Censorship: Israel leads World in killing journalists

If you Googled “killing journalists” this morning 9 June 2022 you would have obtained 56,500 results, with articles on the Apartheid Israeli killing of journalists being 5 out of the 20 top results :

#3: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/5/11/veteran-al-jazeera-journalist-killed-by-israeli-forces-live-news

#5: https://mondoweiss.net/2022/05/killing-journalists-attacking-funerals-what-fuels-israels-reign-of-terror/

#14: https://countercurrents.org/2022/06/remember-shireen-abu-akleh-apartheid-israel-leads-the-world-for-killing-journalists/

#18: https://www.tehrantimes.com/news/472543/Systemic-killing-of-journalists-An-Israeli-trend

#20: https://www.cjpme.org/2022_05_12_stop_killing_journalists

#14 was Gideon Polya, “Remember Shireen Abu Akleh: Apartheid Israel Leads The World For Killing Journalists”, Countercurrents, 6 June 2022: https://countercurrents.org/2022/06/remember-shireen-abu-akleh-apartheid-israel-leads-the-world-for-killing-journalists/ .

This prominence of the article at #14 may in part be due to the following letter Dr Gideon Polya sent to a huge number of Australian and overseas journalists, editors, politicians, academics, commentators and activists (as well as to many Facebook groups and Twitter):

Dear etc,

Nuclear terrorist and genocidally racist Apartheid Israel leads World for killing journalists

The World was shocked by the recent deliberate killing by an Israeli sniper of veteran Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh. However over 50 journalists have been killed by Apartheid Israel in the last 2 decades. Careful analysis reveals that Apartheid Israel leads the World by far in terms of “average number of journalists killed per 10 million of population per year”. Self-respecting journalists world-wide must report this shocking fact.

Apartheid Israel tops the ranking by “average number of journalists killed per 10 million of population per year” that yields the following order: in Occupied Palestine, over 6.164; Syria, 4.733; Afghanistan, 2.563; Israel-Palestine, over 2.190; Somalia, 1.751; Yemen, 1.278; Iraq, 0.897; Mexico, 0.750; Colombia, 0.366; Philippines, 0.283; Pakistan, 0.152; World, 0.084; India, 0.027. On a per capita basis, the killing of journalists by Apartheid Israel in Occupied Palestine leads the World, and is 73.4 times greater than for the World as a whole. In contrast, India scores 3.1 times lower than the World.

One faintly hopes that Mainstream journalists in the Zionist-subverted West will at least stand up for their murdered colleagues and find the courage to report that Apartheid Israel leads the World for killing journalists.

We must all remember outstanding Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh for a courageous and ethical life brutally and criminally terminated by Apartheid Israel like the lives of so many other journalists murdered in Palestine.

The Israeli murder of Al Jazeera correspondent Shireen Abu Akleh on May 11 at Jenin was followed with the Israelis shooting dead a second Palestinian female journalist, Ghufran Warasneh, at the entrance to a refugee camp north of Hebron in the West Bank on 1 June.

As the world’s most famous journalist, UK-imprisoned Julian Assange, faces abusive life imprisonment and death in a US prison for truth telling, all decent people, and especially fellow journalists, must (a) speak out against the persecution and killing of journalists, (b) tell everyone they can that Apartheid Israel leads the World for killing journalists, and (c) urge and apply Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against nuclear terrorist, serial war criminal and genocidally racist Apartheid Israel and all its supporters. This must be the ongoing, living memorial to Shireen Abu Akleh and her fellow martyred journalist colleagues.

Lest we forget the ongoing Palestinian Genocide. In 1880 the inhabitants of Palestine totalled 500,000, 90% Muslim and 10% Christian. There were about 25,000 Jews, half of them immigrants. The WW1 onwards, century-long Palestinian Genocide under the British and thence under genocidally racist Zionist settler-colonialists has been associated with 2.2 million Palestinian deaths from violence (0.1 million) and imposed deprivation (2.1 million). In contrast, 4,000 Zionist invaders have been killed by Indigenous Palestinians since 1920. In the 1948 Nakba (Catastrophe) the Zionists expelled 800,000 Indigenous Palestinians, ethnically cleansed 530 villages, seized 78% of Mandated Palestine, and killed about 10,000 Palestinians. In 1967 a now nuclear-armed Apartheid Israel attacked and seized territory of all its neighbours in the Naksa (Setback), expelling a further 400,000 Arabs.

Today there are 15 million mostly impoverished Palestinians comprising 8 million Exiled Palestinians (forbidden to enter the land continuously inhabited by their forbears to the very start of the Agrarian Revolution 10,000 years ago); 5.2 million Occupied Palestinians (deprived of all human rights specified in the 30 Articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, highly abusively confined under brutal Occupier military rule in ever-dwindling West Bank ghettoes or the blockaded and bombed Gaza Concentration Camp, and with a per capita GDP of $3,400 that is 14 times less than that of Israelis, $46,400; in the last 2 decades Israelis have violently killed about 10,000 Occupied Palestinians and a further 90,000 have died avoidably from imposed deprivation); and nearly 2 million “lucky” Israeli Palestinians (able to vote but only as Third Class citizens under 65 Nazi-style, race-based, discriminatory laws). The 7.2 million Indigenous Palestinians in Israeli-ruled former Mandated Palestine represent 50% of the Subjects of Apartheid Israel but 73% are excluded from voting for the government ruling them (i.e. they are subject to apartheid).

For details and documentation see Gideon Polya, “Remember Shireen Abu Akleh: Apartheid Israel Leads The World For Killing Journalists”, Countercurrents, 6 June 2022: https://countercurrents.org/2022/06/remember-shireen-abu-akleh-apartheid-israel-leads-the-world-for-killing-journalists/ . Please tell everyone you can.

Yours sincerely, Dr Gideon Polya, Melbourne, Australia.