JASSON, Allen. Australian humanitarian writer: "Fake news there may well be in the alternative media, but it’s nothing compared to the systematic fake news of omission, distorted emphasis and spin that is the hallmark of the MSM"

Allen Jasson (outstanding Australian humanitarian writer and activist) on Mainstream media fake moral outrage re Trump (2017): “In the Mainstream Media (MSM) there presently is an imposing impression of international uproar and moral outrage suggesting the imminent demise of a newly‑elected President. Nothing like it was observed when pomp and circumstance was afforded the state visit to the UK of George Bush junior, mired in the blood of Iraqis and pungent with the stink of lies and deceit.

It has already been noted in the alternative media that while Trump has allegedly infringed upon the rights of people from these ‘mostly Muslim countries’ it was Bush who was bombing them, killing civilians, murdering women and children, whole families, turning weddings into village bloodbaths, destroying infrastructure, schools, hospitals, water-treatment plants. Never was it mentioned in the MSM that it was an illegal, immoral, aggressive and violent war initiated on a pack of obvious lies for the interests of his OIL-rich friends among the “haves and have-mores”. They felt content to squabble over whether The Lancet got the numbers right.

The conjuring tricks that create these illusions of international uproar and outrage suggestive of something imminent are only possible in the echo-chamber owned, operated and precisely orchestrated by the Corporate Mainstream Media…

Fake news there may well be in the alternative media, but it’s nothing compared to the systematic fake news of omission, distorted emphasis and spin that is the hallmark of the MSM. Misled by the preoccupation with Israel’s right to defend itself the swill-digesting public is presumed not to be interested in Israel’s application of vast airpower and military force to the persecution of a million Palestinians held under siege in Gaza.

The fake controversies over anti-Semitism are standard cover for the ongoing criminal activities of the recidivist Jewish State of Israel in the theft and ethnic cleansing of Palestinian land that has gone on for almost 7 decades. The possibility that some obscure author lied about the holocaust is apparently more newsworthy than the shocking inhumanity, genocide and human rights violations undertaken in the occupied Palestinian Territories on a scale that easily qualifies as utter lawlessness. According to the MSM it is ‘our democratic values’ that must be upheld in the parliament, not the ‘populism’ that is all-pervasive among the masses and ‘our moral values’ are exhibited in using diplomacy to make ‘gradual progress’ in defending human rights in barbaric dictatorships such as Saudi Arabia when they murder civilians in neighbouring countries using British-made weapons and planes” (Allen Jasson, “Trump, the media and muddled morals” MWC News, 9 February 2017: http://mwcnews.net/focus/politics/63669-media-and-muddled-morals.html ) .