ABC. The Australian ABC (the taxpayer-funded Australian equivalent of the UK BBC) ignored the 2021 Human Rights Watch report condemning Israeli apartheid. The HRW Report has summarized the Israeli apartheid system thus: “Jewish Israelis. Free to live throughout Israel, Jerusalem & most of the West Bank… Palestinian citizens of Israel. Barred effectively from hundreds of small Jewish towns in Israel & largely concentrated on 3% of the land… East Jerusalem residents. Israel guarantees residency rights to Jewish Israelis but for Palestinians residency is conditional and revocable… West Bank ID holders. Barred effectively from building in the majority of the West Bank or entering Jewish settlements… Gaza ID holders. Barred with few exceptions from leaving Gaza or living in the other part of the OPT (the West Bank, including East Jerusalem)” (see Human Rights Watch (HRW), “A threshold crossed. Israeli authorities and the crimes of apartheid and persecution”, HRW, 27 April 2021: .)

According to latest demographic estimates, despite 100 years of an ongoing Palestinian Genocide ( 2.2 million deaths from violence, 0.1 million, and from imposed deprivation, 2.1 million, since British and Anzac invasion of the Middle East in WW1), and major mass expulsion events (800,000 in 1948 and 400,000 in 1967), Indigenous Palestinians [7.1 million] still represent about 50% of the Subjects of Apartheid Israel [14.3 million] and Jewish Israelis 47% [6.8 million]. The 5.2 million Indigenous Palestinians of the Occupied Palestinian Territory are 72% of the Indigenous Palestinian Subjects of Apartheid Israel, live under highly abusive military rule in dire and deadly poverty (per capita GDP $3,400 versus $46,400 for Israelis), and are excluded from human rights, civil rights and from voting for the government ruling them i.e. they are subject to egregious apartheid that violates International laws and Conventions. Palestinian Israelis live as Third Class citizens under over 60 race-based laws and the Israeli Knesset recently rejected a bill for equal rights for Palestinian Israelis.

Now the US State Department (headed by a Jewish Zionist Secretary of State) has falsely rejected the “Israeli apartheid” assertion of HRW. 30% of Biden’s Cabinet are Jewish Zionists and the remainder are Christian Zionists, Zionism being the sine qua non of US politics. 2% of the US population are Jewish and I would guess/hope that half of them (especially the young) are appalled by Israeli apartheid.

But for the disgusting lying by omission of the ABC over the HRW Report, no doubt we would have Liberal and Labor (Lib-Lab) Zionists from the Christian Zionist Australian PM Morrison down falsely denying the horrendous reality of Israeli apartheid. There must be zero tolerance for racism. In early May 2021 the Coalition Government any Australians entering Australia from India by air (notably Indian Australians) could face 5 years in prison in pre-police state Australia.