Maine Bird Notes archive

The Maine Bird Records Committee obtained permission to make these files available.

We ask that you:

- make non-commercial use (these files are intended for personal use by individuals)

- maintain attribution and not publish elsewhere

We hope to enter records published in Maine Bird Notes into eBird. Anyone wishing to volunteer for this effort, which involves data entry onto a simple spreadsheet, should contact the Chair or Secretary.

The files below are scans saved as PDFs of complete issues. The file names identify volume number, issue number, and year as printed on the publication. These years do not correspond to the seasons and years covered by the field reports, especially from 1992 onward. For example, if one is searching for records in the year 1993, then look in files for 1994. Some later volumes cover several years of seasons. The last issue, volume 11 number 1, covers the spring seasons for 1997-1999.