Lola Rides Again!

Post date: Jul 13, 2016 12:06:46 AM

There have been two big developments for Lola today. First off, she's on the road again! Hooray! We took her on a little test drive after refilling the wiper fluid and the vacuum assist and she ran wonderfully… except for one little thing. Which brings us to the second development in Lola's life today: something is burning. Boo. While driving around Carlisle on this test drive, we suddenly noticed a mysterious and slightly ominous smoking coming from a little hole in the rubber between our windshield and the dashboard. Not much, but the volume of smoke emitting from this hole was probably what it would look like if a little mouse crawled into our dashboard and smoked a cigarette. Accompanying this smoke was the smell of melting rubber, something like what you smell when using a hot glue gun.

After some time lying upside down on the driver's seat with my head under the dash I found it–the cause of the smoke and smell. The wire attached to the ammeter has melted tape around it that is slowly burning when Lola is on. We're hoping this will be resolved before the car show, but if it isn't… well, let's just say we will be able to get plenty of input.~ LH