WASPE, Margaret: "There is a grave lack of truth. The people of Australia and other Western nations have been/are subjected to false or deceptive statements and claims, by their political leaders, in various ways. Why? This has also led to the destruction of other societies, the death of millions of people"

Margaret Waspe (Australian humanitarian) (2017): “Summary of an open letter to the Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Defence, Senators and Members of the Australian Parliament. There is a grave lack of truth. The people of Australia and other Western nations have been/are subjected to false or deceptive statements and claims, by their political leaders, in various ways. Why? This has also led to the destruction of other societies, the death of millions of people, ongoing mutilation, suffering and warfare. 2.3 million Iraqi deaths by 2009, 4.5 million Afghan deaths by 2010, were estimated as a result of war, by Dr Gideon Polya. The costs of warfare are borne by Western taxpayers and can only serve the financial interests of a small group of powerful entities. Confusion, fear, hatred and divisiveness have intensified. Whose interests are our governments serving? These concerns must be addressed” (Margaret Waspe, “Open letter to the Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Defence, Senators and Members of the Australian Parliament. In search of truth. The Middle east and Australia’s future foreign policy”, 25 March 2017: https://www.fpwhitepaper.gov.au/sites/g/files/net3551/f/submission/170331-715-margaret-waspe.pdf ).