Yellow-nosed Albatross
(Thalassarche chlororhynchos)


21 Mar 1960      4–8 mi. SSE Monhegan, Lincoln Co.             1960-001    M. Libby RNEB 16(3); 8 mi. SSE to 4 mi. SSE Monhegan

12 May 1964      10 miles SE of Monhegan, Lincoln Co.          1964-001    M. Libby RNEB 20(5); AFN 18(4):425

6 Jul 1999       Matinicus Rock, Knox Co.                      1999-001    A. Hill et al. see NAB 53(4):363 and 445

16-20 Jul 2006   Stratton Island, York Co.                     2006-005    S. Sanborn, R. Lambert*†, P. Garrity†, m. obs.

28 Apr 2007      Cape Neddick, York Co.                        2007-006    P. Garrity, York Center for Wildlife

24-25 Aug 2008   Seal I. NWR then at Matinicus Rock, Knox Co.  2008-007    S. Schubel and Project Puffin (at Seal I.)

18 Jun 2017      Pond Island, Sagadahoc Co.                    2017-018    S. Carvey ph. show T. c. chlororhynchos

8 Jul 2023 Gulf of Maine, Lincoln Co.       2023-030    J. Cherry, M. Glon



Not yet reviewed (pending historical records and unsubmitted reports):

1 Aug 1913*      near Machias Seal Is., Washington Co.         1913-xxx    Auk 39(1):58 collected by E. O. Joye AMNH #748984

~23 Jul 1934     East Freyburg, Oxford Co.                     1934-xxx    Auk 51(4):507-508 verbatim date is "a few days before 23 Jul 1934" (specimen formerly in PSNH collection but current disposition unknown)


* Referring to the above 1913 specimen, Norton (Auk 51:508) suggested the same bird might have been seen earlier in the same summer: "That this bird had passed along the entire coast of Maine, from Portland to the vicinity of Machias Bay seems quite certain. The late Evan D. Rackliff of Peak's Island, told me that on one of his trips to the Cod Ledges, earlier in the summer, an Albatross came very near his boat." Note: the year of this report has been ascribed to 1934, but Rackliff was fishing in the years around 1913; so Norton and Palmer are correct in using 1913 for this report contra Post 1968 (The Kingbird 18[2]:67), who might have confused the East Freyburg bird that was found in 1934.

AFN = Audubon Field Notes

PSNH = Portland Society of Natural History

RNEB = Records of New England Birds