Brown Pelican

(Pelecanus occidentalis)


17-23 Jun 2017 Camp Ellis, York Co. & Prouts Neck, Cumberland Co. 2017-022 fide J. Delcourt; m. obs.; also Bluff I.

21 Jul 2017 Moody Beach, York Co. 2017-023 S. Denault possibly same as above

11 Aug 2017 Georgetown (Kennebec Point), Sagadahoc Co. 2017-029 P. Woodruff possibly same as above

22-23 Jul 2017 Ram Island, Higgins Beach, Cumberland Co. 2017-050 J. Farrington possibly same as above

2 Jun 2018 Christmas Cove, Southport, Sagadahoc Co. 2018-048 P. and T. Helming

4 Jun 2018 Metinic Island, Knox Co. 2018-020 N. Ferrauolo

29 Jul 2018 Seal Island NWR, Knox Co. 2018-024 K. Yakola

8 Jun 2020 Biddeford Pool, York Co. 2020-018 B. Woodward


16 Jun 2007 off Harpswell, Cumberland Co. 2007-004

6 May 2017 Perkins Cove, York Co. 2017-019

Not yet reviewed (pending historical records and unsubmitted reports):

spring 1826 Kennebec R., 2 miles above Bath, Sagadahoc Co. 1826-xxx Williamson 1832 in Palmer 1949

summer 1914 Hog Is., Knox Co. 1914-xxx E. D. Rackliff in Palmer 1949

early Nov 1914 Jacquish Ledges off Bailey Is., Cumberland Co. 1914-xxx E. Sinnett in Palmer 1949

Sep 1922 Seguinland, Georgetown Sagadahoc Co. 1922-xxx H. F. Twitchell in Palmer 1949


Palmer, R. S. 1949. Maine Birds. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, volume 102, pages 39-40.

Williamson, W. D. 1832. The History of the State of Maine...1. Hallowell, Maine: Glazier, Masters and Co.