Lola and the Web

We spent a lot of time on the internet during the course of this restoration. In fact, it probably would not have been possible without the world wide web. Even though I am over 60 years old, I have a healthy respect for technology and the world wide web.

For the record, Shaelyn nicknamed me "the Google Geek" a number of years ago, because of my power use of free Google tools. Shaelyn and I share an interest in web technology, and have actually worked together on a number of web based projects. We are both Mac users (can also run PCs) and our browser of choice is Chrome.

Lola's Gmail Account

To keep our web work separate and organized on Lola, we set up a Google Account for her/the project. This gave us access to all Google's free tools for content creation and collaboration... but did not require us to blend it into our own individual web work. Using Chrome, we were able to create multiple users, which allowed us to switch back and forth between Lola's account and our individual ones seamlessly. Google Apps forms the backbone of our web content on Lola.

Internet Search

The moment this project started I set up a folder named "Valiant" on my Chrome bookmark system .... it probably has a couple hundred pages listed now.

This list includes:

  • Part Suppliers
  • Professional Services
  • Craigslist Ads
  • Forums
  • Information/Research Sites

Tracking Project Costs

A Google Account includes the free use of Google Drive - a cloud data storage and content creation tool. One of the many tools available at Google Drive is Fusion Tables. This is what we used to organize or costs snd suppliers. (Note Fusion Tables is now no longer available ... so we are switching to Google Sheets)


A Google Account also comes with a Google+ account. One of the features of that tool is the ability to upload and share photos. These photos can then be accessed online at anytime, from any device. They can also be inserted in other Google Tools - like this website.

Social Media

In addition to Google+, we set up Instagram and Twitter accounts for Lola. (Note Google+ is no longer available)