Update - Officer Hamblin Retaliates... Sgt. Batcheller Investigates?

Post date: Aug 08, 2012 4:47:16 PM

Dear Friends of MaGaZiNe yEtU,

Below is the letter sent to the investigating supervisor for the written complaint filed against the Iowa City Police Officer Hamblin for violating my rights and illegally retaliating against me.

Mr. Kenneth Longdon


Iowa City Police Department

Attn: Sgt. Paul Batcheller

400 East Washington Street

Iowa City, Iowa 52240

(319) 356-5275


Thursday, August 8th, 2012

RE: Citizen Complaint Against Officer Hamblin Badge #5

Dear Sgt. Batcheller,

I recently filed a formal complaint on Wednesday, August 1st, 2012, regarding illegal police retaliation against me by Officer Hamblin Badge #5. I am following up with you.

You called me on Thursday, August 2nd, 2012 at 12:23AM about an hour or so after I submitted my written complaint. At that time I was asleep and missed your call. Then I spoke with you on Tuesday, August 7th, 2012, after 11:00PM and you advised that you would review the video from Officer Hamblin’s squad car and speak with her; and that after doing that you would let me know your findings. You stated that you thought I had violated a city ordinance by not following the pedestrian walk signal, and you also stated that I did not cooperate with being searched by Iowa City Police, and you also stated that Officer Hamblin had warned me before on August 1st, 2012 about failing to follow the pedestrian walk signal. I received another call from you on Wednesday, August 8th, 2012 at 1:12AM. At that time I was asleep and missed your call.

§ I would like a formal record made of this complaint. I requested an impartial investigation into Officer Hamblin’s actions of retaliation against me.

§ I would like citation statistics/data on Officer Hamblin’s rate of citation and for searches & seizures.

§ I would like the dispatch data from the incident in question at 22:36PM to show the response details, and other officers who responded.

§ In addition, I would like dispatch data and any other supporting data from Officer Hamblin’s alleged contact with me to warn me of violating the pedestrian signal ordinance prior to 22:36PM on August 1st, 2012.

§ Also I would like copies of all reports by all responding officers to both events.

§ I would like you to email me the findings of your investigation of my written complaint as well as the information that I am requesting in this email to you.

You inquired as to why Officer Hamblin would retaliate against me, and that is because after I invoked my right to be free from illegal search and seizure, and declined unwarranted inquiry into my personal affairs and business, I was then targeted with unequal and biased enforcement of city ordinance 9-6-3 (Failure to Obey Pedestrian Signal).

The outcome that I seek from this complaint at this time is:

§ A formal apology for illegal retaliation against me

§ A briefing by Iowa City Police training staff to advise officers of citizens’ rights and proper ways to engage or interact with them

§ A plan of action by Iowa City Police to ensure that this situation will not be continued

§ And any other relief deemed just and rightful

Thank you in advance for your time and consideration in this matter and have a pleasant day sir.


Mr. Longdon




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