-anchor-wants-to-challenge-the-mainstream-media ).