KORSGAARD, Soren: "There has been a strong move toward punishing intellectuals and public figures for voicing dissent of official narratives and a variety of ideologies, such as questioning the official 9/11 dogma"

Soren Korsgaard (Danish writer and editor of “Crime & Power”) (2020): “There has been a strong move toward punishing intellectuals and public figures for voicing dissent of official narratives and a variety of ideologies, such as questioning the official 9/11 dogma” (Soren Korsgaard , “One World Digital Dictatorship”, Crime & Power, 5 January 2020: https://www.crimeandpower.com/2020/01/05/one-world-digital-dictatorship/ ; Soren Korsgaard quoted in Gideon Polya, “Review: “One World Digital Dictatorship” by Soren Korsgaard – Digital Nightmare”, Countercurrents, 23 January 2020: https://countercurrents.org/2020/01/review-one-world-digital-dictatorship-by-soren-korsgaard-digital-nightmare ).

Soren Korsgaard arguing that censorship and propaganda in both democratic and one-party systems promote an altruistic collectivism “for the greater good” needed for popular acceptance of a digital prison (2020): “While the technology is already available or will soon be to most advanced countries, it can be argued that its availability does not necessitate a rollout of a digital prison. However, for years governments have preconditioned the masses with the ideological underpinnings paramount to a totalitarian digital prison, namely collectivism and the related idea of free-speech restraints via political correctness, brute force, and censorship. By preconditioning the masses, they will slowly be guided into acceptance or compliance with such a system as it is being gradually rolled out. The Chinese social crediting system is rooted in collectivism… Silencing whistleblowers, government critics, and free thinkers is an essential component of any tyrannical regime in order to terrorize the public into compliance, and to keep them isolated from information that runs contrary to official dogmas; the greater the ignorance of human rights violations the lower is the chance of resistance and opposition. The digital revolution has equipped us with lightning speed communication, but ruling elites have weaponized the digitization to control, manipulate, and destroy information that is contrary to their interests” (Soren Korsgaard , “One World Digital Dictatorship”, Crime & Power, 5 January 2020: https://www.crimeandpower.com/2020/01/05/one-world-digital-dictatorship/ ; Soren Korsgaard quoted in Gideon Polya, “Review: “One World Digital Dictatorship” by Soren Korsgaard – Digital Nightmare”, Countercurrents, 23 January 2020: https://countercurrents.org/2020/01/review-one-world-digital-dictatorship-by-soren-korsgaard-digital-nightmare ).

Soren Korsgaard on massive Google and You Tube censorship revealed by YouTube’s CEO, Susan Wojcicki (2020): “YouTube’s CEO, Susan Wojcicki, admitted in 2019 that 10,000 Google employees and artificial intelligence had succeeded in reducing the “amount of time Americans watch controversial content by 70%” and that instead of referring users to “controversial content” they would be directed to government-approved sources, like CNN” ((Soren Korsgaard , “One World Digital Dictatorship”, Crime & Power, 5 January 2020: https://www.crimeandpower.com/2020/01/05/one-world-digital-dictatorship/ ).