25 July 2023



The Australian


Dear Editor,


The Australian reported (25/7) that “The pro-Israel lobby has warned Labor figures against any factional deal at the upcoming ALP national conference” re Palestine recognition and AUKUS. If pro-China Chinese Australian lobbyists in Australia “warned Labor figures” and lobbied the ALP for Palestinian recognition and against AUKUS they might well be arrested for violating  the 2018 Foreign Interferences  laws.


Indeed Australian citizen Daniel Duggan is imprisoned in maximum security in Australia and facing life imprisonment in the US  for simply teaching some Chinese students at a South Africa pilot school. World-famous journalist and Australian citizen, Julian Assange, has been imprisoned for 10 years in London, and faces life imprisonment in the US for truth-telling about US war crimes.


As an anti-racist  Jewish Australian  with a sole allegiance to Australia I demand exposure of the Israel Lobby and its rotten Labor supporters.  Thus, for example, another  outstanding Australian journalist,  Bernard Keane: “It’s an open secret within Labor, for example, that then-Israeli ambassador Yuval Rotem was actually present on the night when a right-wing powerbroker was helping organise the removal of Kevin Rudd from the prime ministership.”  *


Yours sincerely, Dr Gideon Polya [contact details]


*Bernard Keane, “Israel, and Israel Lobby, enraged that Australia has its own foreign policy”, The Mandarin, 19 October 2022: https://www.themandarin.com.au/203000-israel-and-israel-lobby-enraged-that-australia-has-its-own-foreign-policy/

24 July 2023



The Australian


Dear Editor,


Re Labor, AUKUS and Palestine recognition (The Australian 24/7), voters should realize that the newly elected Australian Labor Government has violated official pre-election Labor Party policy by (1) not recognizing the State of Palestine and (2) not signing and ratifying the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), thus breaking 2 key implicit election promises.


Voters expect elected governments to follow pre-election official party policy, and will reject those that deceive voters by not doing so. I have made a huge Submission to the National Anti-Corruption Commission detailing these and many other falsehoods of the present Australian Labor Government that have betrayed Australia in the interests of (a) themselves and (b) certain foreign governments.*


Yours sincerely, Dr Gideon Polya [contact details]


*For a detailed and highly referenced analysis see Gideon Polya, “Submission To National Anti-Corruption Commission: Australian Labor Government’s Lying For Apartheid Israel”, Countercurrents, 22 July 2023: https://countercurrents.org/2023/07/submission-to-national-anti-corruption-commission-australian-labor-governments-lying-for-apartheid-israel/ .

20 June 2023

The Editor,


The Australian


Dear Editor,


There are 5.5 million Occupied Palestinians who together with 2.0 million Israeli Palestinians represent over 50% of the Subjects of Israel. Your editorial (20/6) suggests that even after 56 years of abusive foreign military occupation the Occupied Palestinians can never be able to vote for the government ruling them i.e. endless subjection of Indigenous Palestinians to Israeli Apartheid.


As a Jewish Holocaust-impacted,  anti-racist Jewish Australian with a sole allegiance to Australia, and married  for 52 years to a Muslim background, non-Indigenous Black Australian, I must say “Never again to anybody”, this including Indigenous Palestinians, Indigenous Australians, our children and grandchildren. We are all created equal.


Yours sincerely, Dr Gideon Polya [contact details].

11 June 2023


The Australian

Dear Editor

As a Jewish Holocaust-impacted,  anti-racist Jewish Australian with a sole allegiance to Australia I applaud  the Greens for  correctly condemning Israeli Apartheid (The Australian 10/6). Their opposition to racist Zionism  is supported by eminent anti-racist Jewish humanitarians around the world from Hannah Arendt to Howard Zinn (Google ”Jews against racist Zionism”), Jewish and non-Jewish heroes in the fight  against  South African Apartheid, and  leading world and Israeli human rights groups. Indeed the anti-racist Jewish US Mondoweiss magazine recently reported that despite 75 years of Zionist propaganda, 25% of American Jews and 38% of them under 40 presently regard Israel as an Apartheid state.

Yours sincerely, Dr Gideon Polya [contact details].