AARONS, Mark. Aarons & Loftus: "The hidden parts of history, the covert sides, are far more orderly and rational, but can be seen and understood only if you are told where to look. The holes in history are what makes sense of the thing"

Mark Aarons (born 25 December 1951, NBewcastle, NSW, Australia ) is an Australian journalist and author. He was a political adviser to NSW Labor Premier Bob Carr. Mark Aarons was a member of the Communist Party of Australia from 1969 to 1978, and a Young Communist organiser in 1977. He was active in the anti-Vietnam War movement (see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Aarons ).

Mark Aarons and J. Loftus on “the holes in history” from non-reportage (lying by omission) (1997): “The hidden parts of history, the covert sides, are far more orderly and rational, but can be seen and understood only if you are told where to look. The holes in history are what makes sense of the thing.” . [1].

[1]. Mark Aarons and J. Loftus “The Secret War Against the Jews”, St. Martin's Griffin, 1997.
