SINGH, K. Gajendra. Respected journalist and former Indian diplomat: "The lies are being repeated day in and day out by shameless Western leaders and their media whores and pressitutes [presstitutes]. WITHOUT ANY PROOF"

SINGH, K. Gajendra. Respected journalist and former Indian diplomat: "The lies are being repeated day in and day out by shameless Western leaders and their media whores and pressitutes [presstitutes]. WITHOUT ANY PROOF"

K. Gajendra Singh Sserved as an Indian diplomat for 35 years. His articles on world affairs and on Eurasian axis matters in particular have been published in many languages (see: ).

K. Gajendra Singh on media whores and presstitutes (2014):Whore: (verb) To debase one by doing something for unworthy motives, typically to make money.

-The New Oxford American Dictionary.

After 15 years in diplomatic live many of us learn how to distinguish between propaganda and truth by exchanging views with diplomats and journalists from different regions and alliances .Around that time and even later ,in Delhi ,those who could get hold of The Newsweek and The Times, the US publications would quote from them as Lord’s words at cocktail parties which would be lapped up .It still happens in spite of Russian and Chinese channels and independent website media .On foreign affairs ,Indian media controlled by corporate houses is abysmal and sickening . Obsessed with celebrities and trivialities, Indian TV channels are sickening in parroting CNN, BBC and western media.

As the first ever engineering graduate (BHU) to join the diplomatic service in 1961, aware of my weakness in political science, international relations and history, during my tenure of 35 years, I tried to read as much as possible on these subjects. Since retiring in 1996, perhaps I read twice as much as in my diplomatic career .I spent hours, day in and day out watching lies being sprouted by CNN, BBC etc on Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria, and now Ukraine, enabling me to accurately predict and tell the truth in my nearly 500 articles and blogs which have been translated into 12 major languages of the world; some of them hosted by many scores of website.

Forget about India’s so-called English knowing intelligentsia, who made careers and fortunes on their English language command, even diplomats brought up on the milk of benefits of British colonialism and benign US hegemony cajoled by book grants, scholarships, study tour and well paid seminars, remain faithful to western narrative. Most have their children doing well in USA. During my lectures at India’s many universities , cultural centers and other places , after my lectures , say on illegal US invasion of Iraq (2003) and its brutal occupation which has led to deaths of over 1.5 million Iraqis and destruction of that country , quite often couple of Indians would get up and declare that I was anti-American .At one such lecture at IIC, New Delhi ,a very well known economic journalist got up and loudly remonstrated that I was demonizing America ( soon he was rewarded with well paid time at the very conservative US Heritage Foundation).At an Indian university , a faculty member said that US was killing terrorists .When I explained that even CIA and Chatham House and other western studies had shown that US wars had increased terrorists and their areas of operation , he concluded that at least they were killing Muslims .

As a fiercely freelance journalist since 1996, when I read magazines and books, and also on independent websites on international history and events, it became quite clear that Western nations across the north Atlantic have given a false narrative of history covering up their cruel ,brutal and barbaric occupation and exploitation of people they had colonized. Even now, shameless utter lies are sold out by US, British and other Western leaders whether it is on Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria or now Ukraine. Even now the so-called Indian intelligentsia and TV channels reproduce blatant lies by Obama, his ministers, lying British and French leaders, and their media publications, accusing Putin and Russia for the shooting down of the MH 17 flight over Eastern Ukraine. The lies are being repeated day in and day out by shameless Western leaders and their media whores and pressitutes [presstitutes]. WITHOUT ANY PROOF.” [1].

K. Gajendra Singh, “Washington;s elegant media whore: The Economist, London”, TARAFITS, 1 August, 2014 ,Delhi: .