Greater Prairie-Chicken

(Heath Hen)

(Tympanuchus cupido cupido)





Not yet reviewed (pending historical records and unsubmitted reports):

see account in Palmer 1949, page 172

Note: Extinct. No certain occurrences of the Heath Hen, a subspecies of the Greater Prairie-Chicken, are known from Maine. Palmer (1949) also describes attempted introductions of the prairie bird, presumably subspecies T. c. pinnatus.


Applegate, R.D. 1993. Did the Heath Hen occur in Maine? Maine Naturalist 1(2):1–4.

Gross, A.O. 1928. The Heath Hen. Memoirs of the Boston Society of Natural History 6:489–588.

Palmer, R. S. 1949. Maine Birds. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, volume 102.