Whimbrel (European)
Numenius p. [phaeopus ssp. group])


21 May 2019 Frenchboro, Hancock Co. 2019-024 A. Lamoreaux see 9th report*

*This bird showed characters suggesting it was of European origin, i.e. nominate N. p. phaeopus or N. p. islandicus. The lower back and rump were all-white and unbarred like all European breeders and unlike North American N. p. hudsonicus and east Asian N. p. variegatus; the underwing and axillaries showed some barring, separating it from N. p. alboaxillaris (Allport 2017).



Not yet reviewed (pending historical records and unsubmitted reports):

Aug 1978 Biddeford Pool, York Co. 1978-xxx R. Skully AB 33(2):155


Allport, G. 2017. Steppe Whimbrels Numenius phaeopus alboaxillaris at Moputo, Mozambique, in February–March 2016, with a review of the status of the taxon. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 24(1):26–37.

Vickery, Peter D. 1979. The Autumn Migration: Northeastern Maritime Region. American Birds 33(2):154–158.