Mountain Bluebird

(Sialia currucoides)


12 Nov 2011* East Royce Mountain, Oxford Co. 2011-012  L. Webb, A. Zboray (photo)

23 Nov 2014 Lincoln, Penobscot Co. 2014-010  T. Oliver (photos)

26 Dec 2023 Clarry Hill, Union, Knox Co. 2023-065  K. Doiron, L. Ondra

26–29 Apr 2024 Monhegan Island Lincoln Co. 2023-008  L. Seitz, M. Waters; I. Davies, D. Hitchcox (photos)


13-14 May 2015 Skowhegan, Somerset Co. 2015-002

Not yet reviewed (pending historical records and unsubmitted reports):


* Note: The East Royce Mountain record was published as 13 November, but 12 November 2011 is the correct date based on new information from the observer and the camera file data.

Immature male Mountain Bluebird (Sialia currucoides) at Lincoln, Penobscot Co., 23 Nov 2014. Photo by Ty Oliver.