Mountain Country

Post date: Jul 22, 2016 1:43:50 AM


As of now we are traveling up 70, my phone charging plugged into the lighter, and my headphones over my ears playing some good old country music while I write this post.

We took off by about 9 this morning and today we're hoping to be in Denver around 1 or 2 in the afternoon so I can meet an old friend for dinner later in the evening. Armed against the heat with two water bottles filled to the brim with ice, we braved the outdoors only to find that (so far, knock on wood) it wasn't near as hot as yesterday. In fact, I'm actually wearing a light plaid button up shirt over my new Oz t-shirt to keep out of the sun and for once I'm not ripping it off because it's just too hot.


Today has gone pretty well. We arrived in Denver around 1PM and took a quick detour to the Apple store for me to see if I could replace a laptop charger I have been having problems with. After finding out I couldn't fix it until I went home, we continued on our way to our hotel and I waited, only semi-patiently, for an old friend to arrive so I could leave with her. Not long after we found our room and were settled she arrived and I spent the next two hours of the evening walking around Denver. Unfortunately she did have to leave early, but I still loved getting to meet her in person.

Dad's Post Script

Shorter drive today (shortest of the trip, about 250 miles)), but also my first experience with Lola in big city traffic. We get a lot of lookers. Ended up cutting across Denver on major city thoroughfares. Every time I come through here I cannot get over how much growth has gone on here .... and how much traffic there is.

Started noticing some hiccups in Lola's performance and we are attributing it to high altitude. Some sputtering and "popping" when you accelerate/put the gas pedal to it. Wondering about what is in store for us when we hit the passes tomorrow.

Had a good hotel near downtown. Walked downtown ... ate a great Mexican Restaurant that Emily (Shaelyn's "online" friend that she now has met in person) recommended. Had a couple margaritas and went back to the room to watch the Republican National Convention's final night.