Slaty-backed Gull

(Larus schistisagus)


10-13 Jan 2012 Augusta, Kennebec Co.   2012-010 Bevier; Seitz, et. al.

23-24 Feb 2018 Augusta, Kennebec Co.   2018-003 Hitchcox; Bevier, et al.


23 Nov 2023     Madawaska, Aroostook Co.  2023-068 

Not yet reviewed (pending historical records and unsubmitted reports):



Comparison of plumage shows that the same bird, but different individuals in 2012 and 2018, occurred in Massachusetts both subsequent to the Maine occurrence (2012) and prior to the Maine occurrence (2018). In 2012, the same bird was subsequently found at Gloucester, Massachusetts on 21 January (baaed on detailed comparison of plumage and bare parts). In 2018, the same bird was previously seen at Fresh Pond, Massachusetts, 16 February (J. Trimble et al.) and then later seen at Jodrey Fish Pier, Gloucester, Massachusetts, 19 February (S. Williams et al.) before being found at Augusta.