5. Day 1

Post date: Jun 27, 2015 1:52:17 PM

Our sweet dogs, Monroe and Chloe, looked quite forlorn while the car was being packed. We hit the road at 8am. Although we didn't quite hit Ron's 7 am target, I felt pretty confident the Funny Farm was ready to survive our departure. With Shaelyn in the driver's seat. our first stop was Wallace, ID. Driving east on I-90, we got quite a few thumbs up and caused quite a few heads to turn. I have to admit for someone who has worked very hard most of her life to not be noticed, I got quite a kick out of the reaction Lola engendered.

We stopped and got coffee at a great little restaurant, The Red Light Garage, in Wallace. Then we headed to an auto supply store for engine oil (just in case ...). While Ron went into the store, Shaelyn and I stayed in the car. I'm in the driver's seat with the window rolled down when I saw this old, one toothed man looking at us. He walked around the car next to us then doubled back and said "Excuse me. There was an article in the paper..." I responded, "Yep that's us". Well, he got the biggest smile on his face and beamed "I knew it!" Made me smile for the rest of the day. Ron came out of the store and settled in while we told him about the man. Next thing we know, a woman sticks her head in the open back window and said "We had a Valiant. It's name was Zerk". Her Valiant was named after the first 3 letters (ZRK) on the license plate. What a great car name! I think we might have made her day.

After Wallace, our next stop was Missoula, MT where we planned to take a picture of Lola at the location where she was originally purchased. Temperature was in the 90's and the sun was blazing. All our windows were down; side vents were directing air; arms, resting on the window ledges, were getting sun burned. While waiting at a stop light a guy on a Harley struck up a conversation and laughed "No air conditioning?" "Nope," we replied. Then pointing at the engine he was sitting on top of he said, "I feel like a "sun-kebob". We chatted with him at subsequent stoplights and honked goodbye when he and his companion turned into a shopping mall. They waved us on. The car dealer, no longer there, has been replaced by a typical city's strip of shopping malls and fast food chains.

On to Butte where Roger Peterson, of the US Forest Service , recommended to Ron that we stop and get a famous "Wop Chop" at the Freeway Tavern (a favorite of Evel Kenievel). Classic tavern and a filling meal. FYI, a "Wop Chop" is a deep fried pork chop. Tasty but a bit of a belly bomb for me. Then on to Bozeman, our final destination. After checking into our hotel we went downtown for a drink and dessert (Fin - Bar and Seafood). Downtown Bozeman is beautiful with charming old brick buildings and a funky vibe. Lots of bars, shops and restaurants aimed at a college crowd. A memorably dramatic waiter named Carl provided us with a satisfying end to a perfect first day on the road.
