9.7 - The Show - Day One

Post date: Jul 14, 2015 1:08:07 PM

I'm not sure if I mentioned this before, but I entered the Daisy Duke/Country Girl beauty contest (done with Challenger Dream Car Giveaway). As I learned, there is a stage involved and a gaggle of men, young and old, below it. They bring cameras and take photos. Along with these men is a table on what turned out to be the left side of the stage, the judges. In a Daisy Duke contest one must strut across the stage, occasionally posing for the audience before presenting themselves to the judges before returning to a line. We do this twice before they choose the top five. Once they do the losers are ruled out and stand in the back while the top five do another four or five rounds in front of the audience until they choose the winner.

As my grandmother would call them, "the goons."

Unfortunately I didn't win so I didn't get the cash prize, but I did learn the drill and I do plan to do it again next year. As a person who likes the stage, it was a fun experience despite the slight awkwardness of standing in the background.

More importantly, during the car show this year I made a few friends. While we were sitting with Lola at the show numerous people would stop by to come chat with us about the car. One of which was a boy, John, a boy from Ohio who I talked to for at least an hour. John usually drove a Cornet that was made sometime in the 60's. His car wasn't in the show this year due to a leaking radiator. He returned later with a trunk ornament (the last thing we needed) but I was at the Daisy Duke contest. He returned again the next day to give it to me. It didn't quite match up with the holes, but I thought something is better than nothing. There were currently just a small series of holes on my trunk.

The second person I talked to was Darrick, a boy from Maryland with curly long red hair. He was showing his 74 Duster in the Young Guns section and entered the burnout competition which he came in third. (Everyone said he should've won though, he was among the first to start and lasted almost to the end on one wheel, making a pretty good amount of smoke from what I could see.) From what I learned, his Duster was his birthday present on his 17th birthday and all the work done on it was his. (Including the instrument panel which I then asked for help on.)