Tufted Puffin
(Fratercula cirrhata)


Winter 1832       Mouth of Kennebec River, Sagadahoc             1832-001    Audubon

17 Jun–23 Jul 2014     Machias Seal Island, Washington Co.          2014-015    R. Eldridge m. obs. 

22 Jun - 15 Jul 2022   Petit Manan Is, Machias Seal Is, Washington Co. 2022-019    K.Sund (PMI), N. Walker (MSI), D. Rubianto (EER) - (Note: The last sighting was on Eastern Egg Rock, Knox Co.) 

7 Jun - 31 Jul 2023    PMI, Seal Is, Matinicus Rock, E. Egg Rock      2023-019    J. Pratt, A. McFarland



Not yet reviewed (pending historical records and unsubmitted reports):

Tufted Puffin with Atlantic Puffins, 8 Jul 2014, at Machias Seal Island, Washington Co. (also New Brunswick, Canada). Photo by Durlan Ingersoll.

The same bird in flight on same date as photo to left. Photo by Durlan Ingersoll.

Mounted specimen ascribed to one used by John James Audubon to illustrate the species. Mount at New York State Museum (photo courtesy Jeremy Kirchman, taken in 2009; catalogue number NYSM zo-9435).