Clapper Rail
(Rallus crepitans)
20 Sep - 6 Oct 2015 Scarborough (Pine Pt), Cumberland Co. 2015-018 L. Smith; et al.
Not yet reviewed (pending historical records and unsubmitted reports):
1874 Sabattus Pond, Androscoggin Co. 1874-001 Smith 1882-83: 124, Palmer 1949 (Bates College coll.?)
late Dec 1875 York, York Co. 1875-001 Brown 1879: 108, Palmer 1949 (spec.?)
12 Oct 1900 Popham Beach, Sagadahoc Co. 1900-001 H. Spinney 1902:44-45, Palmer 1949 (MSM?*)
14 Oct 1900 Popham Beach, Sagadahoc Co. 1900-xxx H. Spinney 1902, a second bird
13 Dec 1949 Waldoboro, Lincoln Co. 1949-xxx L. Bidwell fide W. Taber BMAS 6(2):29 spec. Boston U.
Aug 1950 Manset, Hancock Co. 1950-xxx specimen fide J. Bond; C. S. Tyson coll. BMAS 7(1):14
7 Sep 1952 New Harbor, Lincoln Co. 1952-xxx reported by K. G. Skelton BMAS 9(1):14-15
16 Sep 1957 Portland, Cumberland Co. 1957-xxx AFN 12(1):11 (regional report by Baird and Emery)
2 Oct 1961 Kittery Point, Kittery, York Co. 1961-xxx W. Spinney in MFO 6:109
31 Aug 1966 Ship Harbor, Hancock Co. 1966-xxx fide W. Townsend "on mud"
21 May 1968 Scarborough, Cumberland Co. 1968-xxx Maine Audubon reports
1 Jan 1973 Moody Beach, WNERR, Wells, York Co.** 1973-003 D. Finch, D. Abbott, R. Smart AB 27(2):191
* A specimen of Clapper Rail at the Maine State Museum (MSM) was labeled from Maine but is apparently a bird acquired in New Jersey, as are the other mounts at MSM (D. Mairs pers. comm.).
** WNERR - Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve; the bird seen where Stevens Brook crosses Bourne Avenue or Furbish Road. Also see AB 27(3):588.
AB = American Birds
BMAS = Bulletin Maine Audubon Society
MFO = Maine Field Ornithologist