STONE, I.F. Outstanding US journalist: "about being a journalist, all you have to remember is two words: governments lie"

I.F. Stone (December 24, 1907 – June 18, 1989; born Isidor Feinstein, better known as I. F. Stone and Izzy Stone) was an outstanding US journalist, publisher of the newsletter “I. F. Stone's Weekly” and author of numerous books, including “The Hidden History of the Korean War, 1950-1951” (see: ).

I.F. Stone to journalism students: "Among all the things I'm going to tell you today about being a journalist, all you have to remember is two words: governments lie." [1, 2]

[1]. I.F. Stone, quoted in “Two words – governments lie. Iraqi oil, climate change and Tony Blair”, Media Lens, 22 January 2003: .

[2]. I.F. Stone, quoted in Gideon Polya, “Iraqi Holocaust”, ConScience, Australasian Science, 2 June 2004: .

I.F. Stone (anti-racist Jewish American journalist and author of “The Hidden History of the Korean War”): “Governments lie” (quoted in Harry Kawilarang, “Quotations on Terrorism”, Trafford Publishing, UK, 2006).